gather_related_terms: Gather terms related to subjects

View source: R/topic.R

gather_related_termsR Documentation


Gather terms related to subjects


gather_related_terms(.data, dictionary)



A data frame, priorities data frame coded using 'select_priorities()', or text vector. For data frames, function will search for "text" variable. For priorities data frame function will search for "priorities" variable.


The dictionary of 20 major political topics from the Comparative Agendas Project (Jones et al., 2023) is used by default. Users can also declare a custom dictionary as a vector or a list. If users declare a vector, each element is treated as a independent topic. If users declare a list of subjects and related terms, function understands names as topic and words as terms.


This function relies on keyword assisted topic models implemented in the '{keyATM}' package to find related words based on the topics provided and texts in which they appear.


A list of related terms to each of the topics declared in dictionary.


Eshima S, Imai K, and Sasaki T. 2024. “Keyword-Assisted Topic Models.” _American Journal of Political Science_, 68(2): 730-750. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/ajps.12779")}


#gather_related_terms(US_News_Conferences_1960_1980[1:5, 3], dictionary = "CAP")
#gather_related_terms(US_News_Conferences_1960_1980[1:5, 3],
#                     dictionary = c("military", "development"))
#gather_related_terms(US_News_Conferences_1960_1980[1:5, 3],
#                     dictionary = list("military" = c("military", "gun", "war"),
#                                       "development" = c("development", "interest rate", "banks")))

henriquesposito/poldis documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 5:38 a.m.