
Defines functions with_speed without_checking with_verbose with_silent with_option eplusr_option rm_global_cache

Documented in eplusr_option with_option without_checking with_silent with_speed with_verbose

#' @importFrom checkmate assert_count assert_choice assert_flag assert_subset
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_string test_choice

# package level global constant {{{
.globals <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

# for storing internal data
.globals$eplus <- list()
.globals$idd <- list()
.globals$epw <- list()
.globals$color <- has_color()

rm_global_cache <- function(type = c("idd", "epw", "eplus"), ver = NULL) {
    type <- match.arg(type)

    if (is.null(ver)) {
        .globals[[type]] <- list()
    } else {
        for (v in as.character(standardize_ver(ver))) {
            if (v %in% names(.globals[[type]])) {
                .globals[[type]][[v]] <- NULL
# }}}

# package level mutable global options {{{
.options <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
.options$verbose_info <- TRUE
.options$validate_level <- "final"
.options$view_in_ip <- FALSE
.options$save_format <- "asis"
.options$num_parallel <- parallel::detectCores()
# }}}

#' Get and Set eplusr options
#' Get and set eplusr options which affect the way in which eplusr computes and
#' displays its results.
#' @param ... Any available options to define, using `name = value`. All
#' available options are shown below. If no options are given, all values of
#' current options are returned. If a single option name, its value is returned.
#' @details
#' * `validate_level`: The strictness level of validation during field value
#'   modification and model error checking. Possible value: `"none"`,
#'   `"draft"` and `"final"` or a custom validation level using
#'   [custom_validate()]. Default: `"final"`. For what validation
#'   components each level contains, see [level_checks()].
#' * `view_in_ip`: Whether models should be presented in IP units. Default:
#'   `FALSE`. It is not recommended to set this option to `TRUE` as currently
#'   IP-units support in eplusr is not fully tested.
#' * `save_format`: The default format to use when saving Idf objects to `.idf` files.
#'   Possible values: `"asis"`, `"sorted"`, `"new_top"` and `"new_bot"`.
#'   The later three have the same effect as `Save Options` settings
#'   `"Sorted"`, `"Original with New at Top"` and `"Original with New at
#'   Bottom"` in IDF Editor, respectively. For `"asis"`, the saving format
#'   will be set according to the header of IDF file. If no header found,
#'   `"sorted"` is used. Default: `"asis"`.
#' * `num_parallel`: Maximum number of parallel simulations to run. Default:
#'     `parallel::detectCores()`.
#' * `verbose_info`: Whether to show information messages. Default: `TRUE`.
#' * `autocomplete`: **Deprecated**. Whether to turn on autocompletion on class
#'   and field names. Now autocompletion is enabled all the time.
#' @return If called directly, a named list of input option values. If input is
#'     a single option name, a length-one vector whose type is determined by
#'     that option. If input is new option values, a named list of newly set
#'     option values.
#' @examples
#' # list all current options
#' eplusr_option() # a named list
#' # get a specific option value
#' eplusr_option("verbose_info")
#' # set options
#' eplusr_option(verbose_info = TRUE, view_in_ip = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @author Hongyuan Jia
# eplusr_option {{{
eplusr_option <- function(...) {
    opt <- list(...)

    if (!length(opt)) return(as.list.environment(.options, sorted = TRUE))

    nm <- names(opt)

    if (!length(nm)) {
        nm <- unlist(opt)
        assert_string(nm, .var.name = "option")

    ori_nm <- nm
    if ("autocomplete" %chin% ori_nm) {
        warn("Option 'autocomplete' is deprecated. Autocompletion is enabled all the time.",
        nm <- setdiff(nm, "autocomplete")

    assert_subset(nm, names(.options), .var.name = "option")

    choice_opt <- c("save_format")
    choice_list <- list(
        save_format = c("asis", "sorted", "new_top", "new_bot")

    onoff_opt <- c("view_in_ip", "verbose_info")

    count_opt <- c("num_parallel")

    # assign_onoff_opt {{{
    assign_onoff_opt <- function(input, name) {
        if (length(input[[name]])) {
            assert_flag(input[[name]], .var.name = name)
            .options[[name]] <- input[[name]]
    # }}}
    # assign_choice_opt {{{
    assign_choice_opt <- function(input, name) {
        if (length(input[[name]])) {
            assert_choice(input[[name]], choice_list[[name]], .var.name = name)
            .options[[name]] <- input[[name]]
    # }}}
    # assign_count_opt {{{
    assign_count_opt <- function(input, name) {
        if (length(input[[name]])) {
            assert_count(input[[name]], positive = TRUE, .var.name = name)
            .options[[name]] <- as.integer(input[[name]])
    # }}}

    for (nm_opt in choice_opt) assign_choice_opt(opt, nm_opt)
    for (nm_opt in onoff_opt) assign_onoff_opt(opt, nm_opt)
    for (nm_opt in count_opt) assign_count_opt(opt, nm_opt)

    # validate level
    if ("validate_level" %chin% nm) {
        level <- opt[["validate_level"]]
        if (test_choice(level, c("none", "draft", "final"))) {
            .options[["validate_level"]] <- level
        } else {
            .options[["validate_level"]] <- level_checks(level)

    res <- as.list.environment(.options)[nm]

    if ("autocomplete" %chin% ori_nm) {
        res$autocomplete <- TRUE
        res <- res[ori_nm]

# }}}

#' Evaluate an expression with temporary eplusr options
#' These functions evaluate an expression with temporary eplusr options
#' `with_option` evaluates an expression with specified eplusr options.
#' `with_silent` evaluates an expression with no verbose messages.
#' `with_verbose` evaluates an expression with verbose messages.
#' `without_checking` evaluates an expression with no checkings.
#' @param opts A list of valid input for `eplusr::eplusr_option()`.
#' @param expr An expression to be evaluated.
#' @name with_option
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' path_idf <- system.file("extdata/1ZoneUncontrolled.idf", package = "eplusr")
#' # temporarily disable verbose messages
#' idf <- with_silent(read_idf(path_idf, use_idd("8.8", download = "auto")))
#' # temporarily disable checkings
#' without_checking(idf$'BuildingSurface:Detailed' <- NULL)
#' # OR
#' with_option(list(validate_level = "none"), idf$'BuildingSurface:Detailed' <- NULL)
#' }
# with_option {{{
with_option <- function(opts, expr) {
    assert_list(opts, names = "named")
    # get options
    ori <- eplusr_option()
    assert_names(names(opts), subset.of = names(ori))

    # set new option values
    on.exit(do.call(eplusr_option, ori), add = TRUE)
    do.call(eplusr_option, opts)

# }}}

#' @name with_option
#' @export
# with_silent {{{
with_silent <- function(expr) {
    with_option(list(verbose_info = FALSE), expr)
# }}}

#' @name with_option
#' @export
# with_verbose {{{
with_verbose <- function(expr) {
    with_option(list(verbose_info = TRUE), expr)
# }}}

#' @name with_option
#' @export
# without_checking {{{
without_checking <- function(expr) {
    with_option(list(validate_level = "none"), expr)
# }}}

#' Evaluates an expression without checking
#' @param expr An expression to be evaluated.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
# with_speed {{{
with_speed <- function(expr) {
    .Deprecated("without_checking", "eplusr")
# }}}

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hongyuanjia/eplusr documentation built on Feb. 14, 2024, 5:38 a.m.