
Defines functions normalizeRGB orderClusters getColorDistanceMatrix weightedPairsDistance EMDistance colorDistance chisqDistance

Documented in chisqDistance colorDistance EMDistance getColorDistanceMatrix normalizeRGB orderClusters weightedPairsDistance

# This section gets the award for most headaches incurred during production. Congratulations to me.

#' Chi-square distance between vectors
#' Computes the chi-squared distance between each element of a pair of vectors
#' which must be of the same length. Good for comparing color histograms if you
#' don't want to weight by color similarity. Probably hugely redundant; alas.
#' @param a Numeric vector.
#' @param b Numeric vector; must be the same length as a.
#' @return Chi-squared distance, \eqn{(a - b)^2/(a + b)}, between vectors a and
#'   b. If one or both elements are NA/NaN, contribution is counted as a 0.
#' @examples
#' colordistance:::chisqDistance(rnorm(10), rnorm(10))
chisqDistance <- function(a, b) {
  # If vectors aren"t same length throw an error
  if (length(a) != length(b)) {
    stop("Vectors must be of the same length")

  # Otherwise calculate chi-squared distance between each pair of elements in
  # the vectors and return the sum
  v <- sapply(c(1:length(a)), function(x) (a[x] - b[x]) ^ 2 / (a[x] + b[x]))
  v[is.nan(v)] <- 0

#' Sum of Euclidean distances between color clusters
#' Calculates the Euclidean distance between each pair of points in two
#' dataframes as returned by extractClusters or getImageHist and returns the sum
#' of the distances.
#' @param T1 Dataframe (especially a dataframe as returned by
#'   \code{extractClusters()} or \code{getImageHist()}, but first three columns
#'   must be coordinates).
#' @param T2 Another dataframe like T1.
#' @return Sum of Euclidean distances between each pair of points (rows) in the
#'   provided dataframes.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{cluster.list <- colordistance::getHistList(system.file("extdata",
#' "Heliconius/Heliconius_B", package="colordistance"), lower=rep(0.8, 3),
#' upper=rep(1, 3))
#' colordistance:::colorDistance(cluster.list[[1]], cluster.list[[2]])}
colorDistance <- function(T1, T2) {
                    function(x) stats::dist(rbind(T1[x, 1:3],
                                                  T2[x, 1:3])))))

#' Earth mover's distance between two sets of color clusters
#' Calculates the
#' \href{https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/RUBNER/emd.htm}{Earth
#' mover's distance} (briefly, the amount of work required to move the data from
#' one distribution to resemble the other distribution, or the amount of "dirt"
#' you have to shovel weighted by how far you have to shovel it). Accounts for
#' both color disparity and size disparity. Recommended unless \code{binAvg} is
#' off for histogram generation. Note: this function is not exported by the package,
#' since it is fairly specific to the colordistance framework. For a more generic
#' implementation of EMD, see the [emdist::emd] function in the emdist package.
#' @param T1 Dataframe (especially a dataframe as returned by
#'   \code{link{extractClusters}} or \code{\link{getImageHist}}, but first three
#'   columns must be coordinates).
#' @param T2 Another dataframe like T1.
#' @return Earth mover's distance between the two dataframes (metric of overall
#'   bin similarity for a pair of 3-dimensional histograms).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cluster.list <- colordistance::getHistList(system.file("extdata",
#' "Heliconius/Heliconius_B", package="colordistance"), lower=rep(0.8, 3),
#' upper=rep(1, 3))
#' colordistance:::EMDistance(cluster.list[[1]], cluster.list[[2]])
#' }
EMDistance <- function(T1, T2) {
  T1 <- as.matrix(cbind(T1[, 4], T1[, 1:3]))
  T2 <- as.matrix(cbind(T2[, 4], T2[, 1:3]))
  return(emdist::emd(T1, T2))

#' Distance between color clusters with user-specified color/size weights
#' Distance metric with optional user input for specifying how much the bin size
#' similarity and color similarity should be weighted when pairing clusters from
#' different color cluster sets.
#' @param T1 Dataframe (especially a dataframe as returned by
#'   \code{extractClusters} or \code{getImageHist}, but first three columns must
#'   be coordinates).
#' @param T2 Another dataframe like T1.
#' @param ordering Logical. Should clusters by paired in order to minimize
#'   overall distance scores or evaluated in the order given?
#' @param size.weight Weight of size similarity in determining overall score and
#'   ordering (if ordering=T).
#' @param color.weight Weight of color similarity in determining overall score
#'   and ordering (if ordering=T). Color and size weights do not necessarily
#'   have to sum to 1.
#' @return Similarity score based on size and color similarity of each pair of
#'   points in provided dataframes.
#' @note Use with caution, since weights can easily swing distance scores more
#'   dramatically than might be expected. For example, if \code{size.weight} = 1
#'   and \code{color.weight} = 0, two clusters of identical color but different
#'   sizes would not be compared.
#' @examples
#' cluster.list <- colordistance::getKMeansList(system.file("extdata",
#' "Heliconius/Heliconius_B", package="colordistance"), lower=rep(0.8, 3),
#' upper=rep(1, 3))
#' cluster.list <- colordistance::extractClusters(cluster.list, ordering=TRUE)
#' colordistance:::weightedPairsDistance(cluster.list[[1]], cluster.list[[2]],
#' size.weight=0.8, color.weight=0.2)
weightedPairsDistance <- function(T1, T2, ordering=FALSE, size.weight=0.5,
                                  color.weight=0.5) {
  if (ordering) {

    im1 <- spatstat.geom::pp3(T1[, 1], T1[, 2], T1[, 3], 
                         spatstat.geom::box3(c(0, 1)))
    im2 <- spatstat.geom::pp3(T2[, 1], T2[, 2], T2[, 3], 
                              spatstat.geom::box3(c(0, 1)))
    col.dist <- spatstat.geom::crossdist(im1, im2) / sqrt(3)
    size.dist <- spatstat.geom::crossdist(spatstat.geom::ppx(T1[, 4]),
                  spatstat.geom::ppx(T2[, 4])) / t(sapply(c(1:dim(T1)[1]),
                                    function(x) T1[x, 4] + T2[, 4]))
    size.dist[is.nan(size.dist)] <- 0

    pairMatrix <- size.weight * size.dist + color.weight * col.dist
    pairs <- clue::solve_LSAP(pairMatrix)
    return(sum(pairMatrix[cbind(seq_along(pairs), pairs)]))
  } else {
    # If ordering is FALSE, take only distances between each ordered bin -
    # compare 1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc, regardless of color or size similarity
    col.dist <- sum(sapply(c(1:dim(T1)[1]), 
              function(x) dist(rbind(T1[x, 1:3], T2[x, 1:3])) / sqrt(3)))
    size.dist <- chisqDistance(T1[, 4], T2[, 4])
    return(col.dist * color.weight + size.dist * size.weight)

#' Distance matrix for a list of color cluster sets
#' Calculates a distance matrix for a list of color cluster sets as returned by
#' \code{\link{extractClusters}} or \code{\link{getHistList}} based on the
#' specified distance metric.
#' @param cluster.list A list of identically sized dataframes with 4 columns each
#'   (R, G, B, Pct or H, S, V, Pct) as output by \code{extractClusters} or
#'   \code{getHistList}.
#' @param method One of four possible comparison methods for calculating the
#'   color distances: \code{"emd"} (uses \code{\link{EMDistance}}, recommended),
#'   \code{"chisq"} (uses \code{\link{chisqDistance}}), \code{"color.dist"}
#'   (uses \code{\link{colorDistance}}; not appropriate if binAvg=F), or
#'   \code{"weighted.pairs"} (\code{\link{weightedPairsDistance}}).
#' @param size.weight Same as in \code{\link{weightedPairsDistance}}.
#' @param color.weight Same as in \code{\link{weightedPairsDistance}}.
#' @param ordering Logical if not left as "default". Should the color clusters
#'   in the list be reordered to minimize the distances between the pairs? If
#'   left as default, ordering depends on distance method: "emd" and "chisq" do
#'   not order clusters ("emd" orders on a case-by-case in the
#'   \code{\link{EMDistance}} function itself and reordering by size similarity
#'   would make chi-squared meaningless); "color.dist" and "weighted.pairs" use
#'   ordering. To override defaults, set to either \code{T} (for ordering) or
#'   \code{F} (for no ordering).
#' @param plotting Logical. Should a heatmap of the distance matrix be displayed
#'   once the function finishes running?
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to
#'   \code{\link{heatmapColorDistance}}.
#' @return A distance matrix of image distance scores (the scales vary depending
#'   on the distance metric chosen, but for all four methods, higher scores =
#'   more different).
#' @details Each cell represents the distance between a pair of color cluster
#' sets as measured using either chi-squared distance (cluster size only), earth
#' mover's distance (size and color), weighted pairs (size and color with
#' user-specified weights for each), or color distance (Euclidean distance
#' between clusters as 3-dimensional - RGB or HSV - color coordinates).
#' Earth mover's distance is recommended unless \code{binAvg} is set to false
#' during cluster list generation (in which case all paired bins will have the
#' same colors across datasets), in which case chi-squared is recommended.
#' Weighted pairs or color distance may be appropriate depending on the
#' question, but generally give poorer results.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cluster.list <- colordistance::getHistList(c(system.file("extdata",
#' "Heliconius/Heliconius_A", package="colordistance"), system.file("extdata",
#' "Heliconius/Heliconius_B", package="colordistance")), lower=rep(0.8, 3),
#' upper=rep(1, 3))
#' # Default values - recommended!
#' colordistance::getColorDistanceMatrix(cluster.list, main="EMD")
#' # Without plotting
#' colordistance::getColorDistanceMatrix(cluster.list, plotting=FALSE)
#' # Use chi-squared instead
#' colordistance::getColorDistanceMatrix(cluster.list, method="chisq", main="Chi-squared")
#' # Override ordering (throws a warning if you're trying to do this with
#' # chisq!)
#' colordistance::getColorDistanceMatrix(cluster.list, method="chisq",
#' ordering=TRUE, main="Chi-squared w/ ordering")
#' # Specify high size weight/low color weight for weighted pairs
#' colordistance::getColorDistanceMatrix(cluster.list, method="weighted.pairs",
#' color.weight=0.1, size.weight=0.9, main="Weighted pairs")
#' # Color distance only
#' colordistance::getColorDistanceMatrix(cluster.list, method="color.dist",
#' ordering=TRUE, main="Color distance only")
#' }
#' @export
getColorDistanceMatrix <- function(cluster.list, method="emd",
                                   ordering="default", size.weight=0.5,
                                   color.weight=0.5, plotting=TRUE, ...) {

  # First redefine the name of this thing for brevity
  obj <- cluster.list

  # If provided object is indeed a list then keep going
  if (is.list(obj)) {

    # If ordering is default, do no reordering for "emd" or "chisq" methods,
    # create an ordered list for "color.dist", or just set ordering to T for
    # weighted.pairs method
    # If ordering is true then just order clusters; if false set ordering to
    # false
    if (ordering == "default") {
      if (method == "color.dist") {
        obj <- orderClusters(obj)
      } else if (method == "weighted.pairs") {
        ordering <- TRUE
    } else if (isTRUE(ordering)) {
      obj <- orderClusters(obj)
      } else {
        ordering <- FALSE

    # Empty distance matrix with row/column names matching list
    dist.mat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(obj), ncol = length(obj))
    rownames(dist.mat) <- names(obj)
    colnames(dist.mat) <- names(obj)

    # Matrix will be symmetrical - save time by calculating only unique pairs
    # (we'll reflect the values later)
    pairs <- which(lower.tri(dist.mat, diag = FALSE), arr.ind = TRUE)

    # Use specified method
    # In each case, for every pair defined above, calculate distance metric and
    # insert into distance matrix cell
    if (method == "emd") {
      dist.mat[pairs] <- apply(pairs, 1, 
        function(x) dist.mat[x[1], x[2]] <- EMDistance(obj[[x[1]]], 
    } else if (method == "chisq") {

      # Throw a warning if reordering with just chisq method
      if (isTRUE(ordering)) {
        warning("Setting ordering = TRUE for 'chisq' method not recommended",
                " (comparisons may not be valid)")

      dist.mat[pairs] <- apply(pairs, 1, 
        function(x) dist.mat[x[1], 
                             x[2]] <- chisqDistance(obj[[x[1]]][, 4],
                                                    obj[[x[2]]][, 4]))

    } else if (method == "color.dist") {

      dist.mat[pairs] <- apply(pairs, 1, 
        function(x) dist.mat[x[1], 
                             x[2]] <- colorDistance(obj[[x[1]]],

    } else if (method == "weighted.pairs") {

      dist.mat[pairs] <- apply(pairs, 1,
        function(x) dist.mat[x[1], 
                             x[2]] <- weightedPairsDistance(obj[[x[1]]], 
                            ordering = ordering, color.weight = color.weight,
                    size.weight = size.weight))

    } else {
      stop("Comparison method must be one of 'emd', 'chisq',",
           " 'color.dist' or 'weighted.pairs'")
  } else {
    stop("Must provide either an extractClusters object",
         " or a getHistList object")

  dist.mat[upper.tri(dist.mat)] <- t(dist.mat)[upper.tri(dist.mat)]

  if (plotting) {
    colordistance::heatmapColorDistance(dist.mat, ...)



#' Order color clusters to minimize overall color distance between pairs
#' Reorders clusters to minimize color distance using the
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_algorithm}{Hungarian algorithm}
#' as implemented by \code{\link[clue]{solve_LSAP}}.
#' @param extractClustersObject A list of color clusters such as those returned
#'   by \code{\link{extractClusters}} or \code{\link{getHistList}}. List must
#'   contain identically sized dataframes with color coordinates (R, G, B or H,
#'   S, V) as the first three columns.
#' @return A list with identical data to the input list, but with rows in each
#'   dataframe reordered to minimize color distances per cluster pair.
#' @details Briefly: Euclidean distances between every possible pair of clusters
#' across two dataframes are calculated, and pairs of clusters are chosen in
#' order to minimize the total sum of color distances between the cluster pairs
#' (i.e. A1-B1, A2-B2, etc).
#' For example, if dataframe A has a black cluster, a white cluster, and a blue
#' cluster, in that order, and dataframe B has a white cluster, a blue cluster,
#' and a grey cluster, in that order, the final pairs might be A1-B3 (black and
#' grey), A2-B2 (blue and blue), and A3-B1 (white and white).
#' Rows are reordered so that paired rows are in the same row index (in the
#' example, dataframe B would be reshuffled to go grey, blue, white instead of
#' white, grey, blue).
#' @examples
#' cluster.list <- colordistance::getKMeansList(c(system.file("extdata",
#' "Heliconius/Heliconius_A", package="colordistance"), lower=rep(0.8, 3),
#' upper=rep(1, 3)))
#' cluster.list <- colordistance::extractClusters(cluster.list)
#' colordistance:::orderClusters(cluster.list)
orderClusters <- function(extractClustersObject) {

  end.list <- extractClustersObject

  # R trucks in 0-1 scales for pixel intensity rather than 0-255
  # Set bounds to c(0, 1) unless converted
  if (max(extractClustersObject[[1]][, 1:3]) <= 1) {
    box <- c(0, 1)
  } else {
    box <- c(0, 255)

  # Use pp3 function from spatstat.geom package to create 3D point pattern objects
  # for use with solve_LSAP
  imgA <- spatstat.geom::pp3(extractClustersObject[[1]][, 1],
              extractClustersObject[[1]][, 2],
              extractClustersObject[[1]][, 3],

  # Order each subsequent dataframe by the clusters in the first element
  for (i in 2:length(extractClustersObject)) {
    imgB <- spatstat.geom::pp3(extractClustersObject[[i]][, 1],
                extractClustersObject[[i]][, 2],
                extractClustersObject[[i]][, 3],

    # Get distance matrix between the two
    dist.matrix <- spatstat.geom::crossdist(imgA, imgB)

    # Use solve_LSAP from clue package to get the minimum sum of distances
    # between point pairs (implements Hungarian Algorithm)
    orders <- clue::solve_LSAP(dist.matrix, maximum = FALSE)

    # Reorder the points and insert into list
    end.list[[i]] <- extractClustersObject[[i]][orders, ]



#' Normalize pixel RGB ratios
#' Converts clusters from raw channel intensity to their fraction of the
#' intensity for that cluster
#' @param extractClustersObject A list of color clusters such as those returned
#'   by \code{\link{extractClusters}} or \code{\link{getHistList}}. List must
#'   contain identically sized dataframes with color coordinates (R, G, B or H,
#'   S, V) as the first three columns.
#' @return A list of the same size and structure as the input list, but with the
#'   cluster normalized as described.
#' @note
#' This is a useful option if your images have a lot of variation in lighting,
#' but obviously comes at the cost of reducing variation (if darker and lighter
#' colors are meaningful sources of variation in the dataset).
#' For example, a bright yellow (R=1, G=1, B=0) and a darker yellow (R=0.8,
#' G=0.8, B=0) both have 50\% red, 50\% green, and 0\% blue, so their normalized
#' values would be equivalent.
#' A similar but less harsh alternative would be to use HSV rather than RGB for
#' pixel binning and color similarity clustering by setting \code{hsv=T} in
#' clustering functions and specifying a low number of 'value' bins (e.g.
#' \code{bins=c(8, 8, 2)}).
#' @examples
#' cluster.list <- colordistance::getKMeansList(c(system.file("extdata",
#' "Heliconius/Heliconius_A", package="colordistance"), lower=rep(0.8, 3),
#' upper=rep(1, 3)))
#' cluster.list <- colordistance::extractClusters(cluster.list)
#' colordistance:::normalizeRGB(cluster.list)
normalizeRGB <- function(extractClustersObject) {
  # For every dataframe in the list, divide each RGB cluster by the total for
  # that row
        function(x) x <- cbind(t(apply(x, 1, 
                              function(y) y[1:3] / sum(y[1:3]))),
                              Pct = x[, 4])))
hiweller/colordistance documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 7:49 p.m.