
Defines functions unlist_and_covert transform_val omitCondition get_quant set_factors colname2data list_same_string_position add_alpha

Documented in add_alpha colname2data list_same_string_position set_factors transform_val unlist_and_covert

#' Add alpha to color
#' @param col a color, e.g., 'red'.
#' @param alpha alpha value, range from 0 to 1.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' add_alpha("red", 0.5)
add_alpha <- function(col, alpha) {
  rgb_col <- unlist(col2rgb(col))
  col.res <- NULL
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(rgb_col))) {
    tmp <- rgb(rgb_col[1, i], rgb_col[2, i], rgb_col[3, i],
      alpha = alpha * 255, maxColorValue = 255
    col.res <- c(col.res, tmp)


#' Get the same characters in two strings
#' @param a,b a string.
#' @param exclude symbol to exclude from comparison.
#' @param ignore_case if `TRUE`, ignore case.
#' @param show_excluded if `TRUE`, show excluded.
#' @param only_position if `TRUE`, only position vector returned.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' list_same_string_position("abcde", "fbcde")
#' list_same_string_position("abcde", "fbcde", only_position = FALSE)
list_same_string_position <- function(a, b,
                                      exclude = c("-", "?"),
                                      ignore_case = TRUE, show_excluded = FALSE, only_position = TRUE) {
  if (ignore_case) {
    a <- toupper(a)
    b <- toupper(b)

  split_seqs <- strsplit(c(a, b), split = "")
  only_diff <- split_seqs[[1]] == split_seqs[[2]]
    (split_seqs[[1]] %in% exclude) |
      (split_seqs[[2]] %in% exclude)
  ] <- NA

  diff_info <- data.frame(
    which(is.na(only_diff) | only_diff),
    split_seqs[[1]][only_diff], split_seqs[[2]][only_diff]
  names(diff_info) <- c("position", "seq.a", "seq.b")

  if (!show_excluded) diff_info <- na.omit(diff_info)
  if (only_position) {
  } else {

#' Reset `colnames` of a data frame
#' @param data a `data.frame`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' colname2data(data.frame(A = 1:3, B = LETTERS[1:3]))
colname2data <- function(data) {
  colnames(data) <- paste("V", seq_len(ncol(data)), sep = "")

#' Set a vector to a factor
#' @param x a vector.
#' @param rev if `TRUE`, reverse the factor level.
#' @param sort if `TRUE`, sort the vector before setting factor.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set_factors(c("B", "B", "A", "C"))
#' set_factors(c("B", "B", "A", "C"), rev = TRUE)
#' set_factors(c("B", "B", "A", "C"), sort = TRUE)
set_factors <- function(x, rev = FALSE, sort = FALSE) {
  if (sort) {
    x_uniq <- sort(unique(x))
  } else {
    x_uniq <- unique(x)
  if (rev) {
    x <- factor(x, levels = rev(x_uniq))
  } else {
    x <- factor(x, levels = x_uniq)

# TODO: check this
#' Capitalize a string
#' @inheritParams stringr::case
#' @export
#' @examples
#' capitalize("aBcDeF")
capitalize <- stringr::str_to_title

# capitalize <- function(string) {
#   capped <- grep("^[A-Z]", string, invert = TRUE)
#   substr(string[capped], 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(
#     string[capped],
#     1, 1
#   ))
#   return(string)
# }

# Make sure which version is right
# get_quant <- function(x) {
#   return(
#     c(
#       min(x),
#       quantile(x, 0.03),
#       quantile(x, 0.45),
#       median(x),
#       quantile(x, 0.55),
#       quantile(x, 0.97),
#       max(x)
#     )
#   )
# }

get_quant <- function(x) {
      min(x, na.rm = T),
      quantile(x, 0.03, na.rm = T),
      quantile(x, 0.07, na.rm = T),
      quantile(x, 0.45, na.rm = T),
      median(x, na.rm = T),
      quantile(x, 0.55, na.rm = T),
      quantile(x, 0.93, na.rm = T),
      quantile(x, 0.97, na.rm = T),
      max(x, na.rm = T)

omitCondition <- function(x) {
  return(all(is.na(x) | x == "" | x == " "))

#' Transform value
#' @name transform
#' @rdname transform
#' @param func_str a string represents a function.
#' @param val value passing to function
#' @export
transform_val <- function(func_str, val) {
  if (is.character(func_str) && func_str != "") {
    if (any(sapply(c("+", "-", "*", "/", "%"), function(x) {
      str_detect(func_str, fixed(x))
    }))) {
      val <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("val%s", func_str)))
    } else {
      val <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s(val)", func_str)))

#' Unlist and convert "NA" to NA
#' @param x data.
#' @param recursive if `TRUE`, unlist recursively.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' unlist_and_covert(NULL)
#' unlist_and_covert(list())
#' unlist_and_covert(list("A", "B"))
#' unlist_and_covert(list("NA", "B"))
#' unlist_and_covert(list(list(A = 1), "B"))
unlist_and_covert <- function(x, recursive = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    x <- unlist(x, recursive = recursive)
    if (!is.null(x)) {
      y <- sapply(x, function(x) {
        if (identical(x, "NA")) NA else x
      names(y) <- names(x)
      x <- y
hiplot/hiplotlib documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 11:36 a.m.