writeMutTable: Function that generates a Mutation Table with summarised...

View source: R/internalMutFunctions.R

writeMutTableR Documentation

Function that generates a Mutation Table with summarised cfDNA fragment data


This function processes a GRanges object, summarizing cfDNA fragment information for each target mutation locus. It annotates each locus with the number and type of supporting fragments. Each mismatch type is annotated with the median fragment length. Consensus mismatch is determined by selecting the most frequent mismatch, giving priority to the target mutation's ALT base over other bases. Consensus mismatch is used to derive the trinucleotide substitution (SBS96). The resulting table is written to a .tsv file.


writeMutTable(frag_obj, output_file)



GRanges object containing genomic ranges and associated data.


Character string specifying the path/name of the output file.


The path to the output file as a character string.


output_path <- writeMutTable(gr, "output_directory", "output_filename")
print(paste("File written to:", output_path))

hw538/cfDNAPro documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 6:09 p.m.