#' Interpolate temperature data to weekly
#' Interpolates dataframe of observations to weekly timestep at 1 m depth intervals.
#' Uses simple linear interpolation
#' @param lakeAbr Lake identification, string
#' @param dataset temperature dataset. Default woudl be LTERtemp loaded via loadLTERtemp()
#' @param maxdepth Maximum depth of lake
#' @param constrainMethod Options to constrain interpolation.
#' Options are 'zero' (cannot go below zero, cannot go 1.5x above max, default)
#' and 'range' (can not go beyond range of observed data)
#' @returns
#' returns a list
#' [[1]]: observation data
#' [[2]]: dataframe with three columns, data, depth, and var
#' #' @examples
#' #Interpolate temp data
#' LTERtemp = loadLTERtemp()
#' weeklyTempInterpolate(lakeAbr = 'ME', maxdepth = 24, dataset = LTERtemp)
#' @import dplyr
#' @import akima
#' @import mgcv
#' @importFrom future.apply future_lapply
#' @importFrom future plan multisession
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom lubridate decimal_date month
#' @export
weeklyTempInterpolate <- function(lakeAbr, maxdepth, dataset = LTERtemp,
constrainMethod = 'zero') {
# # Read in data
# if (!exists('LTERtemp')) {
# LTERtemp = loadLTERtemp() # Download NTL LTER data from EDI
# }
obs = dataset %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(wtemp)) %>%
dplyr::filter(lakeid == lakeAbr) %>%
dplyr::group_by(sampledate,depth) %>%
dplyr::summarise(wtemp = mean(wtemp,na.rm=TRUE)) # Temp and Oxygen
############## ############## ############## ############## ##############
usedates = obs %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(wtemp)) %>%
dplyr::filter(depth > (maxdepth/2)) %>%
# apply in parallel (10x faster)
f <- future_lapply(X = usedates$sampledate, FUN = interpTemp, observationDF = obs,
maxdepth = maxdepth)
# Bind list into dataframe
df2 <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, f)
full_y = seq(from = range(df2$depth)[1],to = range(df2$depth)[2], by = 1)
full_x = seq.Date(from = range(df2$sampledate,na.rm = T)[1],to = range(df2$sampledate,na.rm = T)[2], by = 'week')
# a = data.frame(x = full_x, y = full_y)
a = expand.grid(sampledate = full_x, depth = full_y)
interped = akima::interp(x = df2$sampledate, y = df2$depth, z = df2$wtemp, full_x, full_y,
duplicate = 'mean',linear=T, extrap = F, jitter = 10e-5)
dimnames(interped$z) = list(full_x, interped$y)
df3 <- melt(interped$z, varnames = c('date', 'depth'), value.name = 'wtemp')
df3$date = as.Date(df3$date,origin = '1970-01-01')
# constrainMethod Type (zero = min set to zero, range = set to range)
if (constrainMethod == 'zero') {
df3 = df3 %>% mutate(wtemp = ifelse(wtemp < 0, 0, wtemp)) %>%
mutate(wtemp = ifelse(wtemp > (max(obs$wtemp, na.rm = T) * 1.5), max(obs$wtemp, na.rm = T), wtemp)) |>
rename(var = wtemp)
if (constrainMethod == 'range') {
df3 = df3 %>% mutate(wtemp = ifelse(wtemp < min(obs$wtemp, na.rm = T), min(obs$wtemp, na.rm = T), wtemp)) %>%
mutate(wtemp = ifelse(wtemp > (max(obs$wtemp, na.rm = T)*1), max(obs$wtemp, na.rm = T), wtemp)) |>
rename(var = wtemp)
return(list(observations = obs, weeklyInterpolated = df3))
# Interpolate observations to weekly
interpTemp <- function(observationDF, date, maxdepth, rmse.threshold = setThreshold) {
a = observationDF %>% filter(sampledate == date)
if (sum(!is.na(a$wtemp)) == 0) {
b = a %>% filter(!is.na(wtemp))
if (max(b$depth) < (maxdepth/2)) {
print('too shallow')
yout = approx(x = a$depth, y = a$wtemp, xout = c(0:maxdepth), rule = 2)
k = nrow(b)
outp = data.frame(sampledate = date, depth = c(0:maxdepth), wtemp = yout$y)
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