#' mcmcPlots
#' Plots 4 MCMC diagnostics for a parameter
#' @param logfile Either an object of class "bt_post", or the name of the
#' logfile of the analysis of interest.
#' @param parameters A vector of names of parameters to show diagnostic
#' plots for. If NULL (default) then all parameters are used (depending on
#' the analysis some of these may be nonsensical).
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to loadPosterior
#' @keywords mcmc diagnostic autocorrelation trace running mean density
#' @name mcmcPlots
#' @importFrom ggplot2 autoplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' paramDiagnostic("cool-data.log", "Lh")
#' params <- getParams("cool-data.log")
#' paramDiagnostic("cool-data.log", params, type = "trace", cols = 3)
mcmcPlots <- function(logfile, parameters = NULL, ...) {
if ("bt_post" %in% class(logfile)) {
posterior <- logfile
} else {
posterior <- loadPosterior(logfile)
# posterior <- loadPosterior(logfile, ...)
posterior <- posterior[, !colnames(posterior) %in% c(
"Iteration", "Harmonic.Mean", "Tree.No")]
if (!is.null(parameters)) {
posterior <- posterior[, colnames(posterior) %in% parameters]
} else {
parameters <- colnames(posterior)
# Now build a plot list that will be passed to multiplot.
ps <- vector(mode = "list", length = (length(parameters) * 4))
for (i in seq_along(parameters)) {
if (i == 1) {
titles <- c("Hist.", "Trace", "AutoCorr", "Sliding mean")
} else {
titles <- c("", "", "", "")
ps[[i * 4 - 3]] <- ggHist(posterior, parameters[i], title = titles[1])
ps[[i * 4 - 2]] <- ggTrace(posterior, parameters[i], title = titles[2])
ps[[i * 4 - 1]] <- ggAutoCor(posterior, parameters[i], title = titles[3])
ps[[i * 4]] <- ggRunmean(posterior, parameters[i], title = titles[4])
# Then arrange these using gridExtra.
if (length(parameters) == 1) {
ncol <- 2
lmatrix <- matrix(1:length(ps), ncol = 2)
} else {
ncol <- 4
lmatrix <- matrix(1:length(ps), ncol = length(parameters))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = ps, layout = t(lmatrix), ncol = ncol)
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