
Defines functions ggplot.gpdThresh gpdThresh

Documented in ggplot.gpdThresh gpdThresh

#' Produce plots to aid threshold selection for GPD models
#' @aliases gpdThresh, ggplot.gpdThresh ggplot.mrl ggplot.gpdRangeFit
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param umin The minimum value of x to use as a threshold. Defaults to \code{umin=quantile(x, .05)}.
#' @param umax The maximum value of x to use as a threshold. Defaults to \code{umin=quantile(x, .95)}.
#' @param nint The number of values of x at which to compute the parameters. Defaults to \code{nint=25}.
#' @param which Which plots to produce. If \code{which} contains 1, the mean residual life plot is included; if it contains 2, the plots of the generalized Pareto parameters over increasing thresholds are included; if it includes 3, the plot of the EGP3 power parameter is also included. Defaults to including all 3.
#' @param priorParameters A list containing the parameters of the prior distribution, passed through to \code{evm}.
#' @param cov How to compute the covariance, passed through to \code{evm}. Defaults to \code{cov='observed'}, but you might want to use \code{cov='numeric'} if the computations are unstable.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{ggplot}.
#' @return A list of graphical objects created by \code{ggplot}.
#' @details The use of egp3 was experimental. Experience suggests it's better to think
#'   carefully about where a sensible threshold might be before using egp3. Note that
#'   the dimension of the parameter vector for egp3 is greater than that for gp so
#'   that if you use non-NULL prior parameters, the function can't cope. If you really
#'   want to use prior parameters, call the functions separately (egp3RangeFit, mrl, gpdRangeFit).
#' @keywords models
#' @export gpdThresh
gpdThresh <- function(x, umin=quantile(x, .05),
                         umax=quantile(x, .95),
                         nint=25, which=1:2,
                         priorParameters=NULL, cov="observed"){
  if (class(x) != "numeric"){
    stop(paste("x has class ", class(x), ": should be numeric", sep = ""))

  p <- list()

    wh <- x[x>=umin & x<=umax]
    nint <- min(nint, length(wh))

    if (1 %in% which)
      p <- ggplot(gpdRangeFit(x, umin=umin, umax=umax, nint=nint,
                                   priorParameters=priorParameters, cov=cov))
    if (2 %in% which)
      p <- c(p, mrl=list(ggplot(mrl(x, nint=length(x)))))

    if (3 %in% which){
      if (!is.null(priorParameters)){
        message("egp3 in gpdThresh does not currently support priorParameters: setting to NULL (dimension differs from standard gpd parameters - call egp3RangeFit yourself if it matters)")

      p <- c(p, egp3=list(ggplot(egp3RangeFit(x, umin=umin, umax=umax, nint=nint,

    oldClass(p) <- 'gpdThresh'

#' @method ggplot gpdThresh
#' @export
ggplot.gpdThresh <- function(data, ...){
    do.call("grid.arrange", c(data, ncol=2))
harrysouthworth/margarita documentation built on Aug. 19, 2021, 5 a.m.