
Defines functions create_warc_wget

Documented in create_warc_wget

#' Use wget to create a WARC archive for a URL list
#' Newer versions of \code{wget} are designed to support capturing of or
#' mirroring a list of URLs into a WARC archive. \code{wget} is tailor-made
#' for gathering web content and if you have to scrape a large number of
#' sites it's far more efficient and kind to the web site owners to save
#' the content to a WARC archive for future use.
#' \code{wget} must be available on the system \code{PATH} and be compiled with
#' WARC support to use this function. You can find statically linked binaries
#' for 32- and 64-bit systems \href{https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/current/wget.exe}{here}.
#' Note that there some command line options are not available in the Windows version of
#' \code{wget}.
#' The defaults for the parameters do not "mirror" web sites but will follow a sane
#' number of redirects and will grab the default content at the URLs in \code{url_list}.
#' @param url_list character vector of URLs or a \code{connection} to a file
#'   with one URL per line
#' @param warc_path path where to store WARC archive output
#' @param user_agent,max_redirects,tries,waitretry,timeout,warc_header,warc_cdx options for \code{wget}
#' @param warc_file,no_warc_keep_log,warc_max_size,warc_tempdir options for \code{wget}
#' @param no_output should the URL content associated with each URL also be saved in
#'   individual files?
#' @param .opts a character vector of other valid options for \code{wget} that will be appended
#'   to the \code{system2} call \code{args}.
#' @export
#' @references \url{http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Wget_with_WARC_output}
#' @note \code{"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US)"}
#'   is a good user agent to use for sites that are expecting a browser.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' create_warc_wget(c("http://rud.is/", "http://had.co.nz/",
#'                    "http://rstudio.com/", "http://rapid7.com/"),
#'                    "~/data/webarchive/example")
#' cdx <- read_cdx("~/data/webarchive/example/r-warc.cdx")
#' }
create_warc_wget <- function(url_list, warc_path=".", user_agent="r-warc", max_redirects=5,
                        tries=2, waitretry=1, timeout=5, warc_header="Source: R warc package",
                        warc_cdx=TRUE, warc_file="r-warc", no_warc_keep_log=TRUE,
                        warc_max_size="1G", warc_tempdir=tempdir(), no_output=TRUE, .opts=NULL) {

  if (Sys.which("wget") == "") {
    stop("wget binary not found", call.=FALSE)

  is_win <- Sys.info()[['sysname']] == "Windows"

  quiet <- TRUE

  cwd <- getwd()

  args <- sprintf('--user-agent="%s"', user_agent)
  if (!is_win) args <- c(args, sprintf('--max-redirect=%s', max_redirects))
  args <- c(args, sprintf('--tries=%s', tries))
  args <- c(args, sprintf('--waitretry=%s', waitretry))
  args <- c(args, sprintf('--timeout=%s', timeout))
  args <- c(args, sprintf('--warc-header="%s"', warc_header))
  args <- c(args, sprintf('--warc-file="%s"', warc_file))
  args <- c(args, sprintf('--warc-max-size=%s', warc_max_size))
  args <- c(args, sprintf('--warc-tempdir=%s', warc_tempdir))

  if (warc_cdx) args <- c(args, '--warc-cdx')
  if (no_warc_keep_log) args <- c(args, '--no-warc-keep-log')
  if (quiet) args <- c(args, '--quiet')
  if (no_output) args <- c(args, '--output-document=-')

  if (!inherits(url_list, "connection")) {
    tf <- tempfile()
    writeLines(url_list, tf)
  } else {
    tf <- unlist(summary(url_list))[["description"]]

  args <- c(args, sprintf('--input-file="%s"', tf))
  args <- c(args, .opts)

  system2(command="wget", args=args, stdout=NULL)

hrbrmstr/warc documentation built on May 17, 2019, 5:53 p.m.