
Defines functions LOB_ggplot_Adj_Rtime

LOB_ggplot_Adj_Rtime <- function(object, adjustedRtime = TRUE) {

  #load helper function (since this isn't in xcms package anymore)
  hackyRtAdjustment <- function(x, rtraw, rtadj) {
    ## re-order everything if rtraw is not sorted; issue #146
    if (is.unsorted(rtraw)) {
      idx <- order(rtraw)
      rtraw <- rtraw[idx]
      rtadj <- rtadj[idx]
    adjFun <- stepfun(rtraw[-1] - diff(rtraw) / 2, rtadj)
    res <- adjFun(x)
    ## Fix margins.
    idx_low <- which(x < rtraw[1])
    if (length(idx_low)) {
      first_adj <- idx_low[length(idx_low)] + 1
      res[idx_low] <- x[idx_low] + res[first_adj] - x[first_adj]
    idx_high <- which(x > rtraw[length(rtraw)])
    if (length(idx_high)) {
      last_adj <- idx_high[1] - 1
      res[idx_high] <- x[idx_high] + res[last_adj] - x[last_adj]
    if (is.null(dim(res)))
      names(res) <- names(x)

  #start process (just copied from plotAdjustedRtime)
  if (!is(object, "XCMSnExp")) {
    stop("'object' has to be an 'XCMSnExp' object.")
  if (!hasAdjustedRtime(object)) {
    warning("No alignment/retention time correction results present.")
  diffRt <- rtime(object, adjusted = TRUE) - rtime(object,
    adjusted = FALSE

  diffRt <- split(diffRt, fromFile(object))
  xRt <- rtime(object, adjusted = adjustedRtime, bySample = TRUE)

  #restructure data for lines and save

  #get files in list by length of entry
  names <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(sampleNames(object))) {
    names <- c(names,rep(sampleNames(object)[i],
                             unlist(lapply(xRt,function(x){length(x)}),use.names = FALSE)[i]))
  #unlist RTs and add names
  forplot <- data.frame(value = unlist(xRt,use.names = FALSE),names = unlist(names))

  #add Rt differences
  forplot[,"diffRt"] <- unlist(diffRt,use.names = FALSE)

  ph <- processHistory(object,type = "Retention time correction")
  if (length(ph)) {
    ph <- ph[[length(ph)]]
    if (is(ph, "XProcessHistory")) {
      prm <- processParam(ph)
      if (is(prm, "PeakGroupsParam")) {
        rawRt <- rtime(object, adjusted = FALSE, bySample = TRUE)
        adjRt <- rtime(object, adjusted = TRUE, bySample = TRUE)
        pkGroup <- peakGroupsMatrix(prm)
        subs <- subset(prm)
        if (!length(subs)) {
          subs <- 1:ncol(pkGroup)
        rawRt <- rawRt[subs]
        adjRt <- adjRt[subs]
        pkGroupAdj <- pkGroup
        for (i in 1:ncol(pkGroup)) {
          pkGroupAdj[, i] <- hackyRtAdjustment(pkGroup[
          ], rawRt[[i]], adjRt[[i]])
        diffRt <- pkGroupAdj - pkGroup
        if (adjustedRtime) {
          xRt <- pkGroupAdj
        } else {
          xRt <- pkGroup

        #restructure data for points
        forpoint <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data.frame(xRt),cols = tidyr::everything())
        forpoint[,"diffRt"] <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data.frame(diffRt),cols = tidyr::everything())[,"value"]

        ggplot2::ggplot() +
          ggplot2::geom_path(ggplot2::aes(forplot$value, forplot$diffRt, group = forplot$name, color = forplot$name),size = 0.6) +
          ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
          ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(forpoint$value,forpoint$diffRt),shape = 4) +
          ggplot2::labs(x = if(adjustedRtime == TRUE){"Adjusted RT"}else{"Raw RT"}, y = "RT Difference", color = "Samples") +
          ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
hholm/LOB_tools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 12:08 p.m.