
#27. 5. 2018 Eliska
#interpolation with inverse distace weighted

inv_dis_w = function(data, sit) {
#uses function from "okrajove_podminky"

#--parameters of interpolation:
a = 1.63 #a = main half-axis of ellipse
n = 3 #n = number of neighbpuring points from that the interpolation is done
bet = 1 #bet = beta parameter of inverse distance weighting
p1 = 0 #p1 = in the intersection of measured verticals and the river streambed the velocity is assumed 0
p2 = 1 #p2 = in the intersection of measured verticals and the water surface the velocita is assumed equal to the velocity of the top measured point velocity
p3 = 1 #p3 = the "coordinates" of measured points are transformed to normal coordinates

b = 1 #lateral half-axis of ellipse

VYSL = matrix(0, ncol = 4, nrow = length(sit[,1])) #sem se posypou vysledky
colnames(VYSL) <- c('stan', 'hlou', 'hlouBodu', 'vysl')
VYSL[,1:3] = sit

Loc = data$Loc
mD = length(Loc) #pocet namerenych hodnot

A = zjisteniP (data, p1, p2, p3)
Stan = A$Stan
Hlou = A$Hlou
HlouBodu = A$HlouBodu
Vel = A$Vel

Ep = matrix(0, nrow = length(Vel), ncol = 5) #E je spojeni matic znamych hodnot
Ep[,1] = Stan #1. sloupec je staniceni
Ep[,2] = Hlou #2. sloupec jsou hloubky svislic
Ep[,3] = HlouBodu #3. sloupec jsou hloubky bodu
Ep[,4] = Vel #4. sloupec jsou rychlosti v bodech
 #5. sloupec budou vzdalenosti

#odstranit hodnoty, kde nebyla merena rychlost
#(hloubka bodu je 0 a zaroven rychlost je 0)nebo(hloubka svislice se rovna hloubce mereneho bodu)
	poc = sum(((Ep[1:mD,3] == 0)&(Ep[1:mD,4] == 0))|(Ep[1:mD,2]==Ep[1:mD,3]))
	i = 1; j = 1
	E = matrix(0, nrow = length(Vel)-poc, ncol = 5)
	while (i <= mD) {
		if (((Ep[i,3] == 0)&(Ep[i,4] == 0))|(Ep[i,2]==Ep[i,3])) {
			i = i + 1}
		else {
			E[j,] = Ep[i,]
			i = i + 1; j = j + 1
#pridam zbytek hodnot do matice E - body doplnene, pokud byly podminky p1, p2
if ((p1 == 1)|(p2==1)) { E[j:(length(Vel)-poc),] = Ep[(j+poc):length(Vel),] }

if (p3 == 0) { #pokud nebyla podminka tranformace souradnic, musim prevest sit na "merene souradnice"
	M <- NormMeasD(sit[,2], sit[,3])
	sit[,2] <- M$Hlou
	sit[,3] <- M$HlouB

for (i in 1:(length(sit[,1])) ) { #pro kazdy bod site postupne

    DIST = 0 #budouci vektor vzdalenosti vybraneho bodu od vsech ostatnich
    DIST = ((E[,1] - sit[i,1])^2)/(a^2)+((E[,3] - sit[i,3])^2)/(b^2) #vzdalenosti v intencich elipsy
	E[,5] = DIST
	pom = E[order(E[,5],decreasing = FALSE),] #setrizeni
	pon = ( sum( ((pom[2:(n+1),5])^(bet*(-1))) * pom[2:(n+1),4] ) ) / (sum( (pom[2:(n+1),5])^(bet*(-1))) )
    VYSL[i,4] = (round(pon*10000))/10000 #do radku vypoctene rychlosti pro jednotlive body

return(D = VYSL)
houbysvoctem/StreamDischarge documentation built on May 9, 2019, 7:33 p.m.