

context('replacing missing values')

pom <- panderOptions('missing')

panderOptions('missing', '<missing>')
test_that('replacing missing values works with string', {
    expect_equal(pander_return(c(1, NA)), '_1_ and _<missing>_')
    expect_equal(paste(pander_return(list(1, NA)), collapse = '\n'),
                 '\n\n  * _1_\n  * <missing>\n\n<!-- end of list -->\n\n')
    expect_equal(paste(pander_return(data.frame(a=1:2, b=c(1, NA), c=c(NA, 'z'))), collapse = '\n'),
                 '\n-----------------------\n a      b         c    \n--- --------- ---------\n 1      1     <missing>\n\n 2  <missing>     z    \n-----------------------\n') #nolint

panderOptions('missing', '')
test_that('suppressing missing values works', {
    expect_equal(pander_return(c(1, NA)), '_1_ and __')
    expect_equal(paste(pander_return(list(1, NA)), collapse = '\n'),
                 '\n\n  * _1_\n  *\n\n<!-- end of list -->\n\n')
    expect_equal(paste(pander_return(data.frame(a=1:2, b=c(1, NA), c=c(NA, 'z'))), collapse = '\n'),
                 '\n-----------\n a   b   c \n--- --- ---\n 1   1     \n\n 2       z \n-----------\n')

panderOptions('missing', pom)
huashan/pander documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:10 p.m.