
Defines functions peel peel_anywhere peel_outer

Documented in peel

#' Peel off low density regions of the data.
#' Keeps specified proportion of data by removing the lowest density regions,
#' either anywhere on the plot, or for 2d, just around the edges.
#' This is useful for visualisation, as an easy way of focussing on the regions
#' where the majority of the data lies.
#' @param x condensed summary
#' @param keep (approximate) proportion of data to keep. If \code{1}, will
#'   remove all cells with counts.  All missing values will be preserved.
#' @param central if \code{TRUE} peels off regions of lowest density only from
#'   the outside of the data. In 2d this works by progressively peeling off
#'   convex hull of the data: the current algorithm is quite slow.
#'   If \code{FALSE}, just removes the lowest density regions wherever they are
#'   found. Regions with 0 density are removed regardless of location.
#'   Defaults to TRUE if there are two or fewer grouping variables is less.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rt(1e5, df = 2)
#' y <- rt(1e5, df = 2)
#' xysum <- condense(bin(x, 1 / 10), bin(y, 1 / 10))
#' plot(xysum$x, xysum$y)
#' plot(peel(xysum, 0.95, central = TRUE)[1:2])
#' plot(peel(xysum, 0.90, central = TRUE)[1:2])
#' plot(peel(xysum, 0.50, central = TRUE)[1:2])
peel <- function(x, keep = 0.99, central = NULL) {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(keep), length(keep) == 1, keep > 0, keep <= 1)
  central <- central %||% (gcol(x) <= 2)
  stopifnot(is.logical(central), length(central) == 1)

  if (is.null(x$.count)) {
    stop("Can only peel objects with .count variable", call. = FALSE)

  x <- x[x$.count > 0, , drop = FALSE]
  if (keep == 1) return(x)

  complete <- complete.cases(x[group_vars(x)])
  x_complete <- x[complete, , drop = FALSE]

  if (central) {
    peeled <- peel_outer(x_complete, keep)
  } else {
    peeled <- peel_anywhere(x_complete, keep)

  rbind(peeled, x[!complete, , drop = FALSE])

peel_anywhere <- function(x, keep) {
  ord <- order(x$.count, decreasing = TRUE)
  prop <- cumsum(x$.count[ord]) / sum(x$.count)

  ind <- which(prop >= keep)[1]
  x[ord[seq_len(ind)], , drop = FALSE]

peel_outer <- function(x, keep) {
  d <- gcol(x)
  if (d > 2) {
    stop("Outer peeling only works with 1d or 2d data", call. = FALSE)

  n <- sum(x$.count)
  x <- x[order(x$.count, decreasing = TRUE), ]
  prop <- cumsum(x$.count) / n

  # Peel off smallest values on chull
  candidate <- which(prop >= keep)
  on_hull <- intersect(candidate, chull(x[1:d]))
  left <- sum(x$.count[-on_hull]) / n

  while(left >= keep && length(on_hull) > 0) {
    x <- x[-on_hull, , drop = FALSE]
    prop <- prop[-on_hull]
    candidate <- which(prop >= keep)
    on_hull <- intersect(candidate, chull(x[1:d]))
    left <- sum(x$.count[-on_hull]) / n

hadley/bigvis documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:45 a.m.