
Defines functions sp.RiverDown sp.RiverPath sp.RiverOrder NodeIDList FromToNode RiverType sp.RiverSeg SharedPoints

Documented in FromToNode NodeIDList RiverType sp.RiverDown sp.RiverOrder sp.RiverPath sp.RiverSeg

#' determine index of downstream
#' \code{sp.RiverOrder}
#' @param sp SpatialLines*
#' @param coord coordinates of \code{sp}.
#' @return Index of downstream for each segements
#' @export
sp.RiverDown <- function(sp, coord = extractCoords(sp)){
  ft = FromToNode(sp, coord = coord)
  nsp = length(sp)
  idown = rep(-3, nsp)
  for(i in 1:nsp){
    pto = ft[i,2]
    id = which(ft[,1] == pto)
    if(length(id) == 1){
      idown[i] = id
#' determine River path, disolve the river network based on downstream-relationship.
#' \code{sp.RiverPath}
#' @param sp SpatialLines*
#' @param idown downstream index of \code{sp}.
#' @param coord coordinates of \code{sp}.
#' @return List of River Path(SegIDs, PointIDs, sp)
#' @export
#' @examples 
# data(sh)
# riv=sh$riv
# x=sp.CutSptialLines(riv, tol=200)
# px(x)
# xx=sp.RiverPath(x)
# px(xx$sp)
sp.RiverPath <- function(sp, 
                         coord = extractCoords(sp, unique = TRUE), 
                         idown = sp.RiverDown(sp, coord = coord)){
  pt.list <- unlist(coordinates(sp), recursive = FALSE)
  id.list<-lapply(pt.list, function(x) { xy2ID(xy = x, coord = coord)})

  ft = FromToNode(sp, coord = coord)
  nsp = length(sp)
  p.frq = data.frame(table(unlist(id.list)) )
  p0 = ft[!(ft[, 1] %in% ft[,2]), 1]
  tmp =  p.frq[p.frq[,2]>2, 1] # more than twice.
  p1 = as.numeric(levels(tmp))[tmp]
  p2 = ft[!(ft[, 2] %in% ft[,1]), 2] # TO that not in FROM
  # jid = which(table(as.matrix(ft)) > 2) #id of joint points
  riv.keyid = c(which(idown<0), which(ft[,2] %in% p1) )
  updown = cbind(1:nsp, idown)
  goUp <- function(updown, id0){
    uid = which(idown == id0) # id of my upstream
    if(length(uid) == 1){ #up stream exist
      ret = c(goUp(updown, uid), id0)
      ret = id0
  StreamPath = lapply(riv.keyid, function(x) goUp(updown, x))
  #========Point ID==========
  nstr = length(StreamPath)
  pl = list()
  for(i in 1:nstr){
    sid = StreamPath[[i]]
    pid = unique(unlist(lapply(1:length(sid), function(x) id.list[[sid[x]]])))
    # print(sid)
    # print(pid)
    pl[[i]] = pid
  #=========Spatial Lines===============
  ll = list()
  for(i in 1:nstr){
    sid = StreamPath[[i]]
    pid = unique(unlist(lapply(1:length(sid), function(x) id.list[[sid[x]]])))
    ll[[i]] = sp::Lines( sp::Line(coord[pid, ] ), ID = i)
  spx = sp::SpatialLines(ll, proj4string = raster::crs(sp))
  ret <- list(SegIDs = StreamPath,
              PointIDs= pl,
              sp = spx)
#' calculate river order
#' \code{sp.RiverOrder}
#' @param sp SpatialLines*
#' @param coord coordinates of \code{sp}.
#' @return Stream Order of SpatialLines*
#' @export
sp.RiverOrder <- function(sp, coord = extractCoords(sp)){
  get1st <- function(x){
    fr = x[,2]
    to = x[,3]
    tb= table(x[,2:3])
    pid = as.numeric(names(tb))
    ncount = as.numeric(tb)
    p.out = to[which(! to %in% fr)]
    p.jnt = pid[which(ncount> 2)]
    p.key = c(p.out, p.jnt)
    # print(p.key)
    tid=fr[ !fr %in% to] #target from-id
    # plot(riv.simp)
    # points(coord[ ])
    # points(coord[p.key,], col=2)
    nd = length(tid)
    ret = NULL
    # message(msg, 'Number of Streams = ', nd)
    for(i in 1:nd){
      cr = tid[i]
      for(j in 1:100000){
        # message(msg, 'Stream ',i,'\tSeg ', j, '\tFrom Node ', cr)
        rid = which(fr %in% cr)
        ret=c(ret, rid)
        sid= to[rid] #ID of to-point;
        # if(length(sid) < 1 | length(sid)>1){
        #   print(sid)
        # }
        if( any(sid  %in% p.key) ){ #if sid IS IN key-points(outlets or joint point).
          cr = sid;

  # ext=raster::extent(sp)
  # sp.tmp =  rgeos::gSimplify(sp, tol=max(diff(ext[1:2] ), diff(ext[3:4])) )
  ft = unique(FromToNode(sp, coord))
  x = cbind(1:length(sp), ft)
  y =x
  x.ord =x[,1]*0
  for(i in 1:10000){
    ids = y[,1]
    message(msg, 'Order = ', i)
    id = get1st(y)
    x.ord[ ids[id] ] = i
    y=rbind(y[-1 * id ,])
    ny = length(y)
    # message(msg, 'Left Segments =', ny)
    if(ny<=0){ break }

#' return the Index of nodes in SpatialData
#' \code{NodeIDList}
#' @param sp SpatialLines*
#' @param coord Coordinate of vertex in \code{sp}
#' @return list of Index of each SpatialData, line or polygon
#' @export
NodeIDList <- function(sp, coord = extractCoords(sp, unique = TRUE) ){
  pt.list <- unlist(coordinates(sp), recursive = FALSE)
  id.list<-lapply(pt.list, function(x) { xy2ID(x, coord = coord)})
#' return the FROM and TO nodes index of the SpatialLines
#' \code{FromToNode}
#' @param sp SpatialLines*
#' @param coord Coordinate of vertex in \code{sp}
#' @return FROM and TO nodes index of the SpatialLines
#' @export
FromToNode <- function(sp, coord = extractCoords(sp, unique = TRUE) ){
  id.list = NodeIDList(sp, coord=coord)
  frto = cbind(
    unlist(lapply(id.list, function(x) x[1])),
    unlist(lapply(id.list, function(x) x[length(x)] ) )
  colnames(frto)=c('FrNode', 'ToNode')

#' parameters for river types
#' \code{RiverType}
#' @param n number of types
#' @return data.frame of parameters
#' @export
RiverType <- function(n){
  cn = c('Index', 'Depth', 'BankSlope',
         'Width', 'Sinuosity', 'Manning',
         'Cwr', 'KsatH', 'BedThick')
  nc = length(cn)
  rtype = cbind(1:n,
                5.0 + 0.5 * 1:n, #Depth
                0, #bankslope
                2*1:n, #Width
                1.0, #Sinuosity
                4.63e-07, #manning's n, day/m^(1/3)
                0.6, #CWR
                0.1, #KsatH
                .1 # Bed Sediment Thickness.
  colnames(rtype) = cn
#' Cut the river by PIHM.mesh
#' \code{sp.RiverSeg}
#' @param sp.mesh PIHM mesh
#' @param sp.riv river
#' @return SpatialLinesDataFrame, the \code{PIHM.river} was cut by \code{PIHM.mesh}
#' @export
sp.RiverSeg <- function(sp.mesh, sp.riv){
  sp = sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sp.mesh, 
                                 data = data.frame('iEle'=1:length(sp.mesh) ),
                                 match.ID = FALSE)
  sr =sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame(sp.riv, 
                                data = data.frame('iRiv' = 1:length(sp.riv)),
                                match.ID = FALSE )
  seg = raster::intersect(sr, sp)
#' #' Dissolve River segments
#' #' \code{sp.RiverDissolve}
#' #' @param sp SpatialLines
#' #' @return SpatialLinesDataFrame
#' #' @export
#' sp.DissolveLines <- function(sp){
#'   msg='sp.DissolveLines::'
#'   id2Line <- function(id, key){
#'     lp=key
#'     ct = count(as.numeric(id))
#'     cn = as.numeric( names(ct))
#'     # ctf = count(id[,1]) #count of frNode
#'     # ctt = count(id[,2])
#'     lfr = which(id[,1] == key)
#'     pto = which( cn == id[lfr,2] )
#'     if(length(pto)>0){
#'       if( ct[pto] == 2 ) {
#'         # 1 - header/outlet, >2 - joint point
#'         # message(msg, key, '\t', pto)
#'         ret = id2Line(id, key = pto)
#'         return (c(lp, ret) )
#'       }else{
#'         return(c(key, cn[pto]) )
#'       }
#'     }else{
#'       return(c(key, cn[pto]) )
#'     }
#'   }
#'   cdu = extractCoords(sp, unique = T)
#'   ft=FromToNode(sp, coord = cdu)
#'   ct= count(ft)
#'   pnode = as.numeric(names(ct))[which(ct != 2)]
#'   # plot(sp)
#'   sl=list()
#'   k=0
#'   nnode = length(pnode)
#'   for(i in 1:nnode ){
#'     key = pnode[i]
#'     # points(cdu[key, 1], cdu[key, 2], pch=20)
#'     if( length(which(ft[,1] == key)) > 0){
#'       k = k +1
#'       # message(msg, k, '\t', i, '/', nnode )
#'       ids = id2Line(ft, key)
#'       # cdf[ids] = k
#'       # points(cdu[ids, ], col=k, pch=k)
#'       # text(cdu[ids[1], 1], cdu[ids[1], 2], paste(k), col=2 )
#'       ln = sp::Line( cdu[ids,] )
#'       sl[[k]] = sp::Lines(ln, ID=paste(k) )
#'     }else{
#'       # print(key)
#'     }
#'   }
#'   sll = sp::SpatialLines(sl)
#'   # ord= sp.RiverOrder(sll)
#'   df = data.frame('INDEX'=1:length(sl))
#'   sld = sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame(sll, data = df)
#'   sld
#' }

#' Find Shared points in SpatialLine*
#' \code{SharedPoints}
#' @param sp SpatialLines
#' @return Topologic relationship between components of SpatialLines.
#' @export
SharedPoints <- function(sp){
#  sp=riv
  pl = extractCoords(sp, aslist = TRUE)
  nsp = length(sp)
  ret = matrix(0, nrow = nsp, ncol=nsp)
  for(i in 1:(nsp-1) ){
    for(j in (i+1):nsp ){
      plot(rbind(pl[[i]], pl[[j]]), asp=1); 
      points(pl[[i]], col=2)
      points(pl[[j]], col=3)
      cp = CommonPoints(pl[[i]], pl[[j]]) 
      if( is.null(cp) ){
        message(msg, i, '/', j)
        # print(ret)
        # print(cp)
        # readline("go")
        ret[i,j] = cp[,1]
        ret[j,i] = cp[,2]
happynotes/PIHMgisR documentation built on Jan. 25, 2020, 9:51 p.m.