
Defines functions avereps.EListRaw avereps.RGList avereps.EList avereps.MAList avereps.default avereps avedups.EList avedups.MAList avedups.default avedups duplicateCorrelation uniquegenelist unwrapdups

Documented in avedups avedups.default avedups.EList avedups.MAList avereps avereps.default avereps.EList avereps.EListRaw avereps.MAList avereps.RGList duplicateCorrelation uniquegenelist unwrapdups

#  Functions to handle duplicate spots or blocking

unwrapdups <- function(M,ndups=2,spacing=1) {
#	Unwrap M matrix for a series of experiments so that all spots for a given gene are in one row
#	Gordon Smyth
#	18 Jan 2002. Last revised 2 Nov 2002.

	if(ndups==1) return(M)
	M <- as.matrix(M)
	nspots <- dim(M)[1]
	nslides <- dim(M)[2]
	ngroups <- nspots / ndups / spacing
	dim(M) <- c(spacing,ndups,ngroups,nslides)
	M <- aperm(M,perm=c(1,3,2,4))
	dim(M) <- c(spacing*ngroups,ndups*nslides)

uniquegenelist <- function(genelist,ndups=2,spacing=1) {
#	Eliminate entries in genelist for duplicate spots
#	Gordon Smyth
#	2 Nov 2002.  Last revised 10 Jan 2005

	if(ndups <= 1) return(genelist)
	i <- drop(unwrapdups(1:NROW(genelist),ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing)[,1])

duplicateCorrelation <- function(object,design=NULL,ndups=2L,spacing=1L,block=NULL,trim=0.15,weights=NULL)
#	Estimate the correlation between duplicates given a series of arrays
#	Gordon Smyth
#	25 Apr 2002. Last revised 16 Feb 2021.
#	Extract components from y
	y <- getEAWP(object)
	M <- y$exprs
	ngenes <- nrow(M)
	narrays <- ncol(M)

#	Check design matrix
	if(is.null(design)) design <- y$design
		design <- matrix(1,ncol(y$exprs),1)
	else {
		design <- as.matrix(design)
		if(!identical(mode(design),"numeric")) stop("design must be a numeric matrix")
	if(!identical(nrow(design),narrays)) stop("Number of rows of design matrix does not match number of arrays")
	nbeta <- ncol(design)

#	Check whether design and block are of full rank
	QR <- qr(design)
	if(QR$rank < nbeta) message("Note: design matrix not of full rank (",nbeta-QR$rank," coef not estimable).")
	if(!is.null(block)) {
		MaxBlockSize <- max(table(block))
		if(identical(MaxBlockSize,1L)) {
			warning("Blocks all of size 1: setting intrablock correlation to zero.")
			return( list(consensus.correlation=0,cor=0,atanh.correlations=rep_len(0,nrow(M))) )
		design.block <- model.matrix(~factor(block))
		design.block <- design.block[,-1,drop=FALSE]
		QtBlock <- qr.qty(QR,design.block)
		if(max(abs(QtBlock[-(1:QR$rank),])) < 1e-8) {
			warning("Block factor already encoded in the design matrix: setting intrablock correlation to zero.")
			return( list(consensus.correlation=0,cor=0,atanh.correlations=rep_len(0,nrow(M))) )

#	Check weights
	if(is.null(weights)) weights <- y$weights
	if(!is.null(weights)) {
		weights <- asMatrixWeights(weights,dim(M))
		weights[weights <= 0] <- NA
		M[!is.finite(weights)] <- NA

#	Setup spacing or blocking arguments
	if(is.null(block)) {
#		If present, use ndups and spacing stored in object
		if(!is.null(y$printer$ndups)) ndups <- y$printer$ndups
		if(!is.null(y$printer$spacing)) spacing <- y$printer$spacing
		if(ndups<2L) {
			warning("No duplicates: setting correlation between duplicates to zero.")
			return( list(consensus.correlation=0,cor=0,atanh.correlations=rep_len(0,nrow(M))) )
		if(is.character(spacing)) {
			if(spacing=="columns") spacing <- 1
			if(spacing=="rows") spacing <- y$printer$nspot.c
			if(spacing=="topbottom") spacing <- nrow(M)/2
		Array <- rep(1:narrays,each=ndups)
	} else {
		ndups <- 1L
		nspacing <- 1L
		Array <- block

#	Unwrap data to get all data for a gene in one row
	if(is.null(block)) {
		M <- unwrapdups(M,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing)
		ngenes <- nrow(M)
		if(!is.null(weights)) weights <- unwrapdups(weights,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing)
		design <- design %x% rep_len(1,ndups)

#	Compute genewise correlations
	if(!requireNamespace("statmod",quietly=TRUE)) stop("statmod package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")
	rho <- rep_len(NA_real_,ngenes)
	nafun <- function(e) NA
	for (i in 1:ngenes) {
		y <- drop(M[i,])
		o <- is.finite(y)
		A <- factor(Array[o])
		nobs <- sum(o)
		nblocks <- length(levels(A))
		if(nobs>(nbeta+2L) && nblocks>1L && nblocks<(nobs-1L)) {
			y <- y[o]
			X <- design[o,,drop=FALSE]
			Z <- model.matrix(~0+A)
			if(!is.null(weights)) {
				w <- drop(weights[i,])[o]
				s <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(statmod::mixedModel2Fit(y,X,Z,w,only.varcomp=TRUE,maxit=20)$varcomp),error=nafun)
			} else
				s <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(statmod::mixedModel2Fit(y,X,Z,only.varcomp=TRUE,maxit=20)$varcomp),error=nafun)
			if(!is.na(s[1])) rho[i] <- s[2]/sum(s)

#	Keep correlations away from limits to ensure correlation matrix is positive-definite
	rhomax <- 0.99
		rhomin <- 1/(1-ndups) + 0.01
		rhomin <- 1/(1-MaxBlockSize) + 0.01
	m <- min(rho,0,na.rm=TRUE)
	if(m < rhomin) rho[rho < rhomin] <- rhomin
	m <- max(rho,0,na.rm=TRUE)
	if(m > rhomax) rho[rho > rhomax] <- rhomax

	arho <- atanh(rho)
	mrho <- tanh(mean(arho,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE))

avedups <- function(x,ndups,spacing,weights) UseMethod("avedups")

avedups.default <- function(x,ndups=2,spacing=1,weights=NULL)
#	Average over duplicate spots, for matrices or vectors
#	Gordon Smyth
#	6 Apr 2006.
	if(ndups==1) return(x)
	if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
	x <- as.matrix(x)
	nspots <- dim(x)[1]
	nslides <- dim(x)[2]
	rn <- rownames(x)
	cn <- colnames(x)
	ngroups <- nspots / ndups / spacing
	dim(x) <- c(spacing,ndups,ngroups*nslides)
	x <- aperm(x,perm=c(2,1,3))
		x <- x[1,,]
	else {
			x <- colMeans(x,na.rm=TRUE)
		else {
			weights <- as.matrix(weights)
			dim(weights) <- c(spacing,ndups,ngroups*nslides)
			weights <- aperm(weights,perm=c(2,1,3))
			weights[is.na(weights) | is.na(x)] <- 0
			weights[weights<0] <- 0
			x <- colSums(weights*x,na.rm=TRUE)/colSums(weights)
	dim(x) <- c(spacing*ngroups,nslides)
	colnames(x) <- cn
	rownames(x) <- avedups(rn,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing)

avedups.MAList <- function(x,ndups=x$printer$ndups,spacing=x$printer$spacing,weights=x$weights)
#	Average over duplicate spots for MAList objects
#	Gordon Smyth
#	6 Apr 2006.
	if(is.null(ndups) || is.null(spacing)) stop("Must specify ndups and spacing")
	y <- x
	y$M <- avedups(x$M,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing,weights=weights)
	y$A <- avedups(x$A,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing,weights=weights)
	other <- names(x$other)
	for (a in other) object$other[[a]] <- avedups(object$other[[a]],ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing,weights=weights)
	y$weights <- avedups(x$weights,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing)
	y$genes <- uniquegenelist(x$genes,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing)
	y$printer <- NULL

avedups.EList <- function(x,ndups=x$printer$ndups,spacing=x$printer$spacing,weights=x$weights)
#	Average over duplicate spots for EList objects
#	Gordon Smyth
#	2 Apr 2010.
	if(is.null(ndups) || is.null(spacing)) stop("Must specify ndups and spacing")
	y <- x
	y$E <- avedups(x$E,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing,weights=weights)
	other <- names(x$other)
	for (a in other) object$other[[a]] <- avedups(object$other[[a]],ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing,weights=weights)
	y$weights <- avedups(x$weights,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing)
	y$genes <- uniquegenelist(x$genes,ndups=ndups,spacing=spacing)
	y$printer <- NULL

avereps <- function(x,...)
#	4 June 2008

avereps.default <- function(x,ID=rownames(x),...)
#	Average over irregular replicate spots, for matrices or vectors
#	Gordon Smyth
#	Created 3 June 2008.  Last modified 1 Dec 2010.
#	Revised 19 Aug 2009 following suggestions from Axel Klenk.
#	Revised 28 March 2010 following suggestion from Michael Lawrence.
	if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
	x <- as.matrix(x)
	if(is.null(ID)) stop("No probe IDs")
	ID <- as.character(ID)
	if(mode(x)=="character") {
		d <- duplicated(ID)
		if(!any(d)) return(x)
		y <- x[!d,,drop=FALSE]
	ID <- factor(ID,levels=unique(ID))
#	rowsum(x,ID,reorder=FALSE,na.rm=TRUE)/as.vector(table(ID))
	y <- rowsum(x,ID,reorder=FALSE,na.rm=TRUE)
	n <- rowsum(1L-is.na(x),ID,reorder=FALSE)

avereps.MAList <- function(x,ID=NULL,...)
#	Average over irregular replicate spots for MAList objects
#	Gordon Smyth
#	3 June 2008.  Last modified 8 Sep 2010.
	if(is.null(ID)) {
		ID <- x$genes$ID
		if(is.null(ID)) ID <- rownames(x)
		if(is.null(ID)) stop("Cannot find probe IDs")
	y <- x
	y$M <- avereps(x$M,ID=ID)
	y$A <- avereps(x$A,ID=ID)
	other <- names(x$other)
	for (a in other) y$other[[a]] <- avereps(x$other[[a]],ID=ID)
	y$weights <- avereps(x$weights,ID=ID)
	y$genes <- x$genes[!duplicated(ID),]
	y$printer <- NULL

avereps.EList <- function(x,ID=NULL,...)
#	Average over irregular replicate probes for EList objects
#	Gordon Smyth
#	2 April 2010.  Last modified 20 May 2011.
	if(is.null(ID)) {
		ID <- x$genes$ID
		if(is.null(ID)) ID <- rownames(x)
		if(is.null(ID)) stop("Cannot find probe IDs")
	y <- x
	y$E <- avereps(x$E,ID=ID)
	other <- names(x$other)
	for (a in other) y$other[[a]] <- avereps(x$other[[a]],ID=ID)
	y$weights <- avereps(x$weights,ID=ID)
	y$genes <- x$genes[!duplicated(ID),]
	y$printer <- NULL

avereps.RGList <- function(x,ID=NULL,...)
#	Warn users that averaging should not be applied prior to normalization
#	Gordon Smyth
#	2 December 2013.
	stop("avereps should not be applied to an RGList object")

avereps.EListRaw <- function(x,ID=NULL,...)
#	Warn users that averaging should not be applied prior to normalization
#	Gordon Smyth
#	2 December 2013.
	stop("avereps should not be applied to an EListRaw object")
hdeberg/limma documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 3:43 p.m.