
Defines functions get_insee_idbank

Documented in get_insee_idbank

#' Get data from INSEE series idbank
#' @details Get data from INSEE series idbanks.
#' The user can disable the download display in the console with the following command :
#' Sys.setenv(INSEE_download_verbose = "FALSE")
#' @param ... one or several series key (idbank)
#' @param startPeriod start date of data
#' @param endPeriod end date of data
#' @param firstNObservations get the first N observations for each key series (idbank)
#' @param lastNObservations get the last N observations for each key series (idbank)
#' @param includeHistory boolean to access the previous releases (not available on all series)
#' @param updatedAfter starting point for querying the previous releases (format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
#' @param limit by default, the function get_insee_idbank has a 1200-idbank limit.
#' Set limit argument to FALSE to ignore the limit or modify the limit with the following command : Sys.setenv(INSEE_idbank_limit = 1200)
#' @return a tibble with the data
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #example 1 : import price index of industrial products and turnover index : manufacture of wood
#' data = get_insee_idbank("001558315", "010540726")
#' #example 2 : unemployment data
#' library(tidyverse)
#' df_idbank_list_selected =
#'   get_idbank_list("CHOMAGE-TRIM-NATIONAL") %>%  #unemployment dataset
#'   filter(SEXE == 0) %>% #men and women
#'   add_insee_title()
#' idbank_list_selected = df_idbank_list_selected %>% pull(idbank)
#' unem = get_insee_idbank(idbank_list_selected)
#' #example 3 : French GDP growth rate
#' library(tidyverse)
#' df_idbank_list_selected =
#'   get_idbank_list("CNT-2014-PIB-EQB-RF") %>%  # Gross domestic product balance
#'   filter(FREQ == "T") %>% #quarter
#'   filter(OPERATION == "PIB") %>% #GDP
#'   filter(NATURE == "TAUX") %>% #rate
#'   filter(CORRECTION == "CVS-CJO") #SA-WDA, seasonally adjusted, working day adjusted
#' idbank = df_idbank_list_selected %>% pull(idbank)
#' data = get_insee_idbank(idbank) %>%
#'   add_insee_metadata()
#' #plot
#' ggplot(data, aes(x = DATE, y = OBS_VALUE)) +
#' geom_col() +
#' ggtitle("French GDP growth rate, quarter-on-quarter, sa-wda") +
#' labs(subtitle = sprintf("Last updated : %s", data$TIME_PERIOD[1]))
#' }
#' @export
get_insee_idbank <- function(...,
                             limit = TRUE,
                             startPeriod = NULL,
                             endPeriod = NULL,
                             firstNObservations = NULL,
                             lastNObservations = NULL,
                             includeHistory = NULL,
                             updatedAfter = NULL){

  insee_bdm_series_link = Sys.getenv("INSEE_sdmx_link_idbank")
  insee_get_idbank_limit = as.numeric(Sys.getenv("INSEE_get_idbank_limit"))
  insee_sdmx_idbank_limit = as.numeric(Sys.getenv("INSEE_sdmx_idbank_limit"))
  insee_download_verbose = if(Sys.getenv("INSEE_download_verbose") == "TRUE"){TRUE}else{FALSE}

  if(length(list(...)) == 0){
    msg = "The idbank list is missing"
    message(crayon::style(msg, "red"))
  }else if(length(list(...)) == 1){
    list_idbank = list(...)[[1]]
    list_idbank = unlist(list(...))

  list_idbank = unique(list_idbank)
  n_idbank = length(list_idbank)

  if(n_idbank == 0){
    msg = "Error : idbank missing"
    message(crayon::style(msg, "red"))

  if(n_idbank > insee_get_idbank_limit & limit){
    msg1 = sprintf("By default, this function has a %s-idbank limit.", insee_get_idbank_limit)
    msg2 = "Please set limit argument to FALSE to ignore the limit."
    msg3 = "Otherwise, modify the limit with the following command : Sys.setenv(INSEE_idbank_limit = 1200)."
    msg4 = "Beware that it could be slow."
    msg5 = "Nevertheless, the data is cached, so all queries are only run once per R session."
    msg6 = "A query run twice is then almost immediate."
    msg = sprintf("%s\n  %s\n  %s\n  %s\n  %s\n  %s", msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4, msg5, msg6)
    message(crayon::style(msg, "red"))
  if(n_idbank > insee_sdmx_idbank_limit & limit & insee_download_verbose){
    msg1 = sprintf("The number of idbanks is higher than %s (insee's sdmx query limit),", insee_sdmx_idbank_limit)
    msg2 = "multiple queries are then triggered."
    msg3 = "To make it faster, please reduce the number of idbanks."
    msg4 = "The data is cached, so all queries are only run once per R session."
    msg5 = "A query run twice is then almost immediate."
    msg = sprintf("%s\n  %s\n  %s\n  %s\n  %s\n", msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4, msg5)
    message(crayon::style(msg, "red"))

    if(includeHistory == TRUE){includeHistory = "true"}

  arg = c("startPeriod", "endPeriod", "firstNObservations", "lastNObservations",
          "includeHistory", "updatedAfter")
  null_arg_vector = unlist(lapply(arg, function(x) is.null(get(x))))

    get_param = function(x) if(!is.null(get(x))){return(paste0(x, "=", get(x)))}
    param2add = paste0(unlist(lapply(arg, get_param)), collapse = "&")

  max_seq = ceiling(n_idbank / insee_sdmx_idbank_limit)

  if(n_idbank > insee_sdmx_idbank_limit & insee_download_verbose){
    msg1 = "Data download and Dataframe build steps will"
    msg = sprintf("%s be repeted %s times, unless cached data exist.\n", msg1, max_seq)
    message(crayon::style(msg, "black"))

  list_seq = lapply(1:max_seq, function(x){
      return(((x-1) * insee_sdmx_idbank_limit + 1):(x * insee_sdmx_idbank_limit))

  list_df = list()

  for (j in 1:max_seq){

    selected_idbank = min(list_seq[[j]]):(min(max(list_seq[[j]]), n_idbank))
    list_idbank_selected = paste0(list_idbank[selected_idbank], collapse = "+")

    link = sprintf("%s/%s", insee_bdm_series_link, list_idbank_selected)

      link = paste0(link, "?", param2add)

    df = get_insee(link = link, step = sprintf("%s/%s", j, max_seq))

      list_df[[length(list_df)+1]] = df


  data = dplyr::bind_rows(list_df)

hadrilec/insee documentation built on Oct. 13, 2021, 12:03 p.m.