
Defines functions confusion_matrix

Documented in confusion_matrix

#' A confusion matrix
#' A matrix, also known as a matching matrix or an error matrix, is a specific table layout that allows visualization of the performance of an algorithm, typically a supervised learning one. Each row of the matrix represents the instances in a predicted class for model 1 while each column represents the instances in class for model 2. The name stems from the fact that it makes it easy to see if the system is confusing two classes (i.e. commonly mislabeling one as another).
#' @usage confusion_matrix(model1, model2, "ModelA", "ModelB")
#' @param model1  A fitted model from the lcmm R package (or from SAS passed through the SASmodelbuilder() function)
#' @param model2  is the posterior probabilities of assignment of dimensions, K columns and N rows
#' @param name1 optional paramter to pre-specify name of model
#' @param name2 optional paramter to pre-specify name of model
#' @return  A confusion matrix between two models with the same number of classes
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(bmi_long, package='LCTMtools')
#' library(lcmm)
#' model1 <- lcmm::hlme(BMI ~Age,
#' mixture= ~Age,
#' random= ~Age,
#' nwg=TRUE, ng=2, subject='ID', data=data.frame(bmi_long[1:500, ]))
#' model2 <- lcmm::hlme(BMI ~Age,
#' mixture= ~Age,
#' random= ~1,
#' nwg=FALSE, ng=2, subject='ID', data=data.frame(bmi_long[1:500, ]))
#' confusion_matrix(model1, model2)}
#' @export

confusion_matrix <- function(model1, model2, name1 = "Model_1", name2 = "Model_2") {
    # model1 <- model1[sort(model1$ID),]
    R <- model1$pprob$class
    Sas <- model2$pprob$class
    K <- ncol(model1$pprob) - 2

    a <- eval(parse(text = paste0("c(", paste0("sum(R==1&Sas==", 1:K, ")", collapse = ","),

    for (i in 2:K) {
        b <- eval(parse(text = paste0("c(", paste0("sum(R==", i, "&Sas==", 1:K,
            ")", collapse = ","), ")")))
        a <- rbind(a, b)

    a <- cbind(a, rowSums(a))
    a <- rbind(a, colSums(a))
    colnames(a) <- c(paste0("Class_", 1:K), name1)
    rownames(a) <- c(paste0("Class_", 1:K), name2)
hlennon/LCTMtools documentation built on Dec. 6, 2022, 3:04 a.m.