get_urgency: Urgency Analysis

View source: R/urgency.R

get_urgencyR Documentation

Urgency Analysis


Urgency Analysis


get_urgency(.data, summarise = "sum")



A data frame, priorities data frame coded using 'select_priorities()', or text vector. For data frames, function will search for "text" variable. For priorities data frame function will search for "priorities" variable. If missing, opens the webpage containing the urgency codebook.


How to handle multiple matches for the same dimension in the same text observation? By default, multiple matches are added together and their "sum" per text observation is returned. Users can, instead, choose the "mean" which returns the average score per dimension per text observation when there are multiple matches. The "mean" can also be used as a form of normalization per dimension and text observation in certain cases.


Urgency in political discourses is an expression of how necessary and/or how soon an action should be undertaken or completed. This is measured along four dimensions, two related to necessity and two related to timing. The first two dimensions, degree of intensity and degree of commitment, relate to the necessity of taking the action, while the next two dimensions, frequency of action and timing of action, relate to the timing in which action is taken. Our dictionary includes terms in each of these dimensions. The terms included in each of these dimensions were validated and adjusted through an online survey that took place between July and August of 2024. The survey results were recorded as counts of the number of participants who selected an urgency-related word as more urgent than its pair. To analyze the survey results, we employed Bradley-Terry models for paired comparisons. A rank of the words for each dimension of urgency was obtained from the analysis, which were then used to create the urgency word scores in the dictionaries. For more information on the dimensions, scores, or the survey on urgency, please run 'get_urgency()' to access the urgency codebook. For priorities (i.e. coded using the 'select_priorities()'), urgency scores are calculated by multiplying the commitment scores by all other dimensions. This is done because commitment words are indicative of political priorities, For more information please refer to the 'select_priorities()' function. For vectors or data frames urgency scores are calculated by adding commitment and intensity dimension scores (i.e. how necessary) and multiplying these by the sum of timing and frequency dimension scores (i.e. how soon). In both cases, zero urgency scores are indicative of no urgency but maximum scores can vary.


A scored data frame for each dimension of urgency.


get_urgency(US_News_Conferences_1960_1980[1:10, 3])
#get_urgency(select_priorities(US_News_Conferences_1960_1980[1:2, 3]))
#summary(get_urgency(US_News_Conferences_1960_1980[1:10, 3]))
#plot(get_urgency(US_News_Conferences_1960_1980[1:10, 3]))

henriquesposito/poldis documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 5:38 a.m.