
Defines functions t.DataFrame t.TransposedDataFrame .show_TransposedDataFrame .rbind_TransposedDataFrame_objects .cbind_TransposedDataFrame_objects

Documented in t.DataFrame t.TransposedDataFrame

### =========================================================================
### TransposedDataFrame objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    contains=c("DataTable", "List"),

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### Transposition

### S3/S4 combo for t.DataFrame
t.DataFrame <- function(x)
    x_mcols <- mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)
    if (!is.null(x_mcols))
        mcols(x) <- NULL
    new2("TransposedDataFrame", data=x,
setMethod("t", "DataFrame", t.DataFrame)

### S3/S4 combo for t.TransposedDataFrame
t.TransposedDataFrame <- function(x)
    ans <- x@data
    mcols(ans) <- mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)
setMethod("t", "TransposedDataFrame", t.TransposedDataFrame)

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### Getters

setMethod("dim", "TransposedDataFrame", function(x) rev(dim(x@data)))
setMethod("length", "TransposedDataFrame", function(x) ncol(x@data))

setMethod("dimnames", "TransposedDataFrame", function(x) rev(dimnames(x@data)))
setMethod("names", "TransposedDataFrame", function(x) colnames(x@data))

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### Setters

setReplaceMethod("rownames", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, value)
        if (is.null(value))
            stop(wmsg("the names of a ", class(x), " object cannot be NULL"))
        colnames(x@data) <- value
setReplaceMethod("colnames", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, value)
        rownames(x@data) <- value
setReplaceMethod("names", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, value) `rownames<-`(x, value)

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### Subsetting

setMethod("extractROWS", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, i) t(extractCOLS(t(x), i))

setMethod("extractCOLS", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, i) t(extractROWS(t(x), i))

setMethod("[", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE)
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(drop))
            stop("'drop' must be TRUE or FALSE")
        i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x)
        ans <- t(x)[j, i, ..., drop=FALSE]  # 'ans' is a DataFrame
        if (drop && ncol(ans) == 1L)

setMethod("getListElement", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, i, exact=TRUE) getListElement(x@data, i, exact=exact)

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### Coercions

setAs("DataFrame", "TransposedDataFrame", function(from) t(from))
setAs("TransposedDataFrame", "DataFrame", function(from) t(from))

setMethod("as.matrix", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, ...) t(as.matrix(x@data, ...))

setMethod("as.list", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, use.names=TRUE) as.list(x@data, use.names=use.names)

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### Display

setMethod("makeCharacterMatrixForDisplay", "TransposedDataFrame",
        m <- t(makeCharacterMatrixForDisplay(x@data))
        x_colnames <- rownames(x@data)
        if (!is.null(x_colnames))
            colnames(m) <- x_colnames

.show_TransposedDataFrame <- function(x)
    nhead <- get_showHeadLines()
    ntail <- get_showTailLines()
    x_nrow <- nrow(x)
    x_ncol <- ncol(x)
    cat(classNameForDisplay(x), " with ",
        x_nrow, " row", ifelse(x_nrow == 1L, "", "s"),
        " and ",
        x_ncol, " column", ifelse(x_ncol == 1L, "", "s"),
        "\n", sep="")
    if (x_nrow != 0L && x_ncol != 0L) {
        x_rownames <- rownames(x)
        if (x_nrow <= nhead + ntail + 1L) {
            m <- makeCharacterMatrixForDisplay(x)
            if (!is.null(x_rownames))
                rownames(m) <- x_rownames
        } else { 
            m <- rbind(makeCharacterMatrixForDisplay(head(x, nhead)),
                       rbind(rep.int("...", x_ncol)),
                       makeCharacterMatrixForDisplay(tail(x, ntail)))
            rownames(m) <- S4Vectors:::make_rownames_for_DataTable_display(
                                                     x_rownames, x_nrow,
                                                     nhead, ntail)
        classinfo <- S4Vectors:::make_class_info_for_DataTable_display(x@data)
        rownames(m) <- paste(format(rownames(m)), classinfo)
        print(m, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)

setMethod("show", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(object) .show_TransposedDataFrame(object)

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### rbind/cbind

.rbind_TransposedDataFrame_objects <- function(x, objects=list(),
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.mcols))
        stop("'ignore.mcols' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    objects <- S4Vectors:::prepare_objects_to_bind(x, objects)
    all_objects <- c(list(x), objects)
    if (ignore.mcols)
        all_objects <- lapply(all_objects, `mcols<-`, value=NULL)
    t(do.call(cbind, lapply(all_objects, t)))

.cbind_TransposedDataFrame_objects <- function(x, objects=list())
    objects <- S4Vectors:::prepare_objects_to_bind(x, objects)
    all_objects <- c(list(x), objects)
    t(do.call(rbind, lapply(all_objects, t)))

### Defining bindROWS() gives us c() for free.
setMethod("bindROWS", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(x, objects=list(), use.names=TRUE, ignore.mcols=FALSE, check=TRUE)
        if (!identical(use.names, TRUE))
            stop(wmsg("the bindROWS() method for TransposedDataFrame objects ",
                      "only accepts 'use.names=TRUE'"))
        if (!identical(check, TRUE))
            stop(wmsg("the bindROWS() method for TransposedDataFrame objects ",
                      "only accepts 'check=TRUE'"))
        .rbind_TransposedDataFrame_objects(x, objects=objects,

setMethod("rbind", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(..., deparse.level=1)
        if (!identical(deparse.level, 1))
            warning(wmsg("the rbind() method for TransposedDataFrame objects ",
                         "ignores the 'deparse.level' argument"))
        all_objects <- list(...)
        .rbind_TransposedDataFrame_objects(all_objects[[1L]], all_objects[-1L])

setMethod("cbind", "TransposedDataFrame",
    function(..., deparse.level=1)
        if (!identical(deparse.level, 1))
            warning(wmsg("the cbind() method for TransposedDataFrame objects ",
                         "ignores the 'deparse.level' argument"))
        all_objects <- list(...)
        .cbind_TransposedDataFrame_objects(all_objects[[1L]], all_objects[-1L])
hpages/TransposedDataFrame documentation built on Dec. 1, 2019, 2:57 a.m.