
Defines functions scale_y_productlist scale_x_productlist scale_type.productlist

Documented in scale_type.productlist scale_x_productlist scale_y_productlist

#' Helper function for determining scales
#' Used internally to determine class of variable x
#' @param x variable
#' @return character string "productlist"
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_type
#' @export
scale_type.productlist <- function(x) {
  #  cat("checking for type productlist\n")

#' Determining scales for mosaics
#' @param name set to pseudo waiver function `product_names` by default.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::continuous_scale
#' @export
scale_x_productlist <- function(name = ggplot2::waiver(), breaks = product_breaks(),
                                minor_breaks = NULL, labels = product_labels(),
                                limits = NULL, expand = ggplot2::waiver(), oob = scales::censor,
                                na.value = NA_real_, trans = "identity",
                                position = "bottom", sec.axis = ggplot2::waiver()) {
  sc <- ggplot2::continuous_scale(
    c("x", "xmin", "xmax", "xend", "xintercept", "xmin_final", "xmax_final", "xlower", "xmiddle", "xupper"),
    "position_c", identity, name = name, breaks = breaks,
    minor_breaks = minor_breaks, labels = labels, limits = limits,
    expand = expand, oob = oob, na.value = na.value, trans = trans,
    guide = ggplot2::waiver(), position = position, super = ScaleContinuousProduct

  if (!is.waive(sec.axis)) {
    if (is.formula(sec.axis)) sec.axis <- ggplot2::sec_axis(sec.axis)
    is.sec_axis = getFromNamespace("is.sec_axis", "ggplot2")
    if (is.sec_axis(sec.axis)) stop("Secondary axes must be specified using 'sec_axis()'")
    sc$secondary.axis <- sec.axis

#' @rdname scale_x_productlist
#' @param sec.axis specify a secondary axis
#' @export
scale_y_productlist <- function(name = ggplot2::waiver(), breaks = product_breaks(),
                                minor_breaks = NULL, labels = product_labels(),
                                limits = NULL, expand = ggplot2::waiver(), oob = scales::censor,
                                na.value = NA_real_, trans = "identity",
                                position = "left", sec.axis = ggplot2::waiver()) {
  sc <- ggplot2::continuous_scale(
    c("y", "ymin", "ymax", "yend", "yintercept", "ymin_final", "ymax_final", "ylower", "ymiddle", "yupper"),
    "position_c", identity, name = name, breaks = breaks,
    minor_breaks = minor_breaks, labels = labels, limits = limits,
    expand = expand, oob = oob, na.value = na.value, trans = trans,
    guide = ggplot2::waiver(), position = position, super = ScaleContinuousProduct

  if (!is.waive(sec.axis)) {
    if (is.formula(sec.axis)) sec.axis <- ggplot2::sec_axis(sec.axis)
    is.sec_axis = getFromNamespace("is.sec_axis", "ggplot2")
    if (is.sec_axis(sec.axis)) stop("Secondary axes must be specified using 'sec_axis()'")
    sc$secondary.axis <- sec.axis

#' @rdname scale_x_productlist
#' @export
ScaleContinuousProduct <- ggproto(
  "ScaleContinuousProduct", ScaleContinuousPosition,
  train =function(self, x) {
    #cat("train in ScaleContinuousProduct\n")
    #cat("class of variable: ")
    if (is.list(x)) {
      x <- x[[1]]
      if ("Scale" %in% class(x)) {
        # re-assign the scale values now that we have the information - but only if necessary
        if (is.function(self$breaks)) self$breaks <- x$breaks
        if (is.function(self$labels)) self$labels <- x$labels
        if (is.waive(self$name)) {
          self$product_name <- gsub("x__alpha__", "", x$name)
          self$product_name <- gsub("x__fill__", "", self$product_name)
          self$product_name <- gsub("x__", "", self$product_name)
          self$product_name <- gsub("conds\\d__", "", self$product_name)
    if (is.discrete(x)) {
  map = function(self, x, limits = self$get_limits()) {
    #cat("map in ScaleContinuousProduct\n")
    if (is.discrete(x)) return(x)
    if (is.list(x)) return(0) # need a number
    scaled <- as.numeric(self$oob(x, limits))
    ifelse(!is.na(scaled), scaled, self$na.value)
  dimension = function(self, expand = c(0, 0)) {
    #cat("dimension in ScaleContinuousProduct\n")
  make_title = function(title, self) {
    if(title %in% self$aesthetics){
      title <- self$product_name
    else title
haleyjeppson/ggmosaic documentation built on July 6, 2023, 6:34 a.m.