Man pages for hiddengenome/deepG

calculateStepsPerEpochCalculate the steps per epoch
create_model_lstm_cnnCreates LSTM/CNN network
crispr_fullExample training dataset consiting of a sequence of...
crispr_sampleExample training dataset consiting of a sequence of...
deepGdeepG for GenomeNet
ecoliE. coli genome for evaluation Can be loaded to workspace via...
ecoliCustomScalarCustom lambda callback that shows accuacy scores for the E....
ecoliEvaluationRuns a evaluation on the E. coli genome, returns a list of...
ecoli_smallsubset of the E. coli genome for evaluation Can be loaded to...
end_gpu_sessionEnds the GPU session
evaluateFastaEvaluates a trained model on .fasta/fastq files
extractCellFromStatesPreparing states for tSNE
fastaFileGeneratorCustom generator for fasta/fastq files
fastaLabelGeneratorCustom generator for fasta files and label targets
generateStatesFromFoldergenerate states list for tSNE from a fasta folder it is...
get_hyper_paramExtract hyperparameters from model
getStartIndComputes start position of samples
getStatesGet cell states of semi-redundant chunks
getStatesFromFastaGet cell states from a fasta file
getVocabularyReturns the vocabulary from character string
gpuToCpuModelGPU to CPU model
initializeGeneratorsInitializes generators defined by labelByFolderGenerator...
labelByFolderGeneratorCustom generator for fasta files
labelByFolderGeneratorWrapperGenerator wrapper
messagefWrapper for message(sprintf)
nucleotide2valueChange nucleotides to values
parenthesisTraining dataset of synthetic parenthesis language Can be...
plotTsnegenerate and plot tSNE
prediction-classAn S4 class for the prediction
predictNextNucleotidePredict next nucleotides in sequence
preprocessFastaWrapper of the preprocessSemiRedundant()-function
preprocessSemiRedundantPreprocess string to semi-redundant one-hot vector
readRowsFromH5Read states from h5
replaceCharReplaces specific nucleotides in a sequence
sequenceToArrayOne-hot-encodes integer sequence
sequenceToArrayLabelOne-hot-encodes integer sequence
skip_if_no_kerasTests if Keras is available for the unit tests
startGPUSessionLimit Tensorflow proccess to one or multiple GPUs.
statesByFastaOneFileWrite states to h5 file
statesWrapperInference on set of fasta files
trainNetworkTrains a (mostly) LSTM model on genomic data. Designed for...
visualizePredictionThis is a Shiny web application for the visualization of...
writeDictGenerates dictionary for LSTMVis
writeHdf5generates hdf5 file containing the character id for each time...
writeStatesWrite states to h5 or csv file
writeStatesByFastaEntriesWrite states to h5 file
hiddengenome/deepG documentation built on April 16, 2020, 1:38 a.m.