
Defines functions apsimx_wrapper_options

Documented in apsimx_wrapper_options

#' @title Getting a apsimx_wrapper options list with initialized fields
#' @description This function returns a default options list
#' @param apsimx_path Path of the apsimx binary executable file (Models.exe)
#' @param apsimx_file Path to the .apsimx file to be run
#' @param predicted_table_name Name of the predicted table in the datastore
#' @param observed_table_name Name of the observed table in the datastore
#' @param time_display Logical value used to display (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
#' simulations duration
#' @param multi_process Logical value used to run (TRUE) or not (FALSE) apsim
#' in multi-process mode. This will generally result in faster execution times
#' on systems with many cores (ie in a HPC/cluster environment).
#' @return A list containing apsimx model apsimx_wrapper options
#' @examples
#' @export
apsimx_wrapper_options <- function(apsimx_path,
                                   apsimx_file, ... ) {

  # Template list
  options <- list()
  options$apsimx_path <- character(0)
  options$apsimx_file <- character(0)
  options$time_display <- FALSE
  options$warning_display <- TRUE
  options$multi_process <- FALSE
  options$predicted_table_name <- 'Report'
  options$observed_table_name <- 'Observed'
  options$variable_names <- character(0)
  options$met_files_path <- character(0)
  options$obs_files_path <- character(0)

  # For getting the template
  # running apsimx_wrapper_options
  if (! nargs()) return(options)

  # For fixing mandatory fields values
  options$apsimx_path <- apsimx_path
  options$apsimx_file <- apsimx_file

  # Fixing optional fields,
  # if corresponding to exact field names
  # in options list
  list_names <- names (options)
  add_args <- list(...)

  for (n in names(add_args)) {
    if ( n %in% list_names) {
      options[[n]] <- add_args[[n]]

  # Adding dates variable for getting them in outputs
  if ( ! is.element("Clock.Today", options$variable_names ) ) {
    if (length(options$variable_names) > 0 && grepl('Predicted.', options$variable_names[1])) {
      options$variable_names <- c(options$variable_names, "Predicted.Clock.Today")
    } else {
      options$variable_names <- c(options$variable_names, "Clock.Today")

hol430/ApsimOnR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 5:45 p.m.