
#Symbol can be the name of an instrument (e.g. "XOM")
#it can be a twsContract
#it can be a twsInstrument
#it can be an instrument

#' download Bid Ask Trade data and merge into BAT object
#' getBAT downloads and merges data for Bid, Ask, and Trade. reqTBBO is an
#' alias for getBAT. 
#' reqTBBO is an alias for getBAT.
#' Symbol can be one of: an instrument, the name of an instrument, the name of
#' an undefined stock, or a twsContract object.
#' Before making a request for historical data, Symbol will be passed through
#' \code{Contr_From_Instr} (which is a wrapper for \code{buildIBcontract})
#' which will convert Symbol into an updated, complete twsContract.
#' If you want to get data for something other than a stock, then \code{Symbol}
#' should be an instrument object, a twsContract object or the name of a
#' previosly defined instrument
#' Unlike reqHistoricalData, The \code{endDateTime} argument must be of the
#' form 'CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
#' If the contract is expired, the minimum (i.e. oldest) of \code{endDateTime},
#' if given, and 1 minute before midnight on the expiration date, will be used
#' for endDateTime in the call to reqHistoricalData.
#' Below is copied from the help page for \code{\link[IBrokers]{reqHistoricalData}} 
#' If endDateTime is not specified the current time as returned from the TWS
#' server will be used. This is the preferred method for backfilling data. The
#' \sQuote{TZ} portion of the string is optional.
#' Legal \code{barSize} settings are technically \sQuote{1 secs},\sQuote{5
#' secs},\sQuote{15 secs}, \sQuote{30 mins},\sQuote{1 min},\sQuote{2 mins},
#' \sQuote{3 mins},\sQuote{5 mins},\sQuote{15 mins}, \sQuote{30 mins},\sQuote{1
#' hour},\sQuote{1 day}, \sQuote{1 week},\sQuote{1 month},\sQuote{3 months},
#' and \sQuote{1 year}. They must be specified exactly and there is no
#' guarantee from the API that all will work for all securities or durations.
#' The duration string must be of the form \sQuote{n S} where the last
#' character may be any one of \sQuote{S} (seconds), \sQuote{D} (days),
#' \sQuote{W} (weeks), \sQuote{M} (months), and \sQuote{Y} (year). At present
#' the limit for years is 1.
#' @aliases getBAT reqTBBO
#' @param Symbols can be a twsInstrument, a twsContract, an instrumnet or the
#' name of an instrument. (you can give it a character vector to get multiple
#' Symbols)
#' @param endDateTime end date/time for request. See details.
#' @param tws a twsConnection object. optional.
#' @param barSize bar size to retrieve. default='1 min'
#' @param duration time span the request will cover. default='5 D'
#' @param useRTH only include regular trading hours?
#' @param auto.assign if TRUE, data will be assigned to symbols in the env or
#' .GlobalEnv if no env given.
#' @param env environment in which to save results
#' @return Returns (or assigns) an xts object containing Bid.Price, Ask.Price,
#' Trade.Price, Mid.Price, along with additional information stored in the
#' objects xtsAttributes,
#' @author Garrett See
#' @seealso \code{\link{reqTBBOhistory}}, \code{\link{Contr_From_Instr}}, 
#' \code{\link[IBrokers]{reqHistoricalData}}, \code{\link[IBrokers]{reqHistory}},
#' getIBequities
#' @references InteractiveBrokers \url{www.interactivebrokers.com}
#' IB API \url{http://interactivebrokers.com/php/apiUsersGuide/apiguide.htm}
#' IB Historic Data Limitations
#' \url{http://individuals.interactivebrokers.com/php/apiUsersGuide/apiguide/api/historical_data_limitations.htm#XREF_93621_Historical_Data}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #If no instrument is defined for symbol, 
#' #it will assume you are trying to get a stock
#' getBAT("XOM")
#' #Alternatively, pass a twsContract
#' contract <- twsSTK("XOM","SMART","NYSE")
#' getBAT(contract)
#' #or, if you use FinancialInstrument, add an IB slot to hold
#' #the twsContract object
#' currency('USD')
#' stock('XOM', 'USD', 1, IB=twsSTK('XOM'))
#' getBAT('XOM') #gets contract from .instrument
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname getBAT
getBAT <- function(Symbols, endDateTime, tws=NULL, 
        barSize='1 min', duration='5 D', 
        useRTH="1", auto.assign=TRUE, 
        env=.GlobalEnv) {
    #TODO: use dots. check for tws, symbol, contract, endDateTime, barSize, duration, clientId
    if (missing(endDateTime)) endDateTime <- Sys.time()    
    if (length(Symbols) > 1 && !auto.assign) stop('auto.assign must be TRUE if using multiple Symbols')
    symout <- NULL	
    for (symbol in Symbols) {
	    contract <- getContract(symbol,verbose=FALSE)
        if (!is.null(contract$expiry) && contract$expiry != "") {
            endDate <- min(as.Date(contract$expiry,format="%Y%m%d"), Sys.Date())
            endDateTime <- as.POSIXct(paste(endDate, "23:59:59"))    
        endDateTimeIB <- paste(format(as.POSIXct(endDateTime),"%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S")) #format for IB
        if (missing(tws) || is.null(tws) || (is.twsConnection(tws) && !isConnected(tws)) ) 
            tws <- ConnectIB(c(120:124, 150))
        if (isConnected(tws)) cat(paste('Connected with clientId ', tws$clientId, '.\n',sep=""))    
        fields <- c("BID","ASK","TRADES")
        BID <- ASK <- TRADES <- NULL
            for (field in fields) {
                assign(field, reqHistoricalData(tws,contract,endDateTime=endDateTimeIB,
                            barSize=barSize,duration=duration,useRTH=useRTH, whatToShow=field))
                if (!is.null(get(field))) {
                    cat("Pausing 10 seconds between requests ...\n")
                    Sys.sleep(10) #to avoid IB pacing violation.
            cat("Disconnecting ... \n")
        }, finally=try(twsDisconnect(tws), silent=TRUE) )

        if (!is.null(BID) && !is.null(ASK)) { # && !is.null(TRADES)) {
	        bat <- merge(Cl(BID),Cl(ASK),all=FALSE)
            bat <- na.omit(bat)
            if (!is.null(TRADES)) {        
                bat <- merge(bat,Cl(TRADES),all=FALSE)
                bat <- na.locf(bat,na.rm=TRUE)	    
            bat$Mid.Price <- (bat[,1] + bat[,2])/2
            bat <- na.omit(bat)
            if (!is.null(TRADES)) {
                bat <- merge(bat, Vo(TRADES))
            	colnames(bat) <- paste(contract$symbol, 
                                    c('Bid.Price', 'Ask.Price', 'Trade.Price', 'Mid.Price', 'Volume'), sep='.')
            } else colnames(bat) <- paste(contract$symbol,c('Bid.Price','Ask.Price','Mid.Price'),sep='.')
	        if (auto.assign) { 
                assign(symbol, bat, envir=env)
	    	    symout <- c(symout, symbol)
	        } else { return(bat) }
        } else if (!is.null(TRADES)) {  # This part was added to deal with "TICK-NYSE"
            bat <- Cl(TRADES)
            colnames(bat) <- paste(contract$symbol, 'Trade.Price', sep=".")
            if (auto.assign) { 
                assign(make.names(symbol), bat, envir=env)
	    	    symout <- c(symout, make.names(symbol))
	        } else { return(bat) }
        } else return(NULL)

#' @export
#' @rdname getBAT
reqTBBO <- getBAT
gsee/twsInstrument documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:55 a.m.