
#' Counts
#' @name counts
#' @author Michael Steinbaugh, Lorena Pantano
#' @note Updated 2022-03-07.
#' @details
#' By default, return the raw counts. Normalized counts in a variety of formats
#' can be accessed using the `normalized` argument.
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param normalized `character(1)` or `logical(1)`.
#' Normalization method to apply:
#' - `FALSE`: Raw counts.
#' When using a [tximport][]-compatible caller, these are length scaled
#' by default (see `countsFromAbundance` argument).
#' When using a [featureCounts][]-compatible caller, these are `integer`.
#' [tximport][] caller-specific normalizations:
#' - `"tpm"`: **T**ranscripts **p**er **m**illion.
#' Additional gene-level-specific normalizations:
#' - `TRUE` / `"sf"`: **S**ize **f**actor (i.e. library size) normalized
#' counts.\cr
#' See `DESeq2::sizeFactors` for details.
#' - `"fpkm"`: **F**ragments **p**er **k**ilobase per **m**illion mapped
#' fragments.\cr
#' Requires `fast = FALSE` in `bcbioRNASeq()` call and gene annotations in
#' `rowRanges()` with defined `width()`.\cr
#' See `DESeq2::fpkm()` for details.
#' - `"vst"`: **V**ariance-**s**tabilizing **t**ransformation (log2).\cr
#' Requires `fast = FALSE` to be set during `bcbioRNASeq()` call.\cr
#' See `DESeq2::varianceStabilizingTransformation()` for more information.
#' - `"tmm"`: **T**rimmed **m**ean of **M**-values.\cr
#' Calculated on the fly.\cr
#' See `edgeR::calcNormFactors()` for details.
#' - `"rle"`: **R**elative **l**og **e**xpression transformation.\cr
#' Calculated on the fly.\cr
#' See `relativeLogExpression()` for details.
#' - `"rlog"`: *Deprecated*.
#' **R**egularized **log** transformation (log2).\cr
#' No longer calculated automatically during `bcbioRNASeq()` call, but may
#' be defined in legacy objects.\cr
#' See `DESeq2::rlog()` for details.\cr
#' Note that VST is more performant and now recommended by default instead.
#' Note that `logical(1)` support only applies to `counts()`. Other
#' functions in the package require `character(1)` and use `match.arg()`
#' internally.
#' [featureCounts]: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btt656
#' [tximport]: https://bioconductor.org/packages/tximport/
#' @param value Value to assign.
#' @return `matrix`.
#' @references
#' - TMM: Robinson and Oshlack (2010).
#' - RLE: Anders and Huber (2010).
#' @seealso
#' - `tximport::tximport()`.
#' - `DESeq2::counts()`.
#' - `DESeq2::sizeFactors()`.
#' - `DESeq2::varianceStabilizingTransformation()`.
#' - `DESeq2::rlog()`.
#' - `DESeq2::fpkm()`.
#' - `edgeR::calcNormFactors()`.
#' - `tmm()`.
#' - `relativeLogExpression()`.
#' @examples
#' ## bcbioRNASeq ====
#' data(bcb)
#' summary(counts(bcb))

## Updated 2020-09-23.
`counts,bcbioRNASeq` <- # nolint
    function(object, normalized = FALSE) {
            isAny(normalized, classes = c("character", "logical")),
            ## Ensure that primary assay matches counts.
            identical(assayNames(object)[[1L]], "counts")
        ## Restrict the `normalized` arguments for transcript-level objects.
        if (.isTranscriptLevel(object)) {
            assert(isSubset(normalized, list(FALSE, "tpm")))
        if (identical(normalized, FALSE)) {
            assayName <- "counts"
        } else if (
            isTRUE(normalized) ||
                ## `sf` is short for library size factor normalized.
                identical(normalized, "sf")
        ) {
            assayName <- "normalized"
        } else {
            assayName <- match.arg(arg = normalized, choices = .normalized)
        if (identical(assayName, "tmm")) {
            counts <- assays(object)[["counts"]]
            counts <- tmm(counts)
        } else if (identical(assayName, "rle")) {
            counts <- assays(object)[["counts"]]
            counts <- relativeLogExpression(counts)
        } else {
            if (!isSubset(assayName, assayNames(object))) {
                    "{.var %s} counts are not defined in object.", assayName
            counts <- assays(object)[[assayName]]

#' @rdname counts
#' @export
    f = "counts",
    signature = signature(object = "bcbioRNASeq"),
    definition = `counts,bcbioRNASeq`
hbc/bcbioRNASeq documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:47 a.m.