
#' @@autoImport: automatically add import statements.
#' Using this tag will automatically add all external functions used by the
#' function to the namespace.  If there are any ambiguities (i.e. the same
#' name is used by multiple packages) you can resolve them using
#' \code{@@importFrom}
#' @tagUsage @@autoImports
setClass("AutoImportsTag", contains = "Tag")
#' @autoImports
setMethod("process", "AutoImportsTag", function(input, block) {
  obj <- block@object
  tag(block, "autoImport") <- NULL

  if (!is.function(obj@value)) return(block)

  importFrom <- tag(block, "importFrom")
  auto <- at_location(auto_imports(obj@value, value(importFrom)), obj)

  importFrom@imports <- c(importFrom@imports, auto)

  tag(block, "importFrom") <- importFrom

setMethod("getPrereqs", "AutoImportsTag", function(tag) {
hadley/roxygen3 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:16 p.m.