
Defines functions auto_set_init_ set_init auto_set_hyper_ set_hyper

Documented in set_hyper set_init

# This file is part of the `locus` R package:
#     https://github.com/hruffieux/locus

#' Gather model hyperparameters provided by the user.
#' This function must be used to provide hyperparameter values for the model
#' used in \code{\link{locus}}.
#' The \code{\link{locus}} function can also be used with default hyperparameter
#' choices (without using \code{\link{set_hyper}}) by setting its argument
#' \code{list_hyper} to \code{NULL}.
#' @param d Number of responses.
#' @param p Number of candidate predictors.
#' @param lambda Vector of length 1 providing the values of hyperparameter
#'   \eqn{\lambda} for the prior distribution of \eqn{\sigma^{-2}}. \eqn{\sigma}
#'   represents the typical size of nonzero effects.
#' @param nu Vector of length 1 providing the values of hyperparameter \eqn{\nu}
#'   for the prior distribution of \eqn{\sigma^{-2}}. \eqn{\sigma} represents
#'   the typical size of nonzero effects.
#' @param a Vector of length 1 or p providing the values of hyperparameter
#'   \eqn{a} for the prior distributions for the proportion of responses
#'   associated with each candidate predictor, \eqn{\omega} (vector of length p).
#'   If of length 1, the provided value is repeated p times.
#' @param b Vector of length 1 or p providing the values of hyperparameter
#'   \eqn{b} for the prior distributions for the proportion of responses
#'   associated with each candidate predictor, \eqn{\omega} (vector of length p).
#'   If of length 1, the provided value is repeated p times.
#' @param eta Vector of length 1 or d for \code{link = "identity"}, and of
#'   length 1 or d_cont = d - length(ind_bin) (the number of continuous response
#'   variables) for \code{link = "mix"}. Provides the values of
#'   hyperparameter \eqn{\eta} for the prior distributions of the continuous
#'   response residual precisions, \eqn{\tau}. If of length 1, the provided
#'   value is repeated d, resp. d_cont, times. Must be \code{NULL} for
#'   \code{link = "logit"} and \code{link = "probit"}.
#' @param kappa Vector of length 1 or d for \code{link = "identity"}, and of
#'   length 1 or d_cont = d - length(ind_bin) (the number of continuous response
#'   variables) for \code{link = "mix"}. Provides the values of hyperparameter
#'   \eqn{\kappa} for the prior distributions of the response residual
#'   precisions, \eqn{\tau}. If of length 1, the provided value is repeated d,
#'   resp. d_cont, times. Must be \code{NULL} for \code{link = "logit"} and
#'   \code{link = "probit"}.
#' @param link Response link. Must be "\code{identity}" for linear regression,
#'   "\code{logit}" for logistic regression, "\code{probit}"
#'   for probit regression, or "\code{mix}" for a mix of identity and probit
#'   link functions (in this case, the indices of the binary responses must be
#'   gathered in argument \code{ind_bin}, see below).
#' @param ind_bin If \code{link = "mix"}, vector of indices corresponding to
#'   the binary variables in \code{Y}. Must be \code{NULL} if
#'   \code{link != "mix"}.
#' @param q Number of covariates. Default is \code{NULL}, for \code{Z}
#'   \code{NULL}.
#' @param phi Vector of length 1 or q providing the values of hyperparameter
#'   \eqn{\phi} for the prior distributions for the sizes of the nonzero
#'   covariate effects, \eqn{\zeta}. If of length 1, the provided value is
#'   repeated q times. Default is \code{NULL}, for \code{Z} \code{NULL}.
#' @param xi Vector of length 1 or q providing the values of hyperparameter
#'   \eqn{\xi} for the prior distributions for the sizes of the nonzero
#'   covariate effects, \eqn{\zeta}. If of length 1, the provided value is
#'   repeated q times. Default is \code{NULL}, for \code{Z} \code{NULL}.
#' @param m0 Vector of length 1 or p. Hyperparameter when \code{list_struct} 
#'   non-\code{NULL}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param s02 Variance hyperparameter when \code{list_struct} is 
#'   non-\code{NULL}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param G Number of candidate predictor groups when using the group selection
#'   model from the \code{\link{locus}} function. Default is \code{NULL},
#'   for no group selection.
#' @param struct Boolean indicating the use of structured sparse priors
#'   set through the \code{\link{set_struct}} function. Default is \code{FALSE},
#'   for no structured selection.
#' @return An object of class "\code{hyper}" preparing user hyperparameter in a
#'   form that can be passed to the \code{\link{locus}} function.
#' @examples
#' seed <- 123; set.seed(seed)
#' ###################
#' ## Simulate data ##
#' ###################
#' ## Examples using small problem sizes:
#' ##
#' n <- 200; p <- 200; p0 <- 20; d <- 20; d0 <- 15; q <- 2
#' ## Candidate predictors (subject to selection)
#' ##
#' # Here we simulate common genetic variants (but any type of candidate
#' # predictors can be supplied).
#' # 0 = homozygous, major allele, 1 = heterozygous, 2 = homozygous, minor allele
#' X_act <- matrix(rbinom(n * p0, size = 2, p = 0.25), nrow = n)
#' X_inact <- matrix(rbinom(n * (p - p0), size = 2, p = 0.25), nrow = n)
#' shuff_x_ind <- sample(p)
#' X <- cbind(X_act, X_inact)[, shuff_x_ind]
#' bool_x_act <- shuff_x_ind <= p0
#' pat_act <- beta <- matrix(0, nrow = p0, ncol = d0)
#' pat_act[sample(p0*d0, floor(p0*d0/5))] <- 1
#' beta[as.logical(pat_act)] <-  rnorm(sum(pat_act))
#' ## Covariates (not subject to selection)
#' ##
#' Z <- matrix(rnorm(n * q), nrow = n)
#' alpha <-  matrix(rnorm(q * d), nrow = q)
#' ## Gaussian responses
#' ##
#' Y_act <- matrix(rnorm(n * d0, mean = X_act %*% beta, sd = 0.5), nrow = n)
#' Y_inact <- matrix(rnorm(n * (d - d0), sd = 0.5), nrow = n)
#' shuff_y_ind <- sample(d)
#' Y <- cbind(Y_act, Y_inact)[, shuff_y_ind] + Z %*% alpha
#' ## Binary responses
#' ##
#' Y_bin <- ifelse(Y > 0, 1, 0)
#' ########################
#' ## Infer associations ##
#' ########################
#' ## Continuous responses
#' ##
#' # No covariate
#' #
#' # a and b chosen so that the prior mean number of responses associated with
#' # each candidate predictor is 1/4.
#' list_hyper_g <- set_hyper(d, p, lambda = 1, nu = 1, a = 1, b = 4*d-1,
#'                           eta = 1, kappa = apply(Y, 2, var),
#'                           link = "identity")
#' # We take p0_av = p0 (known here); this choice may result in variable
#' # selections that are (too) conservative in some cases. In practice, it is
#' # advised to set p0_av as a slightly overestimated guess of p0, or perform
#' # cross-validation using function `set_cv'.
#' vb_g <- locus(Y = Y, X = X, p0_av = p0, link = "identity",
#'               list_hyper = list_hyper_g, user_seed = seed)
#' # With covariates
#' #
#' list_hyper_g_z <- set_hyper(d, p, lambda = 1, nu = 1, a = 1, b = 4*d-1,
#'                             eta = 1, kappa = apply(Y, 2, var),
#'                             link = "identity", q = q, phi = 1, xi = 1)
#' vb_g_z <- locus(Y = Y, X = X, p0_av = p0, Z = Z, link = "identity",
#'                 list_hyper = list_hyper_g_z, user_seed = seed)
#' ## Binary responses
#' ##
#' list_hyper_logit <- set_hyper(d, p, lambda = 1, nu = 1, a = 1, b = 4*d-1,
#'                               eta = NULL, kappa = NULL, link = "logit",
#'                               q = q, phi = 1, xi = 1)
#' vb_logit <- locus(Y = Y_bin, X = X, p0_av = p0, Z = Z, link = "logit",
#'                   list_hyper = list_hyper_logit, user_seed = seed)
#' list_hyper_probit <- set_hyper(d, p, lambda = 1, nu = 1, a = 1, b = 4*d-1,
#'                                eta = NULL, kappa = NULL, link = "probit",
#'                                q = q, phi = 1, xi = 1)
#' vb_probit <- locus(Y = Y_bin, X = X, p0_av = p0, Z = Z, link = "probit",
#'                    list_hyper = list_hyper_probit, user_seed = seed)
#' ## Mix of continuous and binary responses
#' ##
#' Y_mix <- cbind(Y, Y_bin)
#' ind_bin <- (d+1):(2*d)
#' list_hyper_mix <- set_hyper(2*d, p, lambda = 1, nu = 1, a = 1, b = 8*d-1,
#'                             eta = 1, kappa = apply(Y, 2, var), link = "mix",
#'                             ind_bin = ind_bin, q = q, phi = 1, xi = 1)
#' vb_mix <- locus(Y = Y_mix, X = X, p0_av = p0, Z = Z, link = "mix",
#'                 ind_bin = ind_bin, list_hyper = list_hyper_mix,
#'                 user_seed = seed)
#' @seealso  \code{\link{set_init}}, \code{\link{locus}}
#' @export
set_hyper <- function(d, p, lambda, nu, a, b, eta, kappa, link = "identity",
                      ind_bin = NULL, q = NULL, phi = NULL, xi = NULL,
                      m0 = NULL, s02 = NULL, G = NULL, struct = FALSE) {

  check_structure_(d, "vector", "numeric", 1)

  check_structure_(p, "vector", "numeric", 1)

  check_structure_(q, "vector", "numeric", 1, null_ok = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(q)) check_natural_(q)

  check_structure_(G, "vector", "numeric", 1, null_ok = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(G)) check_natural_(G)

  check_structure_(struct, "vector", "logical", 1)

  stopifnot(link %in% c("identity", "logit", "probit", "mix"))

  if (!is.null(G) && (link != "identity" | !is.null(q) | struct))
    stop("Group selection (G non-NULL) implemented only for identity link, Z = NULL and list_struct = NULL. Exit.")

  if (struct && (link != "identity" | !is.null(q)))
    stop("Structured sparse priors (list_struct non-NULL) enabled only for identity link and Z = NULL. Exit.")

  ind_bin <- prepare_ind_bin_(d, ind_bin, link)

  ns <- !struct

  if (ns) {

    if (!is.null(m0) | !is.null(s02))
      stop("Provided struct = FALSE, not consitent with m0 or s02 being non-null.")

    if (is.null(G)) {

      check_structure_(a, "vector", "double", c(1, p))
      if (length(a) == 1) a <- rep(a, p)

      check_structure_(b, "vector", "double", c(1, p))
      if (length(b) == 1) b <- rep(b, p)

    } else {

      check_structure_(a, "vector", "double", c(1, G))
      if (length(a) == 1) a <- rep(a, G)

      check_structure_(b, "vector", "double", c(1, G))
      if (length(b) == 1) b <- rep(b, G)



  } else {

    if (!is.null(a) | !is.null(b))
      stop("Provided struct = TRUE, not consitent with a or b being non-null.")

    check_structure_(m0, "vector", "double", c(1, p))
    if (length(m0) == 1) m0 <- rep(m0, p)

    check_structure_(s02, "vector", "double", 1)


  check_structure_(lambda, "vector", "double", 1)

  check_structure_(nu, "vector", "double", 1)

  if (link %in% c("identity", "mix")) {

    d_cont <- d - length(ind_bin) # length(NULL) = 0 for link = "identity"

    check_structure_(eta, "vector", "double", c(1, d_cont))
    if (length(eta) == 1) eta <- rep(eta, d_cont)

    check_structure_(kappa, "vector", "double", c(1, d_cont))
    if (length(kappa) == 1) kappa <- rep(kappa, d_cont)

  } else {

    if (!is.null(eta) | !is.null(kappa))
      stop("Both eta and kappa must be NULL for logistic and probit regression.")


  if (!is.null(q)) {

    check_structure_(phi, "vector", "double", c(1, q))
    if (length(phi) == 1) phi <- rep(phi, q)

    check_structure_(xi, "vector", "double", c(1, q))
    if (length(xi) == 1) xi <- rep(xi, q)

  } else if (!is.null(phi) | !is.null(xi)) {

    stop("Provided q = NULL, not consitent with phi or xi being non-null.")


  d_hyper <- d
  p_hyper <- p
  q_hyper <- q
  G_hyper <- G

  ind_bin_hyper <- ind_bin

  link_hyper <- link

  list_hyper <- create_named_list_(d_hyper, G_hyper, p_hyper, q_hyper, 
                                   link_hyper, ind_bin_hyper, eta, kappa,
                                   lambda, nu, a, b, phi, xi, m0, s02)

  class(list_hyper) <- "hyper"



# Internal function setting default model hyperparameters when not provided by
# the user.
auto_set_hyper_ <- function(Y, p, p_star, q, link, ind_bin, struct, vec_fac_gr) {

  d <- ncol(Y)

  if (is.null(vec_fac_gr)) {

    G <- NULL
    lambda <- 1e-2

  } else {

    G <- length(unique(vec_fac_gr))
    lambda <- 50 * median(table(vec_fac_gr)) # we found empirically that the prior size
                                             # of sig2_inv_vb should be proportional to median group size
                                             # since the larger the groups, the smaller 1 / sig2_inv_vb.
                                             # Otherwise, if 1 / sig2_inv_vb is too large, no group will be selected
                                             # (as there are usually only a few `causal' covariates in the group).

  nu <- 1

  if (link %in% c("identity", "mix")) {

    if (link == "mix") Y <- Y[, -ind_bin, drop = FALSE]

    d_cont <- d - length(ind_bin) # length(NULL) = 0 for link = "identity"

    # hyperparameter set using the data Y
    eta <- 1 / median(apply(Y, 2, var)) #median to be consistent when doing permutations
    if (!is.finite(eta)) eta <- 1e3
    eta <- rep(eta, d_cont)
    kappa <- rep(1, d_cont)

  } else {

    eta <- kappa <- NULL


  if (is.null(G)) {
    a <- rep(1, p)
    b <- d * (p - p_star) / p_star
    if (length(b) == 1) b <- rep(b, p)
  } else {
    a <- rep(1, G)
    b <- d * (G - p_star) / p_star
    if (length(b) == 1) b <- rep(b, G)

  # hyperparameters of beta distributions

  if (struct) {

      s02 <- 0.1 # prior variance for the intercept, bernoulli-probit

      m0 <- - qnorm(b / (a + b)) * sqrt(1 + s02) # calibrate the sparsity level on that of the base model.
                                                 # we have pr(\gamma_st) = 1 - Phi( m0_star / sqrt(1 + s02))
                                                 # and set this to be equal to pr(\gamma_st) for the base model,
                                                 # i.e., a / (a + b), then solve for m0_star. m0 = - m_star

      a <- b <- NULL

  } else {

    m0 <- s02 <- NULL


  if (!is.null(q)) {

    phi <- xi <- rep(1, q)

  } else {

    phi <- xi <- NULL


  d_hyper <- d
  G_hyper <- G
  p_hyper <- p
  q_hyper <- q

  ind_bin_hyper <- ind_bin

  link_hyper <- link

  list_hyper <- create_named_list_(d_hyper, G_hyper, p_hyper, q_hyper, 
                                   link_hyper, ind_bin_hyper, eta, kappa,
                                   lambda, nu, a, b, phi, xi, m0, s02)

  class(list_hyper) <- "out_hyper"



#' Gather initial variational parameters provided by the user.
#' This function must be used to provide initial values for the variational
#' parameters used in \code{\link{locus}}.
#' The \code{\link{locus}} function can also be used with default initial
#' parameter choices (without using \code{\link{set_init}}) by setting
#' its argument \code{list_init} to \code{NULL}.
#' @param d Number of responses.
#' @param p Number of candidate predictors.
#' @param gam_vb Matrix of size p x d with initial values for the variational
#'   parameter yielding posterior probabilities of inclusion.
#' @param mu_beta_vb Matrix of size p x d with initial values for the
#'   variational parameter yielding regression coefficient estimates for
#'   predictor-response pairs included in the model.
#' @param sig2_beta_vb Vector of length d, for \code{link = "identity"} and
#'   for \code{link = "mix"}, of length 1 for \code{link = "probit"}, and a
#'   matrix of size p x d, for \code{link = "logit"}, with initial values for
#'   the variational parameter yielding estimates of effect variances for
#'   predictor-response pairs included in the model. For
#'   \code{link = "identity"} and \code{link = "mix"}, these values are the same
#'   for all the predictors (as a result of the predictor variables being
#'   standardized before the variational algorithm). For \code{link = "probit"},
#'   they are the same for all the predictors and responses.
#' @param tau_vb Vector of length d, for \code{link = "identity"}, and of
#'   length d_cont = d - length(ind_bin) (number of continuous responses), for
#'   \code{link = "mix"}, with initial values for the variational parameter
#'   yielding estimates for the continuous response residual precisions. Must be
#'   \code{NULL} for \code{link = "logit"} and \code{link = "probit"}.
#' @param link Response link. Must be "\code{identity}" for linear regression,
#'   "\code{logit}" for logistic regression, "\code{probit}" for probit
#'   regression, or "\code{mix}" for a mix of identity and probit link functions
#'   (in this case, the indices of the binary responses must be gathered in
#'   argument \code{ind_bin}, see below).
#' @param ind_bin If \code{link = "mix"}, vector of indices corresponding to the
#'   binary variables in \code{Y}. Must be \code{NULL} if \code{link != "mix"}.
#' @param q Number of covariates. Default is \code{NULL}, for \code{Z}
#'   \code{NULL}.
#' @param alpha_vb Matrix of size q x d with initial values for the
#'   variational parameter yielding regression coefficient estimates for
#'   covariate-response pairs. Default is \code{NULL}, for \code{Z} \code{NULL}.
#' @param sig2_alpha_vb Matrix of size q x d for \code{link = "identity"},
#'   for \code{link = "logit"} and for \code{link = "mix"} with initial values
#'   for the variational parameter yielding estimates of effect variances for
#'   covariate-response pairs. Vector of length q for \code{link = "probit"}.
#'   Default is \code{NULL}, for \code{Z} \code{NULL}.
#' @param G Number of candidate predictor groups when using the group selection
#'   model from the \code{\link{locus}} function. Default is \code{NULL},
#'   for no group selection.
#' @param sig2_inv_vb Initial parameters necessary when \code{G} is
#'   non-\code{NULL}. Its inverse square root corresponds to the typical size of
#'   non-zero effects. Must be \code{NULL} if \code{G} is \code{NULL}.
#' @return An object of class "\code{init}" preparing user initial values for
#'   the variational parameters in a form that can be passed to the
#'   \code{\link{locus}} function.
#' @examples
#' seed <- 123; set.seed(seed)
#' ###################
#' ## Simulate data ##
#' ###################
#' ## Examples using small problem sizes:
#' ##
#' n <- 200; p <- 200; p0 <- 20; d <- 20; d0 <- 15; q <- 2
#' ## Candidate predictors (subject to selection)
#' ##
#' # Here we simulate common genetic variants (but any type of candidate
#' # predictors can be supplied).
#' # 0 = homozygous, major allele, 1 = heterozygous, 2 = homozygous, minor allele
#' X_act <- matrix(rbinom(n * p0, size = 2, p = 0.25), nrow = n)
#' X_inact <- matrix(rbinom(n * (p - p0), size = 2, p = 0.25), nrow = n)
#' shuff_x_ind <- sample(p)
#' X <- cbind(X_act, X_inact)[, shuff_x_ind]
#' bool_x_act <- shuff_x_ind <= p0
#' pat_act <- beta <- matrix(0, nrow = p0, ncol = d0)
#' pat_act[sample(p0*d0, floor(p0*d0/5))] <- 1
#' beta[as.logical(pat_act)] <-  rnorm(sum(pat_act))
#' ## Covariates (not subject to selection)
#' ##
#' Z <- matrix(rnorm(n * q), nrow = n)
#' alpha <-  matrix(rnorm(q * d), nrow = q)
#' ## Gaussian responses
#' ##
#' Y_act <- matrix(rnorm(n * d0, mean = X_act %*% beta, sd = 0.5), nrow = n)
#' Y_inact <- matrix(rnorm(n * (d - d0), sd = 0.5), nrow = n)
#' shuff_y_ind <- sample(d)
#' Y <- cbind(Y_act, Y_inact)[, shuff_y_ind] + Z %*% alpha
#' ## Binary responses
#' ##
#' Y_bin <- ifelse(Y > 0, 1, 0)
#' ########################
#' ## Infer associations ##
#' ########################
#' ## Continuous responses
#' ##
#' # No covariate
#' #
#' # gam_vb chosen so that the prior mean number of responses associated with
#' # each candidate predictor is 1/4.
#' gam_vb <- matrix(rbeta(p * d, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 4*d-1), nrow = p)
#' mu_beta_vb <- matrix(rnorm(p * d), nrow = p)
#' tau_vb <- 1 / apply(Y, 2, var)
#' sig2_beta_vb <- 1 / rgamma(d, shape = 2, rate = 1 / tau_vb)
#' list_init_g <- set_init(d, p, gam_vb, mu_beta_vb, sig2_beta_vb, tau_vb,
#'                         link = "identity")
#' # We take p0_av = p0 (known here); this choice may result in variable
#' # selections that are (too) conservative in some cases. In practice, it is
#' # advised to set p0_av as a slightly overestimated guess of p0, or perform
#' # cross-validation using function `set_cv'.
#' vb_g <- locus(Y = Y, X = X, p0_av = p0, link = "identity",
#'               list_init = list_init_g)
#' # With covariates
#' #
#' alpha_vb <- matrix(rnorm(q * d), nrow = q)
#' sig2_alpha_vb <- 1 / matrix(rgamma(q * d, shape = 2, rate = 1), nrow = q)
#' list_init_g_z <- set_init(d, p, gam_vb, mu_beta_vb, sig2_beta_vb, tau_vb,
#'                           link = "identity", q = q,
#'                           alpha_vb = alpha_vb,
#'                           sig2_alpha_vb = sig2_alpha_vb)
#' vb_g_z <- locus(Y = Y, X = X, p0_av = p0, Z = Z, link = "identity",
#'                 list_init = list_init_g_z)
#' ## Binary responses
#' ##
#' # gam_vb chosen so that the prior mean number of responses associated with
#' # each candidate predictor is 1/4.
#' sig2_beta_vb_logit <- 1 / t(replicate(p, rgamma(d, shape = 2, rate = 1)))
#' list_init_logit <- set_init(d, p, gam_vb, mu_beta_vb, sig2_beta_vb_logit,
#'                             tau_vb = NULL, link = "logit", q = q,
#'                             alpha_vb = alpha_vb,
#'                             sig2_alpha_vb = sig2_alpha_vb)
#' vb_logit <- locus(Y = Y_bin, X = X, p0_av = p0, Z = Z, link = "logit",
#'                   list_init = list_init_logit)
#' sig2_alpha_vb_probit <- sig2_alpha_vb[, 1]
#' sig2_beta_vb_probit <- sig2_beta_vb[1]
#' list_init_probit <- set_init(d, p, gam_vb, mu_beta_vb, sig2_beta_vb_probit,
#'                              tau_vb = NULL, link = "probit", q = q,
#'                              alpha_vb = alpha_vb,
#'                              sig2_alpha_vb = sig2_alpha_vb_probit)
#' vb_probit <- locus(Y = Y_bin, X = X, p0_av = p0, Z = Z, link = "probit",
#'                    list_init = list_init_probit)
#' ## Mix of continuous and binary responses
#' ##
#' Y_mix <- cbind(Y, Y_bin)
#' ind_bin <- (d+1):(2*d)
#' # gam_vb chosen so that the prior mean number of responses associated with
#' # each candidate predictor is 1/4.
#' gam_vb_mix <- matrix(rbeta(p * 2*d, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 8*d-1), nrow = p)
#' mu_beta_vb_mix <- matrix(rnorm(p * 2*d), nrow = p)
#' sig2_beta_vb_mix <- 1 / c(rgamma(d, shape = 2, rate = 1 / tau_vb),
#'                           rgamma(d, shape = 2, rate = 1))
#' alpha_vb_mix <- matrix(rnorm(q * 2*d), nrow = q)
#' sig2_alpha_vb_mix <- 1 / matrix(rgamma(q * 2*d, shape = 2, rate = 1), nrow = q)
#' list_init_mix <- set_init(2*d, p, gam_vb_mix, mu_beta_vb_mix,
#'                           sig2_beta_vb_mix, tau_vb, link = "mix",
#'                           ind_bin = ind_bin, q = q,
#'                           alpha_vb = alpha_vb_mix,
#'                           sig2_alpha_vb = sig2_alpha_vb_mix)
#' vb_mix <- locus(Y = Y_mix, X = X, p0_av = p0, Z = Z, link = "mix",
#'                 ind_bin = ind_bin, list_init = list_init_mix)
#' @seealso  \code{\link{set_hyper}}, \code{\link{locus}}
#' @export
set_init <- function(d, p, gam_vb, mu_beta_vb, sig2_beta_vb, tau_vb,
                     link = "identity", ind_bin = NULL, q = NULL,
                     alpha_vb = NULL, sig2_alpha_vb = NULL,
                     sig2_inv_vb = NULL, G = NULL) {

  check_structure_(d, "vector", "numeric", 1)

  check_structure_(p, "vector", "numeric", 1)

  check_structure_(q, "vector", "numeric", 1, null_ok = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(q)) check_natural_(q)

  check_structure_(G, "vector", "numeric", 1, null_ok = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(G)) check_natural_(G)

  stopifnot(link %in% c("identity", "logit", "probit", "mix"))

  if(!is.null(G) && (link != "identity" | !is.null(q)))
    stop("Group selection (G non-NULL) implemented only for identity link, Z = NULL. Exit.")

  ind_bin <- prepare_ind_bin_(d, ind_bin, link)

  if(is.null(G)) {

    check_structure_(gam_vb, "matrix", "double", c(p, d))

  } else {

    check_structure_(gam_vb, "matrix", "double", c(G, d))


  check_structure_(mu_beta_vb, "matrix", "double", c(p, d))

  if (link %in% c("identity", "mix")) {

    if(is.null(G)) {

      check_structure_(sig2_beta_vb, "vector", "double", d)
      if (!is.null(sig2_inv_vb))
        stop("sig2_inv_vb is not used when G is NULL.")

    } else {

      check_structure_(sig2_inv_vb, "vector", "double", 1)
      if (!is.null(sig2_beta_vb))
        stop("sig2_beta_vb is not used when G is non-NULL.")


    d_cont <- d - length(ind_bin) # length(NULL) = 0 for link = "identity"

    check_structure_(tau_vb, "vector", "double", d_cont)

    if (link == "mix") {
      tmp_tau_vb <- tau_vb
      tau_vb <- rep(1, d) # tau_vb is set to 1 for binary responses.
      tau_vb[-ind_bin] <- tmp_tau_vb

  } else if (link == "logit"){

    check_structure_(sig2_beta_vb, "matrix", "double", c(p, d))

    if (!is.null(sig2_inv_vb))
      stop("sig2_inv_vb is not used when G is NULL.")

    if (!is.null(tau_vb))
      stop("tau_vb must be NULL for logistic regression.")

  } else {

    check_structure_(sig2_beta_vb, "vector", "double", 1)

    if (!is.null(sig2_inv_vb))
      stop("sig2_inv_vb is not used when G is NULL.")

    if (!is.null(tau_vb))
      stop("tau_vb must be NULL for probit regression.")



  if (!is.null(q)) {

    check_structure_(alpha_vb, "matrix", "double", c(q, d))

    if (link == "probit") {

      check_structure_(sig2_alpha_vb, "vector", "double", q)

    } else {

      check_structure_(sig2_alpha_vb, "matrix", "double", c(q, d))



  } else if (!is.null(alpha_vb) | !is.null(sig2_alpha_vb)) {

    stop(paste0("Provided q = NULL, not consistent with alpha_vb or ",
                "sig2_alpha_vb being non-null."))


  d_init <- d
  G_init <- G
  p_init <- p
  q_init <- q
  ind_bin_init <- ind_bin

  link_init <- link

  list_init <- create_named_list_(d_init, G_init, p_init, q_init, link_init,
                                  ind_bin_init, gam_vb, mu_beta_vb,
                                  sig2_beta_vb, sig2_inv_vb, tau_vb, alpha_vb,

  class(list_init) <- "init"


# Internal function setting default starting values when not provided by the user.
auto_set_init_ <- function(Y, G, p, p_star, q, user_seed, link, ind_bin) {

  d <- ncol(Y)

  if (!is.null(user_seed)) set.seed(user_seed)

  shape1_gam <- 1

  if (is.null(G)) {

    shape2_gam <- d * (p - p_star) / p_star

    if (length(p_star) > 1)
      shape1_gam <- rep(shape1_gam, p)

    gam_vb <- matrix(rbeta(p * d, shape1 = shape1_gam, shape2 = shape2_gam),
                     nrow = p)

  } else {

    shape2_gam <- d * (G - p_star) / p_star

    if (length(p_star) > 1)
      shape1_gam <- rep(shape1_gam, G)

    gam_vb <- matrix(rbeta(G * d, shape1 = shape1_gam, shape2 = shape2_gam),
                     nrow = G)


  mu_beta_vb <- matrix(rnorm(p * d), nrow = p)

  sig2_inv_vb <- 1e-2

  if (link %in% c("identity", "mix")) {

    if (link == "mix") Y <- Y[, -ind_bin, drop = FALSE]

    d_cont <- d - length(ind_bin) # length(NULL) = 0 for link = "identity"

    tau_vb <- 1 / median(apply(Y, 2, var))
    if (!is.finite(tau_vb)) tau_vb <- 1e3
    tau_vb <- rep(tau_vb, d_cont)

    if (link == "mix") {

      tmp_tau_vb <- tau_vb
      tau_vb <- rep(1, d) # tau_vb is set to 1 for binary responses.
      tau_vb[-ind_bin] <- tmp_tau_vb


    if (is.null(G)) {
      sig2_beta_vb <- 1 / rgamma(d, shape = 2, rate = 1 / (sig2_inv_vb * tau_vb))
    } else {
      sig2_beta_vb <- NULL

  } else if (link == "logit") {

    sig2_beta_vb <- 1 / t(replicate(p, rgamma(d, shape = 2, rate = 1 / sig2_inv_vb)))

    tau_vb <- NULL

  } else {

    sig2_beta_vb <- 1 / rgamma(1, shape = 2, rate = 1 / sig2_inv_vb)

    tau_vb <- NULL


  if (!is.null(q)) {

    alpha_vb <- matrix(rnorm(q * d), nrow = q)

    if (link %in% c("identity", "mix")) {

      zeta2_inv_vb <- rgamma(q, shape = 1, rate = 1)

      sig2_alpha_vb <- 1 / sapply(tau_vb,
                                  function(tau_vb_t) {
                                    rgamma(q, shape = 2,
                                           rate = 1 / (zeta2_inv_vb * tau_vb_t))
                                  } )

    } else if (link == "logit"){

      zeta2_inv_vb <- matrix(rgamma(q * d, shape = 1, rate = 1), nrow = q)
      sig2_alpha_vb <- 1 / apply(zeta2_inv_vb, 2,
                                 function(zeta2_inv_vb_t) rgamma(q, shape = 2, rate = 1 / zeta2_inv_vb_t))

    } else {

      zeta2_inv_vb <- rgamma(q, shape = 1, rate = 1)
      sig2_alpha_vb <- 1 / rgamma(q, shape = 2, rate = 1 / zeta2_inv_vb)


  } else {

    alpha_vb <- NULL
    sig2_alpha_vb <- NULL


  d_init <- d
  G_init <- G
  p_init <- p
  q_init <- q
  ind_bin_init <- ind_bin

  link_init <- link

  list_init <- create_named_list_(d_init, G_init, p_init, q_init,
                                  link_init, ind_bin_init, gam_vb, mu_beta_vb,
                                  sig2_inv_vb, sig2_beta_vb, tau_vb, alpha_vb,

  class(list_init) <- "out_init"

hruffieux/locus documentation built on Jan. 10, 2024, 10:07 p.m.