
Defines functions add_prop percent

Documented in add_prop percent

#' @title Add percentage to counts in data.frame
#' @description Add percentage for counts in the data.frame, both numeric and
#'  character with `%` would be provided.
#' @param x A number (numeric).
#' @param digits How many digits to keep in the percentage. Default uses 1.
#' @param .data A data frame.
#' @param count_name Column name of counts (Character).
#'  Default uses the last column of data.frame.
#' @references https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7145826/how-to-format-a-number-as-percentage-in-r
#' @examples
#'  percent(0.9057)
#'  percent(0.9057,3)
#'  iris %>%
#'    count_dt(Species) %>%
#'    add_prop()
#'  iris %>%
#'    count_dt(Species) %>%
#'    add_prop(count_name = "n",digits = 2)

#' @rdname add_prop
#' @export
percent = function(x,digits = 1){
  sprintf(paste0("%.",digits,"f%%"),x * 100)

#' @rdname add_prop
#' @export
add_prop = function(.data,count_name = last(names(.data)),digits = 1){
  dt = as.data.table(.data)
    prop_label:= percent(prop,digits = digits)

hope-data-science/tidyfst documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 8:05 p.m.