
Defines functions if_total

Documented in if_total

#' Calculate item facility
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise_all
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @export if_total
#' @param data A data frame of dichotomously scored test times
#' @param items Raw column indices representing the test items
#' @return Item_facility Item facility values for test items
#' @examples 
#' if_total(bh_depend, 2:31)

if_total <- function(data, items){
  Item_facility <- data %>%
    select(., items) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(mean)) %>%
    as.data.frame(.) %>%
    as_tibble(., rownames = 'items') %>%
    rename(., 'if_total' = "V1")

#' Calculate item facility for passing students
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% 
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise_all
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @export if_pass
#' @param data A data frame of dichotomously scored test times
#' @param items Raw column indices representing the test items
#' @param cut_score A raw or percentage cut-score
#' @param scale A character vector indicating whether the cut-score
#' is 'raw' (default) or 'percent'
#' @return Item_facility_pass Item facility values for test items of
#' of test takers who passed the test
#' @examples 
#' if_pass(bh_depend, 2:31, 21, scale = 'raw')

if_pass <- function(data, items, cut_score, scale = 'raw'){
  data$raw_total <- data %>%
    select(., items) %>%
  data$perc_total <- data %>%
    select(., items) %>% {
      (rowSums(.) / length(items)) * 100
  if (scale == 'percent') {
    data$total <- data$perc_total
  if (scale == 'raw') {
    data$total <- data$raw_total
  data$pass <- ifelse(data$total >= cut_score, 'pass', 'fail')
  Item_facility_pass <- data %>%
    filter(pass %in% 'pass') %>%
    select(., items) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(mean)) %>%
    t(.) %>%
    as.data.frame(.) %>%
    as_tibble(., rownames = 'items') %>%
    rename(., 'if_pass' = "V1")


#' Calculate item facility for failing students
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise_all
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @export if_fail
#' @param data A data frame of dichotomously scored test times
#' @param items Raw column indices representing the test items
#' @param cut_score A raw or percentage cut-score
#' @param scale A character vector indicating whether the cut-score
#' is 'raw' (default) or 'percent'
#' @return Item_facility_fail Item facility values for test items of
#' of test takers who failed the test
#' @examples 
#' if_fail(bh_depend, 2:31, 21, scale = 'raw')

if_fail <- function(data, items, cut_score, scale = 'raw'){
  data$raw_total <- data %>%
    select(., items) %>%
  data$perc_total <- data %>%
    select(., items) %>% {
      (rowSums(.) / length(items)) * 100
  if (scale == 'percent') {
    data$total <- data$perc_total
  if (scale == 'raw') {
    data$total <- data$raw_total
  data$pass <- ifelse(data$total >= cut_score, 'pass', 'fail')
  Item_facility_fail <- data %>%
    filter(pass %in% 'fail') %>%
    select(., items) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(mean)) %>%
    t(.) %>%
    as.data.frame(.) %>%
    as_tibble(., rownames = 'items') %>%
    rename(., 'if_fail' = "V1")

#' Calculate B-index
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom tibble as_data_frame
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise_all
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @export b_index
#' @param data A data frame of dichotomously scored test times
#' @param items Raw column indices representing the test items
#' @param cut_score A raw or percentage cut-score
#' @param scale A character vector indicating whether the cut-score
#' is 'raw' (default) or 'percent'
#' @return Bindex B-index values for items on the test
#' @examples 
#' b_index(bh_depend, 2:31, 21, scale = 'raw')

b_index <- function(data, items, cut_score, scale = 'raw'){
  data$raw_total <- rowSums(data[items])
  data$perc_total <- (rowSums(data[items]) / length(items)) * 100
  ifelse(scale == 'percent', data$total <- data$perc_total, data$total <- data$raw_total)
  data$pass <- ifelse(data$total >= cut_score, 'pass', 'fail')
  Item_facility_pass <- data %>%
    filter(pass %in% 'pass') %>%
    select(., items) %>%
    summarise_all(., funs(mean)) 
  Item_facility_fail <- data %>%
    filter(pass %in% 'fail') %>%
    select(., items) %>%
    summarise_all(., funs(mean)) 
  Bindex <- Item_facility_pass - Item_facility_fail
  Bindex <- Bindex %>%
    t(.) %>%
    as.data.frame(.) %>%
    as_tibble(., rownames = 'items') %>%
    rename(., 'b_index' = "V1")

#' Calculate Agreement statistic
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% 
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise_all
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise
#' @importFrom dplyr funs
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @export agree_stat
#' @param data A data frame of dichotomously scored test times
#' @param items Raw column indices representing the test items
#' @param cut_score A raw or percentage cut-score
#' @param scale A character vector indicating whether the cut-score
#' is 'raw' (default) or 'percent'
#' @return Agree Agreement statistic values for items on the test
#' @examples 
#' agree_stat(bh_depend, 2:31, 21, scale = 'raw')

agree_stat <- function(data, items, cut_score, scale = 'raw'){
  data$raw_total <- rowSums(data[items])
  data$perc_total <- (rowSums(data[items]) / length(items)) * 100
  ifelse(scale == 'percent', data$total <- data$perc_total, data$total <- data$raw_total)
  data$pass <- ifelse(data$total >= cut_score, 'pass', 'fail')

  PiT <- data %>%
    filter(pass %in% 'pass') %>%
    select(., items) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(sum)) %>%
    .[] / length(data[[1]])

  Qi <- data %>%
    select(., items) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(counts=sum(. == 0,na.rm=TRUE))) %>%
    .[] / length(data[[1]])

  Pt <- data %>%
    summarise(pass_prop = length(which(pass %in% 'pass'))/length(pass)) %>%
    rep(.,length(items)) %>%

  Agree <- (2 * PiT) + Qi - Pt 
  Agree <- Agree %>%
    t(.) %>%
    as.data.frame(.) %>%
    as_tibble(., rownames = 'items') %>%
    rename(., 'agree' = "V1")


#' Calculate Item Phi
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise_all
#' @importFrom dplyr funs
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @export item_phi
#' @param data A data frame of dichotomously scored test times
#' @param items Raw column indices representing the test items
#' @param cut_score A raw or percentage cut-score
#' @param scale A character vector indicating whether the cut-score
#' is 'raw' (default) or 'percent'
#' @return Phi Item Phi values for items on the test
#' @examples 
#' item_phi(bh_depend, 2:31, 21, scale = 'raw')

item_phi <- function(data, items, cut_score, scale = 'raw'){
  data$raw_total <- rowSums(data[items])
  data$perc_total <- (rowSums(data[items]) / length(items)) * 100
  ifelse(scale == 'percent', data$total <- data$perc_total, data$total <- data$raw_total)
  data$pass <- ifelse(data$total >= cut_score, 'pass', 'fail')
  PiT <- data %>%
    filter(pass %in% 'pass') %>%
    select(., items) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(sum)) %>%
    .[] / length(data[[1]])
  Qi <- data %>%
    select(., items) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(counts=sum(. == 0,na.rm=TRUE))) %>%
  Pi <- 1 - Qi
  Pt <- data %>%
    summarise(pass_prop = length(which(pass %in% 'pass'))/length(pass)) %>%
    rep(.,length(items)) %>%
  Qt <- 1 - Pt
  Phi <- (PiT - (Pi*Pt)) / (sqrt(Pi * Qi * Pt * Qt))
  Phi <- Phi %>%
    t(.) %>%
    as.data.frame(.) %>%
    as_tibble(., rownames = 'items') %>%
    rename(., 'phi' = "V1")

#' Calculate criterion-referenced item discrimination indices
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tibble as_data_frame
#' @importFrom dplyr full_join
#' @export crt_iteman
#' @param data A data frame of dichotomously scored test times
#' @param items Raw column indices representing the test items
#' @param cut_score A raw or percentage cut-score
#' @param scale A character vector indicating whether the cut-score
#' is 'raw' (default) or 'percent'
#' @return \code{if_pass} contains item facility values for test items for students who 
#' passed the test
#' @return \code{if_fail} contains item facility values for test items for students who did not pass the test
#' @return \code{if_total} contains item facility values for test items 
#' @return \code{b_index} contains b-index values for items on the test
#' @return \code{agree_stat} contains agreement statistic values for items on the test
#' @return \code{item_phi} contains item phi values for items on the test
#' @examples 
#' crt_iteman(bh_depend, 2:31, 21, scale = 'raw')

crt_iteman <- function(data, items, cut_score, scale = 'raw'){

  item_fac <- if_total(data, items = items)

  item_fac_pass <- if_pass(data, items = items, cut_score = cut_score, scale = scale)

  item_fac_fail <- if_fail(data, items = items, cut_score = cut_score, scale = scale)

  b <- b_index(data, items = items, cut_score = cut_score, scale = scale)

  a <- agree_stat(data, items = items, cut_score = cut_score, scale = scale)

  p <- item_phi(data, items = items, cut_score = cut_score, scale = scale)

  iteman <- item_fac_pass %>%
    full_join(item_fac_fail, by = "items") %>%
    full_join(item_fac, by = "items") %>%
    full_join(b, by = "items") %>%
    full_join(a, by = "items") %>%
    full_join(p, by = "items")


globalVariables(c('pass', '.', 'total'))
gtlaflair/rcrtan documentation built on May 24, 2021, 11:07 a.m.