
Defines functions rpextmo

Documented in rpextmo

#' Simulate from parametrized families of extendible MO distributions
#' @description
#' Draws `n` iid `d`-variate samples from a *parametrized family of extendible
#' MO distributions*.
#' @inheritParams rextmo
#' @param a A non-negative double representing the *killing-rate* \eqn{a} of the
#'   *Bernstein function*.
#' @param b A non-negative double representing the *drift* \eqn{b} of the
#'   *Bernstein function*.
#' @param gamma a positive double representing the scaling factor of the
#'   integral part of the *Bernstein function*.
#' @param eta A numeric vector representing the distribution family's
#'   parameters, see the Details section.
#' @param family A string representing the parametrized family.
#'   Use `"Armageddon"` for the *Armageddon* family, `"Poisson"` for the
#'   *Poisson family*, `"Pareto"` for the *Pareto family*, `"Exponential"` for
#'   the *Exponential family*, `"AlphaStable"` for the *\eqn{\alpha}-stable
#'   family*, `"InverseGaussian"` for the *Inverse-Gaussian family*, `"Gamma"`
#'   for the *Gamma family*, see the Details section.
#' @param method A string representing which sampling algorithm should be used.
#'   Use `"MDCM"` for the *Markovian death-set model*, `"LFM"` for the
#'   *Lévy–frailty model*, `"AM"` for the *Arnold model*, and `"ESM"` for the
#'   *exogenous shock model* (in case of the *Armageddon family*, the algorithm
#'   is optimized to consider only finite shocks). We recommend using the *ESM*
#'   only for small dimensions; the *AM* can be used up to dimension
#'   \eqn{30}.
#' @return
#' `rpextmo` returns a numeric matrix of size `n` x `d`. Each row corresponds to
#' an independently and identically (iid) distributed sample from a `d`-variate
#' *parametrized extendible Marshall–Olkin distribution* with the specified
#' parameters.
#' @details
#' A *parametrized ext. MO distribution* is a family of *ext. MO distributions*,
#' see [rextmo()], corresponding to *Bernstein functions* of the form
#' \deqn{
#'     \psi{(x)}
#'         = 1_{\{ x > 0 \}} a + b x + \gamma \cdot
#'             \int_{0}^{\infty}{ {[1 - e^{-ux}]} \nu{(\mathrm{d}u)} },
#'                 \quad x \geq 0 ,
#' }
#' or
#' \deqn{
#'    \psi{(x)}
#'        = 1_{\{ x > 0 \}} a + b x + \gamma \cdot
#'            \int_{0}^{\infty}{ \frac{x}{x + u} \sigma{(\mathrm{d}u)} },
#'                \quad x \geq 0 ,
#' }
#' where \eqn{a, b \geq 0}. The \eqn{\nu} and \eqn{\sigma} represent the
#' *Lévy measure* and *Stieltjes measure*, respectively. At least one of the
#' following conditions must hold: \eqn{a > 0}, \eqn{b > 0}, or
#' \eqn{\nu \not\equiv 0} (resp. \eqn{\sigma \not\equiv 0}).
#' ## Families
#' - All implemented families are listed in the following; some re-combinations
#'   are possible, see [ScaledBernsteinFunction-class],
#'   [SumOfBernsteinFunctions-class], and
#'   [CompositeScaledBernsteinFunction-class].
#' - **Armageddon family**:
#'   We have for \eqn{\nu = \sigma \equiv 0} the Bernstein function \eqn{\psi}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \psi{(x)}
#'           = 1_{\{ x > 0\}} a + b x ,
#'               \quad x \geq 0 ,
#'   }
#'   see [ConstantBernsteinFunction-class] and [LinearBernsteinFunction-class].
#' - **Poisson family**:
#'   We have for \eqn{\eta > 0} the Bernstein function  \eqn{\psi}::
#'   \deqn{
#'       \psi{(x)}
#'           = 1_{\{ x > 0\}} a + b x + \gamma \cdot {[1 - e^{-\eta x}]},
#'               \quad x \geq 0 ,
#'   }
#'   with (discrete) Lévy measure \eqn{\nu}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \nu{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = \delta_{\{ \eta \}}{(\mathrm{d}u)} ,
#'   }
#'   see [PoissonBernsteinFunction-class].
#' - **Pareto family**:
#'   We have \eqn{\eta \in \mathbb{R}^2} with
#'   \eqn{\eta_1 \in {(0, 1)}, \eta_2 > 0} a Bernstein function with Lévy
#'   measure \eqn{\nu}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \nu{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = \eta_{1} \eta_{2}^{\eta_{1}} \cdot
#'            u^{-\eta_{1}-1}  1_{\{ u > \eta_{2}\}} \mathrm{d}u ,
#'   }
#'   see [ParetoBernsteinFunction-class].
#' - **Exponential family**:
#'   We have for \eqn{\eta > 0} the Bernstein function \eqn{\psi}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \psi{(x)}
#'           = 1_{\{ x > 0\}} a + b x + \gamma \cdot \frac{x}{x + \eta} ,
#'               \quad x \geq 0 ,
#'   }
#'   with Lévy measure \eqn{\nu}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \nu{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = \eta e^{-\eta u} \mathrm{d}u ,
#'   }
#'   and with (discrete) Stieltjes measure \eqn{\sigma}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \sigma{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = \delta_{\{ \eta \}}{(\mathrm{d}u)} ,
#'   }
#'   see [ExponentialBernsteinFunction-class].
#' - **\eqn{\alpha}-stable family**:
#'   We have for \eqn{\eta \in {(0, 1)}} the Bernstein function \eqn{\psi}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \psi{(x)}
#'           = 1_{\{ x > 0\}} a + b x + \gamma \cdot x^{\eta} ,
#'               \quad x \geq 0 ,
#'   }
#'   with Lévy measure \eqn{\nu}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \nu{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = \frac{\eta}{\Gamma{(1 - \eta)}} \cdot u^{-\eta-1} \mathrm{d}u ,
#'   }
#'   and with Stieltjes measure \eqn{\sigma}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \sigma{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = \frac{\sin{(\eta \pi)}}{\pi} \cdot u^{\eta - 1} \mathrm{d}u ,
#'   }
#'   see [AlphaStableBernsteinFunction-class].
#' - **Inverse-Gaussian family**:
#'   We have for \eqn{\eta > 0} the Bernstein function \eqn{\psi}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \psi{(x)}
#'           = 1_{\{ x > 0\}} a + b x + \gamma \cdot
#'                {\left[ \sqrt{2 x + \eta^2} - \eta \right]},
#'               \quad x \geq 0 ,
#'   }
#'   with Lévy measure \eqn{\nu}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \nu{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = \frac{1}{ \sqrt{2 \pi} } \cdot
#'               \frac{ e^{-\frac{1}{2} \eta^2 u} }{ \sqrt{u^3} } \mathrm{d}u ,
#'   }
#'   and with Stieltjes measure \eqn{\sigma}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \sigma{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = \frac{\sin{(\pi / 2)}}{\pi} \cdot
#'               \frac{\sqrt{2 u - \eta^2}} {u}
#'                1_{\{ u > \eta^2 / 2 \}} \mathrm{d}u ,
#'   }
#'   see [InverseGaussianBernsteinFunction-class].
#' - **Gamma family**:
#'   We have for \eqn{\eta > 0} the Bernstein function \eqn{\psi}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \psi{(x)}
#'           = 1_{\{ x > 0\}} a + b x + \gamma \cdot
#'                \log{\left( 1 +  \frac{x}{\eta} \right)} ,
#'               \quad x \geq 0 ,
#'   }
#'   with Lévy measure \eqn{\nu}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \nu{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = e^{-\eta u} u^{-1} \mathrm{d}u ,
#'   }
#'   and with Stieltjes measure \eqn{\sigma}:
#'   \deqn{
#'       \sigma{(\mathrm{d}u)}
#'           = u^{-1} 1_{\{ u > \eta \}} \mathrm{d}u ,
#'   }
#'   see [GammaBernsteinFunction-class].
#' ## Simulation algorithms
#' - The *MDCM*, *AM*, and *ESM* simulation algorithms for the *exchangeable
#'   Marshall–Olkin distribution* can be used. For this, the corresponding
#'   Bernstein function is passed to [rextmo()]. An exception is the *ESM* for
#'   the *Armageddon family* which uses an optimized version considering only
#'   finite shock-times.
#' - The *Lévy-frailty model (LFM)* simulates the elements of the random vector
#'   as first-hitting times of a compound Poisson subordinator \eqn{\Lambda}
#'   into sets \eqn{(E_i, \infty)} for iid unit exponential random variables.
#'   Here, the subordinator is a linear combination of a pure-drift
#'   subordinator, a pure-killing subordinator, and a pure-jump compound Poisson
#'   subordinator, i.e.
#'   \deqn{
#'      \Lambda_{t}
#'          = \infty \cdot 1_{\{ \epsilon > a t \}} + b t +
#'            \sum_{j=1}^{N_{\gamma t}} X_{j} ,
#'              \quad t \geq 0,
#'   }
#'   where \eqn{\epsilon} is a unit exponential rv, `n` is a Poisson process,
#'   and \eqn{X_{1}, X_{2}, \ldots} are iid jumps from the corresponding jump
#'   distribution, see \insertCite{@see pp. 140 sqq. @Mai2017a}{rmo}.
#' @references
#'  \insertAllCited{}
#' @family sampling-algorithms
#' @include sample-rmo.R sample-rexmo.R sample-rextmo.R
#' @importFrom checkmate qassert assert_choice
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Armageddon
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 0.2, b = 0.5)
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 1)
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(10, 3, b = 1)
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 0.2, b = 0.5, method = "ESM")
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 1, method = "ESM")
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(10, 3, b = 1, method = "ESM")
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 0.2, b = 0.5, method = "LFM")
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 1, method = "LFM")
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(10, 3, b = 1, method = "LFM")
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 0.2, b = 0.5, method = "MDCM")
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 1, method = "MDCM")
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(10, 3, b = 1, method = "MDCM")
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 0.2, b = 0.5, method = "AM")
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 1, method = "AM")
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(10, 3, b = 1, method = "AM")
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 0.2, b = 0.5, family = "Armageddon")
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(10, 3, a = 1, family = "Armageddon")
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(10, 3, b = 1, family = "Armageddon")
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "ESM"
#' )
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 1,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "ESM"
#' )
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   b = 1,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "ESM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "LFM"
#' )
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 1,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "LFM"
#' )
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   b = 1,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "LFM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "MDCM"
#' )
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 1,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "MDCM"
#' )
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   b = 1,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "MDCM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "AM"
#' )
#' ## comonotone
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 1,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "AM"
#' )
#' ## independence
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   b = 1,
#'   family = "Armageddon",
#'   method = "AM"
#' )
#' ## Poisson
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Poisson"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Poisson",
#'   method = "ESM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Poisson",
#'   method = "LFM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Poisson",
#'   method = "MDCM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Poisson",
#'   method = "AM"
#' )
#' ## Pareto
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = c(0.5, 1e-4), family = "Pareto"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = c(0.5, 1e-4), family = "Pareto",
#'   method = "ESM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = c(0.5, 1e-4), family = "Pareto",
#'   method = "LFM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = c(0.5, 1e-4), family = "Pareto",
#'   method = "MDCM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = c(0.5, 1e-4), family = "Pareto",
#'   method = "AM"
#' )
#' ## Exponential
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Exponential"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Exponential",
#'   method = "ESM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Exponential",
#'   method = "LFM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Exponential",
#'   method = "MDCM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Exponential",
#'   method = "AM"
#' )
#' ## Alpha-Stable
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "AlphaStable"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "AlphaStable",
#'   method = "ESM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "AlphaStable",
#'   method = "MDCM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "AlphaStable",
#'   method = "AM"
#' )
#' ## Inverse Gaussian
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "InverseGaussian"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "InverseGaussian",
#'   method = "ESM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "InverseGaussian",
#'   method = "MDCM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "InverseGaussian",
#'   method = "AM"
#' )
#' ## Gamma
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Gamma"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Gamma",
#'   method = "ESM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Gamma",
#'   method = "MDCM"
#' )
#' rpextmo(
#'   10, 3,
#'   a = 0.2, b = 0.5, gamma = 2,
#'   eta = 0.5, family = "Gamma",
#'   method = "AM"
#' )
rpextmo <- function( # nolint
    n, d, a = 0, b = 0, gamma = 1, eta = NULL,
    family = c(
      "Armageddon", "Poisson", "Pareto",
      "Exponential", "AlphaStable", "InverseGaussian",
    method = c("MDCM", "LFM", "AM", "ESM")) {
  family <- match.arg(family)
      "Armageddon", "Poisson", "Pareto", "Exponential",
      "AlphaStable", "InverseGaussian", "Gamma"
  if (missing(method) && isTRUE("Armageddon" == family)) {
    method <- "ESM"
  } else {
    method <- match.arg(method)
  assert_choice(method, c("MDCM", "LFM", "AM", "ESM"))
  qassert(n, "X1[0,)")
  qassert(d, "X1[2,)")
  qassert(a, "N1[0,)")
  qassert(b, "N1[0,)")
  qassert(gamma, "N1(0,)")
  qassert(eta, c("N+(0,)", "0"))

  if ((family == "Armageddon") && (method == "ESM")) {
    Rcpp__rarmextmo_esm(n, d, alpha = b, beta = a)
  } else if (method == "LFM") {
      family, c("Armageddon", "Poisson", "Pareto", "Exponential")
    if (family == "Armageddon") {
      qassert(eta, "0")
      gamma <- 0
      rjump_name <- "rposval"
      rjump_arg_list <- list("value" = 0)
    } else if (family == "Poisson") {
      qassert(eta, "N1(0,)")
      rjump_name <- "rposval"
      rjump_arg_list <- list("value" = eta)
    } else if (family == "Pareto") {
      qassert(eta, "N2(0,)")
      rjump_name <- "rpareto"
      rjump_arg_list <- list("alpha" = eta[[1]], x0 = eta[[2]])
    } else if (family == "Exponential") {
      qassert(eta, "N1(0,)")
      rjump_name <- "rexp"
      rjump_arg_list <- list("rate" = eta)
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("Family %s not implemented for LFM", family)) # nocov
      n, d,
      rate = gamma, rate_killing = a, rate_drift = b,
      rjump_name = rjump_name, rjump_arg_list = rjump_arg_list
  } else if (method %in% c("MDCM", "AM", "ESM")) {
    psi <- NULL
    if (family == "Poisson") {
      qassert(eta, "N1(0,)")
      psi <- PoissonBernsteinFunction(eta = eta)
    } else if (family == "Pareto") {
      qassert(eta, "N2")
      qassert(eta[[1]], "N1(0,1)")
      qassert(eta[[2]], "N1(0,)")
      psi <- ParetoBernsteinFunction(alpha = eta[[1]], x0 = eta[[2]])
    } else if (family == "Exponential") {
      qassert(eta, "N1(0,)")
      psi <- ExponentialBernsteinFunction(lambda = eta)
    } else if (family == "AlphaStable") {
      qassert(eta, "N1(0,)")
      psi <- AlphaStableBernsteinFunction(alpha = eta)
    } else if (family == "InverseGaussian") {
      qassert(eta, "N1(0,)")
      psi <- InverseGaussianBernsteinFunction(eta = eta)
    } else if (family == "Gamma") {
      qassert(eta, "N1(0,)")
      psi <- GammaBernsteinFunction(a = eta)
    if (!(gamma == 1) && !is.null(psi)) {
      psi <- ScaledBernsteinFunction(scale = gamma, original = psi)
    if (!(b == 0)) {
      if (!is.null(psi)) {
        psi <- SumOfBernsteinFunctions(
          first = LinearBernsteinFunction(scale = b),
          second = psi
      } else {
        psi <- LinearBernsteinFunction(scale = b)
    if (!(a == 0)) {
      if (!is.null(psi)) {
        psi <- SumOfBernsteinFunctions(
          first = ConstantBernsteinFunction(constant = a),
          second = psi
      } else {
        psi <- ConstantBernsteinFunction(constant = a)
    rextmo(n, d, bf = psi, method = method)
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("Method %s not implemented", method)) # nocov
hsloot/rmo documentation built on April 25, 2024, 10:41 p.m.