
# Check object type to determine if it will be handled as a simple table or as a
# character vector
render_object <- function(content, object_type, breaks, .dots) {
  if (object_type == "auto")
    object_type <- eval_object(content)
       "table" = table_str(content, breaks, .dots),
       "character" = flat_str(content, breaks))

eval_object <- function(content) {
  ifelse(is.data.frame(content) | is.matrix(content), "table", "character")

# If object is a table, default to a multiline string with tab separators
table_str <- function(content, breaks, .dots) {
  # Take the system-specific collapse out of the list
  .dots$x <- content
  .dots$sep <- .dots$sep
  .dots$quote <- ifelse(is.null(.dots$quote), FALSE, .dots$quote)
  .dots$na <- ifelse(is.null(.dots$na), "", .dots$na)
  .dots$row.names <- ifelse(is.null(.dots$row.names), FALSE, .dots$row.names)
  # If matrix, default to not printing column names
  if (is.matrix(content))
    .dots$col.names <- ifelse(is.null(.dots$col.names), FALSE, .dots$col.names)

  # Writing to and reading from a temp file is much faster than using capture.output
  tbl_file <- tempfile()
  .dots$file = tbl_file
  do.call(utils::write.table, .dots)
  read_tbl <- paste0(readLines(tbl_file), collapse = breaks)

# Helper function to flatten content into 1-tuple character vector (i.e. a
# string)
flat_str <- function(content, breaks) {
  if (typeof(content) != "character") {
    warning("Coercing content to character")
    content <- as.character(content)

  if (length(content) < 1) {
    content <- ""
  } else if (length(content) > 1) {
    content <- paste0(content, collapse = breaks)
  } else if (is.na(content)) {
    content <- "NA"

hughjonesd/apicheck documentation built on Sept. 9, 2019, 12:55 p.m.