
# these are "simple" tests for generateFilterValuesData and filterFeatures.
# we test the general code here, for exhaustive tests for all filters please look at file
# "test_featsel_filters.R"


test_that("filterFeatures", {
  ns = getTaskFeatureNames(binaryclass.task)
  f = filterFeatures(binaryclass.task, method = "variance", select = "threshold", threshold = -Inf)
  expect_equal(f, binaryclass.task)

  feat.imp.old = suppressWarnings(generateFilterValuesData(binaryclass.task))
  expect_data_frame(feat.imp.old$data, types = c("character", "numeric"), nrow = length(ns), ncols = 3,
    col.names = "named")
  expect_equal(ns, feat.imp.old$data$name)

  feat.imp.new = suppressWarnings(generateFilterValuesData(binaryclass.task))
  expect_data_frame(feat.imp.new$data, types = c("character", "numeric"), nrow = length(ns), ncols = 3,
    col.names = "named")
  expect_equal(names(feat.imp.new$data), c("name", "type", "randomForestSRC.rfsrc"))
  expect_equal(ns, feat.imp.new$data$name)

  feat.imp.old = suppressWarnings(generateFilterValuesData(binaryclass.task, method = "variance"))
  expect_data_frame(feat.imp.old$data, types = c("character", "numeric"), nrow = length(ns), ncols = 3,
    col.names = "named")
  expect_equal(ns, feat.imp.old$data$name)
  f = filterFeatures(binaryclass.task, method = "variance", abs = 5L)
  expect_true(setequal(getTaskFeatureNames(f), head(sortByCol(feat.imp.old$data, "variance", asc = FALSE), 5L)$name))
  # now check that we get the same result by operating on generateFilterValuesData
  feat.imp.old = suppressWarnings(generateFilterValuesData(binaryclass.task, method = "variance"))
  ff = filterFeatures(binaryclass.task, fval = feat.imp.old, abs = 5L)
  expect_equal(f, ff)

  feat.imp.new = generateFilterValuesData(binaryclass.task, method = "variance")
  expect_data_frame(feat.imp.new$data, types = c("character", "numeric"), nrow = length(ns), ncols = 3,
    col.names = "named")
  expect_equal(names(feat.imp.new$data), c("name", "type", "variance"))
  expect_equal(ns, feat.imp.new$data$name)
  f = filterFeatures(binaryclass.task, method = "variance", abs = 5L)
      head(sortByCol(feat.imp.new$data, "variance", asc = FALSE), 5L)$name))
  # now check that we get the same result by operating on generateFilterValuesData
  feat.imp.new = generateFilterValuesData(binaryclass.task, method = "variance")
  ff = filterFeatures(binaryclass.task, fval = feat.imp.new, abs = 5L)
  expect_equal(f, ff)

  f1 = filterFeatures(binaryclass.task, abs = 1L, mandatory.feat = "V1", ntree = 1L)
  f2 = subsetTask(binaryclass.task, features = "V1")
  expect_equal(f1, f2)

  f1 = filterFeatures(multiclass.task, abs = round(0.5 * ncol(multiclass.df)))
  f2 = filterFeatures(multiclass.task, perc = 0.5)
  expect_equal(f1, f2)

  lrn1 = makeFilterWrapper("classif.rpart", fw.perc = 0.2)
  m = train(lrn1, multiclass.task)
  f = getFilteredFeatures(m)
  expect_is(f, "character")
  expect_equal(length(f), 1L)

test_that("plotFilterValues", {
  filter.methods = listFilterMethods(tasks = TRUE)

  filter.classif = as.character(filter.methods[filter.methods$task.classif == TRUE, "id"])
  filter.classif = setdiff(filter.classif, "permutation.importance") # this filter needs additional arguments

  fv = generateFilterValuesData(binaryclass.task, method = filter.classif)

  filter.regr = as.character(filter.methods[filter.methods$task.regr == TRUE & filter.methods$task.classif == FALSE, "id"])

  fv = generateFilterValuesData(regr.num.task, method = filter.regr)

  path = paste(tempdir(), "test.svg")
  fv2 = generateFilterValuesData(binaryclass.task, method = c("variance", "randomForestSRC.rfsrc"))
  doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
  expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, black.bar.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(40))
  expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, grey.rect.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(ncol(fv2$data) - 2))
  ## plotFilterValuesGGVIS(fv2)

  # facetting works:
  q = plotFilterValues(fv2, facet.wrap.nrow = 2L)
  testFacetting(q, 2L)
  q = plotFilterValues(fv2, facet.wrap.ncol = 2L)
  testFacetting(q, ncol = 2L)

test_that("args are passed down to filter methods", { # we had an issue here, see #941

  expect_error(generateFilterValuesData(regr.num.task, method = c("mrmr", "univariate.model.score"),
    nselect = 3, perf.learner = "regr.lm"), "Please pass extra arguments")

  # check that we can pass down perf.learner to univariate.model.score, and get no error from mrmr call
  f = generateFilterValuesData(regr.num.task, method = c("mrmr", "univariate.model.score"),
    nselect = 3, more.args = list(univariate.model.score = list(perf.learner = "regr.lm")))

  # create stupid dummy data and check that we can change the na.rm arg of filter "variance" in multiple ways
  d = iris; d[1L, 1L] = NA_real_
  task = makeClassifTask(data = d, target = "Species")

  f1 = generateFilterValuesData(task, method = "variance", na.rm = FALSE)
  f2 = generateFilterValuesData(task, method = "variance", na.rm = TRUE)
  f3 = generateFilterValuesData(task, method = "variance", more.args = list(variance = list(na.rm = TRUE)))
  f4 = generateFilterValuesData(task, method = c("univariate.model.score", "variance"), more.args = list(variance = list(na.rm = TRUE)))


test_that("errors for unsupported task and feature types", {
  expect_error(generateFilterValuesData(multiclass.task, method = c("mrmr", "variance", "linear.correlation")), "Filter(s) 'mrmr', 'linear.correlation' not compatible with task of type 'classif'", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_error(generateFilterValuesData(regr.task, method = c("mrmr", "carscore")), "Filter(s) 'mrmr', 'carscore' not compatible with features of type 'factors', and 'factors' respectively", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_error(generateFilterValuesData(regr.task, method = "carscore"), "Filter(s) 'carscore' not compatible with features of type 'factors' respectively", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("filter values are named and ordered correctly", { # we had an issue here, see #940
  ns = getTaskFeatureNames(regr.task)
  mock.filter = makeFilter(
    desc = "Mock Filter",
    pkg = "",
    supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr", "surv"),
    supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
    fun = function(task, nselect) {
      ns = getTaskFeatureNames(task)
      d = seq_along(ns)
      names(d) = ns
      d = c(d[-1], d[1])
  fv = generateFilterValuesData(regr.task, method = "mock.filter")
  expect_equal(fv$data$name, ns)
  expect_equal(fv$data$mock.filter, seq_along(ns))
  rm("mock.filter", envir = mlr:::.FilterRegister)

test_that("filter method 'variance' works with missing values", {
  fi = generateFilterValuesData(regr.na.num.task, method = "variance")
guillermozbta/s2 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:01 p.m.