
Defines functions identifyEmptyCells

Documented in identifyEmptyCells

## This code is part of the ips package
## © C. Heibl 2019 (last update 2021-03-12)

#' @rdname EmptyCells
#' @export

identifyEmptyCells <- function(DNAbin, margin = c(1, 2),
                               nset = c("-", "n", "?"),
                               quiet = FALSE){
  if ( !inherits(DNAbin, "DNAbin") ) 
    stop("'DNAbin' is not of class 'DNAbin'")
  ## convert character to raw
  ## IUPAC ambiguity code
  ## --------------------
  iupac <- c(n = 240, "?" = 2, "-" = 4,
             # a = 136, c = 40, g = 72, t = 24, 
             r = 192, y = 48, s = 96, w = 144, k = 80, m = 160, 
             b = 112, d = 208, h = 176, v = 224)
  nset <- iupac[nset]
  nset <- as.raw(nset)
  ## function that detects non-empty strings
  isNotEmpty <- function(x, nset){
    ifelse(all(unique(x) %in% nset), FALSE, TRUE)
  size <- dim(DNAbin)
  ## rows  (margin == 1)
  if (1 %in% margin){
    delete_rows <- which(!apply(DNAbin, 1, isNotEmpty, nset = nset))
    if (length(delete_rows)) DNAbin <- DNAbin[-delete_rows, ]
  ## columns (margin == 2)
  if (2 %in% margin){
    delete_cols <- which(!apply(DNAbin, 2, isNotEmpty, nset = nset))
    if (length(delete_cols)) DNAbin <- DNAbin[, -delete_cols]
  ## screen output (if desired)
  if (!quiet) {
    size <- size - dim(DNAbin)
    rows <- ifelse(size[1] == 1, " row ", " rows ")
    cols <- ifelse(size[2] == 1, " column ", " columns ")
    message(size[1], " empty", rows, "identified\n",
            size[2], " empty", cols, "identified")
  list(row = delete_rows, col = delete_cols)
heibl/ips documentation built on April 24, 2024, 3:19 a.m.