
Defines functions safe_pick is_prior_list is_prior combine_priors gamma_prior tnormal_prior normal_prior halfnormal_prior uniform_prior

Documented in gamma_prior halfnormal_prior normal_prior tnormal_prior uniform_prior

#' Prior objects for bssm models
#' These simple objects of class \code{bssm_prior} are used to construct a
#' prior distributions for the hyperparameters theta for some of the model
#' objects of \code{bssm} package. Note that these priors do not include the
#' constant terms as they do not affect the sampling.
#' Currently supported priors are
#' * uniform prior (\code{uniform()}) with a probability density function (pdf)
#'   defined as \eqn{\frac{1}{max - min}} for \eqn{min < theta < max}.
#' * normal (\code{normal()}), a normal distribution parameterized via mean and
#'   standard deviation, i.e. N(mean, sd^2).
#' * truncated normal distribution  (\code{tnormal()}), a normal distribution
#'   with known truncation points (from below and/or above). Ignoring the
#'   scaling factors, this corresponds to the pdf of N(mean, sd^2) when
#'   \eqn{min < theta < max} and zero otherwise.
#' * half-normal (\code{halfnormal()}) with a pdf matching the pdf of the
#'   truncated normal distribution with min=0 and max=inf.
#' * gamma (\code{gamma}), a gamma distribution with shape and rate
#'   parameterization.
#' All parameters are vectorized so for regression coefficient vector beta you
#' can define prior for example as \code{normal(0, 0, c(10, 20))}.
#' For the general exponential models, i.e. models built with the `ssm_ulg`,
#' `ssm_ung`, `ssm_mlg`, and `ssm_mng`, you can define arbitrary priors by
#' defining the `prior_fn` function, which takes the one argument, `theta`,
#' corresponding to the hyperparameter vector of the model,
#' and returns a log-density of the (joint) prior (see the R Journal paper and
#' e.g. `ssm_ulg` for examples).  Similarly, the priors for the non-linear
#' models (`ssm_nlg`) and SDE models (`ssm_sde`) are constructed
#' via C++ snippets (see the vignettes for details).
#' The longer name versions of the prior functions with \code{_prior} ending
#' are identical with shorter versions and they are available only to
#' avoid clash with R's primitive function \code{gamma} (other long prior names
#' are just for consistent naming).
#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @aliases bssm_prior bssm_prior_list
#' @param init Initial value for the parameter, used in initializing the model
#' components and as a starting values in MCMC.
#' @param min Lower bound of the uniform and truncated normal prior.
#' @param max Upper bound of the uniform and truncated normal prior.
#' @param sd Positive value defining the standard deviation of the
#' (underlying i.e. non-truncated) Normal distribution.
#' @param mean Mean of the Normal prior.
#' @param shape Positive shape parameter of the Gamma prior.
#' @param rate Positive rate parameter of the Gamma prior.
#' @return object of class \code{bssm_prior} or \code{bssm_prior_list} in case
#' of multiple priors (i.e. multiple regression coefficients).
#' @export
#' @srrstats {BS1.2c, BS2.2, BS2.3, BS2.4, BS2.6, BS2.7} Explains prior
#' definitions and initial values.
#' @srrstats {BS2.5} Checks are in place for the distributional parameters of
#' priors and their initial values.
#' @examples
#' # create uniform prior on [-1, 1] for one parameter with initial value 0.2:
#' uniform(init = 0.2, min = -1.0, max = 1.0)
#' # two normal priors at once i.e. for coefficients beta:
#' normal(init = c(0.1, 2.5), mean = 0.1, sd = c(1.5, 2.8))
#' # Gamma prior (not run because autotest tests complain)
#' # gamma(init = 0.1, shape = 2.5, rate = 1.1)
#' # Same as
#' gamma_prior(init = 0.1, shape = 2.5, rate = 1.1)
#' # Half-normal
#' halfnormal(init = 0.01, sd = 0.1)
#' # Truncated normal
#' tnormal(init = 5.2, mean = 5.0, sd = 3.0, min = 0.5, max = 9.5)
#' # Further examples for diagnostic purposes:
#' uniform(c(0, 0.2), c(-1.0, 0.001), c(1.0, 1.2))
#' normal(c(0, 0.2), c(-1.0, 0.001), c(1.0, 1.2))
#' tnormal(c(2, 2.2), c(-1.0, 0.001), c(1.0, 1.2), c(1.2, 2), 3.3)
#' halfnormal(c(0, 0.2), c(1.0, 1.2))
#' # not run because autotest bug
#' # gamma(c(0.1, 0.2), c(1.2, 2), c(3.3, 3.3))
#' # longer versions:
#' uniform_prior(init = c(0, 0.2), min = c(-1.0, 0.001), max = c(1.0, 1.2))
#' normal_prior(init = c(0, 0.2), mean = c(-1.0, 0.001), sd = c(1.0, 1.2))
#' tnormal_prior(init = c(2, 2.2), mean = c(-1.0, 0.001), sd = c(1.0, 1.2),
#'   min = c(1.2, 2), max = 3.3)
#' halfnormal_prior(init = c(0, 0.2), sd = c(1.0, 1.2))
#' gamma_prior(init = c(0.1, 0.2), shape = c(1.2, 2), rate = c(3.3, 3.3))
uniform_prior <- function(init, min, max) {
  if (any(!is.numeric(init), !is.numeric(min), !is.numeric(max))) {
    stop("Parameters for priors must be numeric.")
  if (any(min > max)) {
    stop(paste("Lower bound of uniform distribution must be smaller than",
     "upper bound.", sep = " "))
  if (any(init < min) || any(init > max)) {
    stop(paste("Initial value for parameter with uniform prior is not",
    "in the support of the prior.", sep = " "))
  n <- max(length(init), length(min), length(max))

  if (n > 1) {
    structure(lapply(1:n, function(i)
      structure(list(prior_distribution = "uniform", init = safe_pick(init, i),
      min = safe_pick(min, i), max = safe_pick(max, i)),
        class = "bssm_prior_list")),
      class = "bssm_prior_list")
  } else {
    structure(list(prior_distribution = "uniform", init = init,
      min = min, max = max), class = "bssm_prior")
#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @export
uniform <- uniform_prior

#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @export
halfnormal_prior <- function(init, sd) {

  if (any(!is.numeric(init), !is.numeric(sd))) {
    stop("Parameters for priors must be numeric.")
  if (any(sd < 0)) {
    stop(paste("Standard deviation parameter for half-Normal distribution must",
    "be positive.", sep = " "))
  if (any(init < 0)) {
    stop(paste("Initial value for parameter with half-Normal prior must be",
    "non-negative.", sep = " "))
  n <- max(length(init), length(sd))

  if (n > 1) {
    structure(lapply(1:n, function(i)
      structure(list(prior_distribution = "halfnormal",
        init = safe_pick(init, i),
      sd = safe_pick(sd, i)), class = "bssm_prior")), class = "bssm_prior_list")
  } else {
    structure(list(prior_distribution = "halfnormal", init = init, sd = sd),
      class = "bssm_prior")
#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @export
halfnormal <- halfnormal_prior

#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @export
normal_prior <- function(init, mean, sd) {

  if (any(!is.numeric(init), !is.numeric(mean), !is.numeric(sd))) {
    stop("Parameters for priors must be numeric.")
  if (any(sd < 0)) {
    stop(paste("Standard deviation parameter for Normal distribution must",
     "be positive.", sep = " "))

  n <- max(length(init), length(mean), length(sd))
  if (n > 1) {
    structure(lapply(1:n, function(i)
      structure(list(prior_distribution = "normal",
      init = safe_pick(init, i), mean = safe_pick(mean, i),
        sd = safe_pick(sd, i)),
      class = "bssm_prior")), class = "bssm_prior_list")

  } else {
    structure(list(prior_distribution = "normal", init = init, mean = mean,
      sd = sd), class = "bssm_prior")

#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @export
normal <- normal_prior

#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @export
tnormal_prior <- function(init, mean, sd, min = -Inf, max = Inf) {

  if (any(!is.numeric(init), !is.numeric(mean), !is.numeric(sd))) {
    stop("Parameters for priors must be numeric.")
  if (any(init < min) | any(init > max)) {
    stop(paste("Initial value for parameter with truncated Normal is not",
      "between the lower and upper bounds.", sep = " "))

  if (any(sd < 0)) {
    stop(paste("Standard deviation parameter for truncated Normal distribution",
    "must be positive.", sep = " "))

  n <- max(length(init), length(mean), length(sd))
  if (n > 1) {
    structure(lapply(1:n, function(i)
      structure(list(prior_distribution = "tnormal",
      init = safe_pick(init, i), mean = safe_pick(mean, i),
        sd = safe_pick(sd, i),
      min = safe_pick(min, i), max = safe_pick(max, i)),
      class = "bssm_prior")), class = "bssm_prior_list")
  } else {
    structure(list(prior_distribution = "tnormal", init = init, mean = mean,
      sd = sd, min = min, max = max), class = "bssm_prior")

#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @export
tnormal <- tnormal_prior

#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @export
gamma_prior <- function(init, shape, rate) {

  if (any(!is.numeric(init), !is.numeric(shape), !is.numeric(rate))) {
    stop("Parameters for priors must be numeric.")
  if (!all(shape > 0)) {
    stop("Shape parameter for Gamma distribution must be positive.")
  if (!all(rate > 0)) {
    stop("Rate parameter for Gamma distribution must be positive.")
  n <- max(length(init), length(shape), length(rate))
  if (n > 1) {
    structure(lapply(1:n, function(i)
      structure(list(prior_distribution = "gamma",
        init = safe_pick(init, i), shape = safe_pick(shape, i),
        rate = safe_pick(rate, i)),
        class = "bssm_prior")), class = "bssm_prior_list")

  } else {
    structure(list(prior_distribution = "gamma", init = init,
      shape = shape, rate = rate),
      class = "bssm_prior")
#' @rdname bssm_prior
#' @export
gamma <- gamma_prior

combine_priors <- function(x) {

  if (length(x) == 0)
    return(list(prior_distributions = 0, parameters = matrix(0, 0, 0)))

  prior_distributions <- vapply(x, "[[", "prior_distribution",
    FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  parameters <- matrix(NA, 4, length(prior_distributions))
  for (i in seq_along(prior_distributions)) {
    parameters[1:(length(x[[i]]) - 2), i] <- as.numeric(x[[i]][-(1:2)])
  list(prior_distributions =
      pmatch(prior_distributions, c("uniform", "halfnormal", "normal",
        "tnormal", "gamma"), duplicates.ok = TRUE) - 1,
    parameters = parameters)

is_prior <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "bssm_prior")
is_prior_list <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "bssm_prior_list")
safe_pick <- function(x, i) {
  x[min(length(x), i)]
helske/bssm documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 6:04 a.m.