#' Internal Functions for mutational processing
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
#' @noRd
# Helper function to process a set of columns with a given suffix
#' @importFrom gsubfn strapply
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter select
#' @noRd
process_columns <- function(df, suffix) {
# Setup extra columns with null values
df[[paste0("softclip", suffix)]] <- rep(0, nrow(df))
df[[paste0("left_softclip", suffix)]] <- rep(0, nrow(df))
df[[paste0("right_softclip", suffix)]] <- rep(0, nrow(df))
df[[paste0("clipseq", suffix)]] <- as.vector(df[[paste0("seq", suffix)]])
df[[paste0("clipqual", suffix)]] <- as.vector(df[[paste0("qual", suffix)]])
# Remove hard clipping information from the cigar string
df[[paste0("cigar_processed", suffix)]] <- gsub(
"\\d+H", "", df[[paste0("cigar", suffix)]])
# Get the subset of rows with soft-clipping
softclip_rows <- grep("S", df[[paste0("cigar", suffix)]])
softclip_df <- df[softclip_rows, ]
# Calculate the number of bases soft clipped from the left and right
softclip_df[[paste0("left_softclip", suffix)]] <- apply(
softclip_df, 1, function(x) {
as.character(x[[paste0("cigar", suffix)]]), "^(\\d+)S",
simplify = c)))
softclip_df[[paste0("right_softclip", suffix)]] <- apply(
softclip_df, 1, function(x) {
as.character(x[[paste0("cigar", suffix)]]), "(\\d+)S$",
simplify = c)))
# Extract the sequence and quality scores
softclip_df[[paste0("clipseq", suffix)]] <- substr(
softclip_df[[paste0("seq", suffix)]],
softclip_df[[paste0("left_softclip", suffix)]] + 1,
nchar(softclip_df[[paste0("seq", suffix)]]) -
softclip_df[[paste0("right_softclip", suffix)]])
softclip_df[[paste0("clipqual", suffix)]] <- substr(
softclip_df[[paste0("qual", suffix)]],
softclip_df[[paste0("left_softclip", suffix)]] + 1,
nchar(softclip_df[[paste0("qual", suffix)]]) -
softclip_df[[paste0("right_softclip", suffix)]])
# Substitute in the values
df[[paste0("left_softclip", suffix)]][softclip_rows] <-
softclip_df[[paste0("left_softclip", suffix)]]
df[[paste0("right_softclip", suffix)]][softclip_rows] <-
softclip_df[[paste0("right_softclip", suffix)]]
df[[paste0("seq", suffix)]][softclip_rows] <-
softclip_df[[paste0("clipseq", suffix)]]
df[[paste0("qual", suffix)]][softclip_rows] <-
softclip_df[[paste0("clipqual", suffix)]]
# Calculate the length of the clipped sequence
df[[paste0("clipped_len", suffix)]] <-
nchar(df[[paste0("clipseq", suffix)]])
#' Function to remove soft clipped bases to match the MD tags
#' #' @param reads_df A dataframe containing read pairs with 'cigar.first' and
#' 'cigar.last' columns that may include soft clipping indicators.
#' @noRd
clip_read_pair <- function(reads_df = NULL) {
# Check and process columns with soft clipping in 'cigar.first'
if (any(grepl("S", reads_df$cigar.first, fixed = TRUE))) {
reads_df <- process_columns(reads_df, ".first")
# Check and process columns with soft clipping in 'cigar.last'
if (any(grepl("S", reads_df$cigar.last, fixed = TRUE))) {
reads_df <- process_columns(reads_df, ".last")
#' Function to check Mutation file columns
#' @param df A dataframe representing the mutation file.
#' @noRd
check_mutfile_columns <- function(df) {
# Define expected columns
expected_cols <- c("chr", "pos", "ref", "alt")
expected_types <- c("character", "integer", "character", "character")
# Check if all expected columns are present
if (!all(expected_cols %in% colnames(df))) {
return(paste("Mutation file column names are incorrect or missing.",
"Expected columns:", toString(expected_cols), "."))
# Check if the column types are correct
actual_types <- sapply(df[expected_cols], class)
if (!all(actual_types == expected_types)) {
return(paste("Mutation File column types are incorrect, found: ",
toString(actual_types), " expected: ",
# If all checks pass, return confirmation
return("Mutation file checks passed successfully!")
#' Remove closely clustered mutations
#' This function sorts a mutation data frame by chromosome and position,
#' and removes mutations that are less than 1000 base pairs apart to ensure
#' no mutations are closer than this threshold. It avoids duplicate read pairs
#' in the GRanges object, crucial for accurate genomic analysis. The threshold
#' was chosen based on the findings on kataegis, described as having an average
#' intermutation distance of ≤1000 bp in Alexandrov LB et al., Nature, 2013.
#' @param mutation_data A data frame with mutation information.
#' @return A data frame with mutations spaced more than 1000 base pairs apart.
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @examples
#' # Assuming df has columns 'chr' and 'pos'
#' cleaned_data <- remove_clustered_mutations(df)
#' @noRd
remove_clustered_mutations <- function(mutation_data) {
# Sort by chromosome and position
sorted_data <- mutation_data %>%
arrange(chr, pos)
# Initialize a vector to keep track of indices to keep
keep_indices <- c()
# Loop through the sorted data frame
last_pos <- -Inf
last_chr <- ""
for (i in seq_len(nrow(sorted_data))) {
current_chr <- sorted_data$chr[i]
current_pos <- sorted_data$pos[i]
# Check if current mut is on the same chr and close to the last one
if (current_chr != last_chr || current_pos - last_pos >= 1000) {
keep_indices <- c(keep_indices, i)
last_pos <- current_pos
last_chr <- current_chr
# Subset the data frame to keep only the non-clustered mutations
non_clustered_data <- sorted_data[keep_indices, ]
#' Function to read in the .tsv mutation file
#' @param mutation_file A string path to the TSV file containing mutation data.
#' The file should contain columns named 'chr', 'pos', 'ref', and 'alt'.
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
read_mutation_file <- function(mutation_file) {
# Check if the file exists
if (!file.exists(mutation_file)) {
stop("Mutation file does not exist.")
# Read in the TSV mutation file
message("Reading in the provided mutation file...")
bed <- read.table(mutation_file,
header = TRUE, sep="\t",
quote="", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Check whether the file format is correct
result <- check_mutfile_columns(bed)
if (result == "Mutation file checks passed successfully!") {
message("Mutation file is formatted correctly.")
# Remove mutations that are less than 1000 bp apart
bed <- remove_clustered_mutations(bed)
} else {
#' Function that generates a Mutation Table with summarised cfDNA fragment data
#' This function processes a GRanges object, summarizing cfDNA fragment
#' information for each target mutation locus.
#' It annotates each locus with the number and type of supporting fragments.
#' Each mismatch type is annotated with the median fragment length.
#' Consensus mismatch is determined by selecting the most frequent mismatch,
#' giving priority to the target mutation's ALT base over other bases.
#' Consensus mismatch is used to derive the trinucleotide substitution (SBS96).
#' The resulting table is written to a .tsv file.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import dplyr
#' @import BSgenome
#' @import IRanges
#' @import stringr
#' @param frag_obj GRanges object containing genomic ranges and associated data.
#' @param output_file Character string specifying the path/name of the output file.
#' @return The path to the output file as a character string.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' output_path <- writeMutTable(gr, "output_directory", "output_filename")
#' print(paste("File written to:", output_path))
writeMutTable <- function(frag_obj, output_file) {
# Extract the directory path from the output file path
output_dir <- dirname(output_file)
# Check if the directory exists
if (dir.exists(output_dir)) {
message("The directory exists.")
} else {
stop("The directory does not exist. Please provide a valid directory path.")
trinuc_df <- callTrinucleotide(frag_obj = frag_obj)
# Adding informative columns for counts and fractions
trinuc_df <- trinuc_df %>%
# Adding MUT_frag_count column
MUT_frag_count = CO_MUT + SO_MUT,
# Adding ALL_frag_count column
ALL_frag_count = CO_MUT + SO_MUT + CO_REF + SO_REF,
# Adding MUT_frag_fraction column
MUT_frag_fraction = round(MUT_frag_count / ALL_frag_count, 3)
# Write the dataframe to a .tsv file
file = output_file,
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE)
# Print message indicating where the output is being written
message("The output of the function has been written to ", output_file)
#' Function to parse CIGAR strings and extract insertions
#' @noRd
insertion_pos <- function(
) {
# Initialize position trackers
position_in_read <- 1
position_in_ref <- start_pos
# Array to store insertions
insertions <- list()
# Parse CIGAR string for operations
elements <- strsplit(cigar_string,
perl = TRUE)[[1]]
numbers <- as.integer(grep("\\d+", elements, value = TRUE))
letters <- grep("[MIDNSHPX=]", elements, value = TRUE)
# Loop through elements of the CIGAR string
for (i in seq_along(letters)) {
len <- numbers[i]
op <- letters[i]
if (op %in% c("M", "=", "X")) {
# Advance position counters for match or sequence match/mismatch
position_in_read <- position_in_read + len
position_in_ref <- position_in_ref + len
} else if (op == "I") {
# Handle insertion
bases <- substring(clip_seq,
position_in_read + len - 1)
insertions[[length(insertions) + 1]] <- list(
PositionInRef = position_in_ref,
PositionInRead = position_in_read,
Length = len,
Bases = bases
position_in_read <- position_in_read + len
} else if (op == "D") {
# Advance reference and read position for deletion
# Deletion characters (D) will be added later to the seq columns
position_in_read <- position_in_read + len
position_in_ref <- position_in_ref + len
} else if (op == "S" || op == "H") {
# Handle soft clipping and hard clipping
position_in_read <- position_in_read + len
# Construct genomic coordinates for insertions
insertion_coordinates <- sapply(insertions, function(ins) {
paste0("r_str:", read_strand),
paste0("g_pos:", chr, ":", ins$PositionInRef, "-",
ins$PositionInRef - 1 + ins$Length, ":", "*", ins$Bases),
paste0("r_pos:", ins$PositionInRead, "-",
ins$PositionInRead - 1 + ins$Length),
# Return a list containing the insertion coordinates
return(list(Insertions = insertion_coordinates))
#' Function to extract insertion information from paired reads
#' @noRd
apply_to_paired_reads_ins <- function(data_frame) {
# Initialize a list to hold results
results <- list()
# Iterate over each row of the DataFrame
for (i in seq_len(nrow(data_frame))) {
row <- data_frame[i, ]
# Extract information for the first part of the read pair
first_results <- insertion_pos(
unique_read_pair_id = row$unique_read_pair_id_first,
chr = row$chr_first,
start_pos = row$start_pos_first,
end_pos = row$end_pos_first,
read_strand = row$read_strand_first,
nm_tag = row$nm_tag_first,
md_tag = row$md_tag_first,
cigar_string = row$cigar_string_first,
clip_seq = row$clip_seq_first,
clip_qual = row$clip_qual_first,
mapq = row$mapq_first,
which_locus = row$which_locus
# Extract information for the last part of the read pair
last_results <- insertion_pos(
unique_read_pair_id = row$unique_read_pair_id_last,
chr = row$chr_last,
start_pos = row$start_pos_last,
end_pos = row$end_pos_last,
read_strand = row$read_strand_last,
nm_tag = row$nm_tag_last,
md_tag = row$md_tag_last,
cigar_string = row$cigar_string_last,
clip_seq = row$clip_seq_last,
clip_qual = row$clip_qual_last,
mapq = row$mapq_last,
which_locus = row$which_locus
# Combine the results from first and last into one list for each row
results[[i]] <- list(First = first_results, Last = last_results)
# Return the list of results
#' Function to remove insertion bases from the seq columns
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_detect
#' @noRd
remove_insertion_bases <- function(cigar, clip_seq) {
elements <- strsplit(cigar, "(?<=\\D)(?=\\d)|(?<=\\d)(?=\\D)",
numbers <- as.integer(grep("\\d+", elements, value = TRUE))
letters <- grep("[MDISHPX=]", elements, value = TRUE)
adjusted_seq <- clip_seq
position_in_read <- 1
# Iterate over CIGAR elements
for (i in seq_along(letters)) {
len <- numbers[i]
op <- letters[i]
if (op == "I") {
# Calculate the actual position of the insertion in the adjusted sequence
insertion_start <- position_in_read
insertion_end <- position_in_read + len - 1
# Remove insertion bases from the sequence
if (insertion_start <= nchar(adjusted_seq)) {
part_before_insertion <- substring(adjusted_seq, 1,
insertion_start - 1)
part_after_insertion <- substring(adjusted_seq,
insertion_end + 1)
adjusted_seq <- paste0(part_before_insertion,
position_in_read <- position_in_read + len
} else if (op %in% c("M", "X", "=")) {
# Advance the position in the read by the length of M, DEL
position_in_read <- position_in_read + len
} else if (op == "S" || op == "H" || op == "D") {
# Skip soft clips and hard clips in sequence position calculations
if (i == 1 || i == length(letters)) {
#' Function to remove insertion quality scores from the base quality columns
#' @noRd
remove_insertion_qual_bases <- function(cigar, clip_qual) {
elements <- strsplit(cigar, "(?<=\\D)(?=\\d)|(?<=\\d)(?=\\D)",
numbers <- as.integer(grep("\\d+", elements, value = TRUE))
letters <- grep("[MDISHPX=]", elements, value = TRUE)
adjusted_qual <- clip_qual
position_in_read <- 1
# Iterate over CIGAR elements
for (i in seq_along(letters)) {
len <- numbers[i]
op <- letters[i]
if (op == "I") {
# Calculate the actual position of the insertion in the quality string
insertion_start <- position_in_read
insertion_end <- position_in_read + len - 1
# Remove insertion quality bases from the string
if (insertion_start <= nchar(adjusted_qual)) {
part_before_insertion <- substring(adjusted_qual, 1,
insertion_start - 1)
part_after_insertion <- substring(adjusted_qual,
insertion_end + 1)
adjusted_qual <- paste0(part_before_insertion,
position_in_read <- position_in_read + len
} else if (op %in% c("M", "X", "=")) {
position_in_read <- position_in_read + len
} else if (op == "S" || op == "H" || op == "D") {
if (i == 1 || i == length(letters)) {
#' Function to process insertion information
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
process_insertions <- function(reads_df) {
if (any(grepl("I", reads_df$cigar_string_first)) ||
any(grepl("I", reads_df$cigar_string_last))) {
# Filter for rows with insertions in the CIGAR string
ins_reads_df <- reads_df[grepl("I", reads_df$cigar_string_first) |
grepl("I", reads_df$cigar_string_last), ]
# Process insertions
insertion_results <- apply_to_paired_reads_ins(ins_reads_df)
# Alternative way to display mismatches, deletions, insertions
ins_reads_df$MDI_first <- ""
ins_reads_df$MDI_last <- ""
# Iterate over the results to populate the new columns
for (i in seq_along(insertion_results)) {
# Check and assign insertions from First part of the pair
if (!is.null(insertion_results[[i]]$First) &&
length(insertion_results[[i]]$First$Insertions) > 0) {
# Convert the list of insertions to a character string, if necessary
ins_reads_df$MDI_first[i] <- paste(
unlist(insertion_results[[i]]$First$Insertions), collapse = "; ")
} else {
# Handle cases where there are no insertions
ins_reads_df$MDI_first[i] <- ""
# Check and assign insertions from Last part of the pair
if (!is.null(insertion_results[[i]]$Last) &&
length(insertion_results[[i]]$Last$Insertions) > 0) {
ins_reads_df$MDI_last[i] <- paste(
unlist(insertion_results[[i]]$Last$Insertions), collapse = "; ")
} else {
ins_reads_df$MDI_last[i] <- ""
# Process each row of the dataframe and remove insertion bases read-pairs
ins_reads_df$clip_seq_first <- mapply(remove_insertion_bases,
ins_reads_df$clip_seq_last <- mapply(remove_insertion_bases,
# Remove insertion base qualities
ins_reads_df$clip_qual_first <- mapply(remove_insertion_qual_bases,
ins_reads_df$clip_qual_last <- mapply(remove_insertion_qual_bases,
# Combine the ins and mm_del information
# Function to check if there are no insertions in the CIGAR strings
has_no_insertions <- function(cigar_str) {
!grepl("I", cigar_str)
# Filter dataframe to include only rows with no insertions in CIGAR strings
mm_del_reads_df <- reads_df[
has_no_insertions(reads_df$cigar_string_first) &
# Identifying missing columns in mm_del dataframe
missing_in_mm_del <- base::setdiff(
names(ins_reads_df), names(mm_del_reads_df))
# Adding missing columns as NA to mm_del dataframe
mm_del_reads_df[missing_in_mm_del] <- lapply(missing_in_mm_del,
function(x) "")
# Ensure columns are in the same order
ins_reads_df <- ins_reads_df[names(mm_del_reads_df)]
# Combine mm_del and ins dataframes
reads_df <- rbind(ins_reads_df, mm_del_reads_df)
} else {
# If no insertions, add MDI_first and MDI_last columns with empty values
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
dplyr::mutate(MDI_first = "", MDI_last = "")
#' Function to add 'D' for bases that were deleted in the seq columns
#' @noRd
adjust_sequence_for_deletions <- function(md_tag, clip_seq) {
elements <- strsplit(md_tag, "(?<=\\D)(?=\\d)|(?<=\\d)(?=\\D)",
adjusted_seq <- clip_seq
position_in_read <- 1 # Tracks the current position in the read
for (element in elements) {
if (grepl("^\\d+$", element)) {
# Advance position by the number of matches
position_in_read <- position_in_read + as.numeric(element)
} else if (grepl("^\\^[ACGTNacgtn]+$", element)) {
# Deletion from the reference; extract the bases
deletion_length <- nchar(substring(element, 2, nchar(element)))
# Insert 'D' at current pos for the length of the deletion
adjusted_seq <- paste0(substring(adjusted_seq,
position_in_read - 1),
paste(rep("D", deletion_length),
collapse = ""),
} else if (grepl("^[ACGTNacgtn]+$", element)) {
# Handle mismatches: advance by the length of the mismatch element
position_in_read <- position_in_read + nchar(element)
#' Function to add '!' for bases that were deleted in the qual columns
#' @noRd
adjust_quality_for_deletions <- function(md_tag, clip_qual) {
elements <- strsplit(md_tag, "(?<=\\D)(?=\\d)|(?<=\\d)(?=\\D)",
adjusted_qual <- clip_qual
position_in_read <- 1
for (element in elements) {
if (grepl("^\\d+$", element)) {
# Advance position by the number of matches
position_in_read <- position_in_read + as.numeric(element)
} else if (grepl("^\\^[ACGTNacgtn]+$", element)) {
# Deletion from the reference; extract the bases
deletion_length <- nchar(substring(element, 2, nchar(element)))
# Insert '!' at current pos in quality string for the length of del
adjusted_qual <- paste0(substring(adjusted_qual,
position_in_read - 1),
paste(rep("!", deletion_length),
collapse = ""),
} else if (grepl("^[ACGTNacgtn]+$", element)) {
# Handle mismatches: advance by the length of the mismatch element
position_in_read <- position_in_read + nchar(element)
#' Function to add mismatch and deletion info as separate columns for readpairs
#' @noRd
mm_del_pos <- function(
) {
# Split the MD tag into components (numbers and letters)
md_elements <- regmatches(md_tag, gregexpr("([0-9]+|\\^[ACGT]+|[ACGT]+)",
md_tag, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
# Initialize position trackers
position_in_read <- 1
position_in_ref <- start_pos + 1
# Arrays to store mismatches and deletions
mismatches <- list()
deletions <- list()
for (element in md_elements) {
if (grepl("^[0-9]+$", element)) {
# Number of bases matched (no discrepancy)
num_matches <- as.integer(element)
position_in_read <- position_in_read + num_matches
position_in_ref <- position_in_ref + num_matches
} else if (grepl("^\\^[ACGT]+", element)) {
# Deletion from the reference
deletion_length <- nchar(substr(element, 2, nchar(element)))
deletions[[length(deletions) + 1]] <- list(
PositionInRef = position_in_ref,
PositionInRead = position_in_read,
Length = deletion_length,
Bases = substring(element, 2, nchar(element))
position_in_read <- position_in_read + deletion_length
position_in_ref <- position_in_ref + deletion_length
} else if (grepl("^[ACGT]+$", element)) {
# Mismatches
for (base_index in seq(nchar(element))) {
base_from_clip_seq <- substring(clip_seq, position_in_read,
mismatches[[length(mismatches) + 1]] <- list(
PositionInRef = position_in_ref,
PositionInRead = position_in_read,
Base = substring(element, base_index, base_index),
ClipSeqBase = base_from_clip_seq
position_in_read <- position_in_read + 1
position_in_ref <- position_in_ref + 1
# Construct genomic coordinates for mismatches
mismatch_coordinates <- sapply(mismatches, function(m) {
paste0("r_str:", read_strand),
paste0("g_pos:", chr, ":", m$PositionInRef - 1, "-",
m$PositionInRef - 1, ":", m$Base, "-", m$ClipSeqBase),
paste0("r_pos:", m$PositionInRead),
# Construct genomic coordinates for deletions
deletion_coordinates <- sapply(deletions, function(d) {
paste0("r_str:", read_strand),
paste0("g_pos:", chr, ":", d$PositionInRef - 1, "-",
d$PositionInRef - 2 + d$Length, ":", "^",d$Bases),
paste0("r_pos:", d$PositionInRead, "-",
d$PositionInRead - 1 + d$Length),
# Return list containing both mismatches and del with detailed coordinates
Mismatches = mismatch_coordinates,
Deletions = deletion_coordinates
#' Wrapper function applying mm_del_pos to each row with _first/_last suffix
#' @noRd
apply_to_paired_reads <- function(data_frame) {
results <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(data_frame)), function(i) {
row <- data_frame[i, ]
first_results <- mm_del_pos(row$unique_read_pair_id,
last_results <- mm_del_pos(row$unique_read_pair_id,
list(First = first_results, Last = last_results)
#' Function to obtain updated mismatch and deletion information
#' @noRd
update_mdi_columns <- function(reads_df) {
results <- apply_to_paired_reads(reads_df)
# Iterate over the results to update the MDI_first and MDI_last columns
for (i in seq_along(results)) {
# Update MDI_first column with mismatches and deletions
if (!is.null(results[[i]]$First) &&
!is.null(results[[i]]$First$Mismatches)) {
# Create a string from the list of mismatches
new_first_mismatches <- paste(unlist(results[[i]]$First$Mismatches),
collapse = "; ")
# Append this new data to the existing data in the dataframe
if (nzchar(reads_df$MDI_first[i])) {
reads_df$MDI_first[i] <- paste(reads_df$MDI_first[i],
sep = "; ")
} else {
reads_df$MDI_first[i] <- new_first_mismatches
if (!is.null(results[[i]]$First) &&
!is.null(results[[i]]$First$Deletions)) {
# Create a string from the list of deletions
new_first_deletions <- paste(unlist(results[[i]]$First$Deletions),
collapse = "; ")
# Append or set data as done with mismatches
if (nzchar(reads_df$MDI_first[i])) {
reads_df$MDI_first[i] <- paste(reads_df$MDI_first[i],
new_first_deletions, sep = "; ")
} else {
reads_df$MDI_first[i] <- new_first_deletions
# Update MDI_last column with mismatches and deletions
if (!is.null(results[[i]]$Last) &&
!is.null(results[[i]]$Last$Mismatches)) {
# Create a string from the list of mismatches
new_last_mismatches <- paste(unlist(results[[i]]$Last$Mismatches),
collapse = "; ")
# Append this new data to the existing data in the dataframe
if (nzchar(reads_df$MDI_last[i])) {
reads_df$MDI_last[i] <- paste(reads_df$MDI_last[i],
sep = "; ")
} else {
reads_df$MDI_last[i] <- new_last_mismatches
if (!is.null(results[[i]]$Last) && !is.null(results[[i]]$Last$Deletions)) {
# Create a string from the list of deletions
new_last_deletions <- paste(unlist(results[[i]]$Last$Deletions),
collapse = "; ")
# Append or set data as done with mismatches
if (nzchar(reads_df$MDI_last[i])) {
reads_df$MDI_last[i] <- paste(reads_df$MDI_last[i],
sep = "; ")
} else {
reads_df$MDI_last[i] <- new_last_deletions
#' Function to add the base information to mutation_status
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate case_when select
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_detect
#' @noRd
add_base_info <- function(reads_df) {
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
# Extract substrings from MDI columns based on mutation_location
MDI_first_details = str_extract(
MDI_first, paste0(mutation_location, "\\:[^|]+")),
MDI_last_details = str_extract(
MDI_last, paste0(mutation_location, "\\:[^|]+")),
# Create new column with reference base(s) before '-' in which_mutation
ref_base = gsub("-.*", "", gsub(".*\\:", "", which_mutation)),
# For discordant cases, concatenate details from MDI first/last columns
mutation_status = case_when(
# When discordant
str_detect(mutation_status, "discordant") ~ paste0(
gsub(".*\\:", "", MDI_first_details),
gsub(".*\\:", "", MDI_last_details)),
# When concordant readpair and mutations are detected as described
"MUT:read_pair_concordant|OTHER:read_pair_concordant") ~
paste0(mutation_status, ":",
gsub("^.*\\:", "", MDI_first_details), "/",
gsub("^.*\\:", "", MDI_last_details)),
# When there's a single read positive or negative with a mutation
(str_detect(mutation_status, "MUT:single_read") &
mutation_location_present_last) ~
paste0(mutation_status, ":",
gsub("^.*\\:", "", MDI_last_details)),
(str_detect(mutation_status, "MUT:single_read") &
mutation_location_present_first) ~
paste0(mutation_status, ":",
gsub("^.*\\:", "", MDI_first_details)),
# For single-read REF, add the extracted base to the mutation_status
str_detect(mutation_status, "REF:single_read") ~
paste0(mutation_status, ":", ref_base),
# For read-pair REF, add the extracted base twice separated by '/'
str_detect(mutation_status, "REF:read_pair_concordant") ~
paste0(mutation_status, ":", ref_base, "/", ref_base),
# Default to existing mutation_status if none of the conditions apply
TRUE ~ mutation_status
) %>%
MDI_first_details, MDI_last_details))
#' Function to add mutation overlap status to a dataframe
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate case_when select
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @noRd
add_mutation_overlap_status <- function(df) {
# Update the dataframe with new mutation overlap status
df_updated <- df %>%
# Extract mutation positions from the which_mutation column
start_mutation = as.numeric(str_extract(which_mutation,
end_mutation = as.numeric(str_extract(which_mutation,
# Determine if there is any overlap with the mutation positions
mutation_overlap = case_when(
# Check for overlap between both reads and the mutation range
(start_pos_first <= end_mutation & end_pos_first >= start_mutation) &
(start_pos_last <= end_mutation & end_pos_last >= start_mutation) ~
# Check if only the first read overlaps the mutation range
(start_pos_first <= end_mutation & end_pos_first >= start_mutation) ~
paste0("single_read", tolower(read_strand_first)),
# Check if only the last read overlaps the mutation range
(start_pos_last <= end_mutation & end_pos_last >= start_mutation) ~
paste0("single_read", tolower(read_strand_last)),
# Default case where there is no overlap
TRUE ~ "no_overlap"
) %>%
select(-start_mutation, -end_mutation)
# Return the updated dataframe
#' Function to derive information about the mutation locus from each read-pair
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate case_when
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_detect
#' @noRd
process_mutation_status <- function(reads_df) {
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
# Extract just the location part of the mutation (before the "|")
mutation_location = str_extract(which_mutation, "^[^:]+:[^:]+"),
# Check presence of mutation location in MDI columns
mutation_location_present_first = str_detect(
MDI_first, mutation_location),
mutation_location_present_last = str_detect(
MDI_last, mutation_location),
# Check presence of full mutation (including bases) in MDI columns
mutation_present_first = str_detect(MDI_first, which_mutation),
mutation_present_last = str_detect(MDI_last, which_mutation),
# Create mutation_status based on conditions described
mutation_status = case_when(
# When there's a read pair overlap and no detections
mutation_overlap == "read_pair" &
!mutation_location_present_first & !mutation_location_present_last ~
# When read-pair overlaps and mutations are detected as described
mutation_overlap == "read_pair" &
mutation_present_first & mutation_present_last ~
# When read-pair overlaps and only one read has the mutation
mutation_overlap == "read_pair" &
mutation_present_first != mutation_present_last ~
# When both MDI columns match the location but not the full mutation
mutation_overlap == "read_pair" &
mutation_location_present_first & mutation_location_present_last &
!mutation_present_first & !mutation_present_last ~
# When read-pair overlaps and only one of MDI column matches location
mutation_overlap == "read_pair" &
mutation_location_present_first != mutation_location_present_last &
!mutation_present_first & !mutation_present_last ~
# For single_read+/- overlap where the read displays another mutation
mutation_overlap %in% c("single_read+", "single_read-") &
(mutation_location_present_first != mutation_location_present_last) &
!mutation_present_first & !mutation_present_last ~
paste("OTHER:", mutation_overlap, sep=""),
# For single_read+/- where the mutation matches exactly as described
mutation_overlap %in% c("single_read+", "single_read-") &
mutation_present_first != mutation_present_last ~
paste("MUT:", mutation_overlap, sep=""),
# For single_read+/- where there are no alterations at the mut location
mutation_overlap %in% c("single_read+", "single_read-") &
mutation_present_first == mutation_present_last ~
paste("REF:", mutation_overlap, sep=""),
# Default case if none of the above conditions are met
TRUE ~ "not_applicable"
#' Funcion to process base qualities
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @noRd
process_base_qualities <- function(df) {
df %>%
# Extract the numerical position part of the mutation_location
mutation_position = str_extract(
mutation_location, "(?<=:)[0-9]+-[0-9]+"),
# Extract start and end positions from mutation_position
mut_start = as.integer(str_extract(mutation_position, "^[0-9]+")),
mut_end = as.integer(str_extract(mutation_position, "[0-9]+$")),
# Determine overlap with the mutation location
overlap_first = (start_pos_first <= mut_end &
end_pos_first >= mut_start),
overlap_last = (start_pos_last <= mut_end &
end_pos_last >= mut_start),
# Calculate read position for the mutation within the reads
read_pos_first = mut_start - start_pos_first + 1,
read_pos_last = mut_start - start_pos_last + 1,
# Extract the base quality at the mutation position from quality strings
bq_first = ifelse(overlap_first, substr(clip_qual_first,
read_pos_first), NA),
bq_last = ifelse(overlap_last, substr(clip_qual_last,
read_pos_last), NA),
# Convert Phred+33 quality scores to integer scores
bq_first_int = ifelse(!is.na(bq_first) & nchar(bq_first) == 1,
bq_first, function(x) as.integer(
charToRaw(x)) - 33),
bq_last_int = ifelse(!is.na(bq_last) & nchar(bq_last) == 1,
bq_last, function(x) as.integer(
charToRaw(x)) - 33),
# Calculate mean quality score when both reads overlap the mut location
bq_first_int = as.numeric(bq_first_int),
bq_last_int = as.numeric(bq_last_int),
mutation_locus_bq = ifelse(
overlap_first & overlap_last,
rowMeans(cbind(bq_first_int, bq_last_int), na.rm = TRUE),
ifelse(overlap_first, bq_first_int,
ifelse(overlap_last, bq_last_int, NA)))
) %>%
select(-c(bq_first, bq_last,
read_pos_first, read_pos_last,
bq_first_int, bq_last_int,
overlap_first, overlap_last,
mut_start, mut_end))
# Function to calculate read length from CIGAR string, considering only 'M'
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract_all
#' @noRd
calculate_read_length <- function(cigar) {
# Return 0 immediately if cigar is NA
if (is.na(cigar)) {
# Extract numbers and their corresponding operations
numbers <- as.integer(unlist(str_extract_all(cigar, "\\d+")))
letters <- unlist(str_extract_all(cigar, "[A-Z]"))
# Identify indices where the operation is 'M'
m_indices <- letters == "M"
# Calculate the total length contributing to the read's footprint
# Sum only lengths where the operation is 'M'
# Return 0 if there are no 'M' operations
if (any(m_indices)) {
length <- sum(numbers[m_indices])
} else {
length <- 0
#' Function to process duplicate read-pair IDs in galp/granges objects
#' and generate a dataframe for later processing
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments GAlignmentPairs
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @noRd
process_duplicate_read_pairs <- function(genomic_data, mut_fragments_only) {
# Initialize the reads_df variable
reads_df <- NULL
# Check if input is a GAlignments or GRanges object and adjust accordingly
if (is(genomic_data, "GAlignmentPairs")) {
reads_df <- as.data.frame(genomic_data)
# Update which_label.first by removing '.' and characters that follow it
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
mutate(which_label.first = gsub("\\..*$", "", which_label.first))
# Create unique identifier for GAlignmentPairs as before
reads_df$unique_read_pair_id <- paste(gsub("\\.1$", "",
sep = "_")
} else if (is(genomic_data, "GRanges")) {
# Convert GRanges to dataframe without row names to avoid duplicates
reads_df <- as.data.frame(genomic_data, row.names = NULL)
# Use names of GRanges to create id
reads_df$unique_read_pair_id <- paste(names(genomic_data))
if(mut_fragments_only) {
# Update which_label.first by removing '.' and following characters
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
mutate(which_label.first = gsub("\\..*$", "", which_label.first))
# Use names of GRanges and which_label.first to create a unique id
reads_df$unique_read_pair_id <- paste(names(genomic_data),
sep = "_")
} else if (!mut_fragments_only) {
# Update which_label.first by removing '.' and following characters
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
mutate(which_label.first = gsub("\\..*$", "", which_label.first))
# Use names of GRanges and which_label.first to create a unique id
reads_df$unique_read_pair_id <- paste(names(genomic_data),
sep = "_")
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
mutate(unique_read_pair_id = gsub("_NA$", "", unique_read_pair_id))
} else {
stop("The input object is neither a GAlignmentPairs nor a GRanges object.")
# Remove any old row names
rownames(reads_df) <- NULL
# Return the modified dataframe
#' Function to subset alignments to mutational positions
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments readGAlignmentPairs
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments readGAlignmentPairs strandMode seqnames strand
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb merge seqinfo keepSeqlevels
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleStringOrNA
#' @importFrom Rsamtools ScanBamParam
#' @import magrittr
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @noRd
bam_to_galp_mut <- function(bamfile,
use_names = TRUE,
param = galp_param,
chromosome_to_keep = FALSE,
strand_mode = 1,
genome = NA_character_) {
# Check parameters
stopifnot(isSingleStringOrNA(genome) || is(genome, "Seqinfo"))
# Read bam into galp
message("Reading bam into galp...")
galp <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignmentPairs(file = bamfile,
use.names = use_names,
strandMode = strand_mode,
param = param,
with.which_label = TRUE)
# Message indicating successful read and possibly some details about 'galp'
message("BAM file has been read into galp.")
# add genome information
if (isSingleStringOrNA(genome)) {
genome <- Seqinfo(genome = genome)[chromosome_to_keep]
seqinfo(galp) <- merge(GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(galp), genome)
# strandMode should be one for downstream operations
stopifnot(GenomicAlignments::strandMode(galp) == 1)
# only keep needed seqnames
if (!isFALSE(chromosome_to_keep)) {
galp <- keepSeqlevels(galp, chromosome_to_keep, pruning.mode = "coarse")
message("Curating seqnames and strand information...")
# remove read pairs without correct seqnames and strand information
galp2 <- galp[!is.na(GenomicAlignments::seqnames(galp))]
galp3 <- galp2[GenomicAlignments::strand(galp2) != "*"]
#' Function to generate GRanges for specific positions
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @noRd
make_granges <- function(loci) {
loci_gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = loci[, 1],
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = loci[, 2],
end = loci[, 2]))
#' Function to process and curate mutational fragment-level information
#' @import magrittr
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_extract
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select filter left_join rename
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr replace_na
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqinfo
#' @noRd
process_mutation_fragments <- function(
bamfile = bamfile,
genome = genome,
galp = galp,
mutation_file = mutation_file,
frag = frag,
galp_bqFilter = galp_bqFilter,
chromosome_to_keep = chromosome_to_keep,
mut_fragments_only = mut_fragments_only) {
# check if works
if (!is.null(mutation_file) && !mut_fragments_only) {
# Extract the count from the metadata
metadata_string <- galp@metadata[[1]]
count <- as.numeric(sub(".*count:", "", metadata_string))
# Check if the count is valid and within the appropriate range
if (!is.na(count) && count > 0 && count <= length(galp)) {
# Subset galp to only include the range from 1 to the extracted count
galp <- galp[1:count]
} else {
message("Count is out of range or not specified correctly.")
# Process mutation list data
loci_df <- read_mutation_file(mutation_file = mutation_file)
loci_df <- base::subset(loci_df, chr %in% chromosome_to_keep)
# Process duplicate read-pair names
reads_df <- process_duplicate_read_pairs(
genomic_data = galp, mut_fragments_only = mut_fragments_only)
# Identify columns that end with ".1"
columns_to_remove <- grep("\\.1$", names(reads_df), value = TRUE)
# Exclude these columns from the data frame
reads_df <- reads_df[, !names(reads_df) %in% columns_to_remove]
# Check if there is soft clipping in 'cigar.first' or 'cigar.last'
if (any(grepl("S", reads_df$cigar.first)) ||
any(grepl("S", reads_df$cigar.last))) {
# Call the function if soft clipping is detected
reads_df <- clip_read_pair(reads_df)
# Select relevant columns from the 'first' and 'last' alignment pairs
reads_df <- reads_df %>% dplyr::select(unique_read_pair_id,
# Rename columns to a more uniform and readable format
colnames(reads_df) <- c("unique_read_pair_id",
# Use loci_df to annotate df with mutational information
loci_df$which_locus <- with(loci_df, paste0(chr, ":", pos, "-", pos))
loci_df$which_mutation <- with(loci_df, {
locus <- paste0(chr, ":", pos, "-", pos)
mutation <- paste0(ref, "-", alt)
paste0(locus, ":", mutation)
# Left join to add which_mutation
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
left_join(loci_df %>% select(which_locus, which_mutation),
by = c("which_locus_first" = "which_locus")) %>%
dplyr::rename("which_locus" = "which_locus_first") %>%
# Process insertions
reads_df <- process_insertions(reads_df)
# Process deletions
# First, check if any rows contain 'D' in the CIGAR strings
if (any(grepl("D", reads_df$cigar_string_first)) ||
any(grepl("D", reads_df$cigar_string_last))) {
# Applying adjustments only to rows that have deletions in their MD tags
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
clip_seq_first = ifelse(grepl("\\^", md_tag_first),
md_tag_first, clip_seq_first),
clip_seq_last = ifelse(grepl("\\^", md_tag_last),
md_tag_last, clip_seq_last),
clip_qual_first = ifelse(grepl("\\^", md_tag_first),
md_tag_first, clip_qual_first),
clip_qual_last = ifelse(grepl("\\^", md_tag_last),
md_tag_last, clip_qual_last),
# Update MDI columns
reads_df <- update_mdi_columns(reads_df)
# Add read overlap information to read-pairs
reads_df <- add_mutation_overlap_status(reads_df)
# Derive information about the mutation locus from each read-pair
reads_df <- process_mutation_status(reads_df)
# Add base information
reads_df <- add_base_info(reads_df)
# Add the mutation locus basequalities
reads_df <- process_base_qualities(reads_df)
# Select only the specified columns
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
select(unique_read_pair_id, which_mutation,
mutation_status, mutation_locus_bq)
# Update mutation_status based on mutation_locus_bq compared to galp_bqFilter
reads_df <- reads_df %>%
mutate(mutation_status = if_else(mutation_locus_bq < galp_bqFilter,
# Extract Seqinfo from the existing frag GRanges object to add it back later
seqinfo_frag <- GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(frag)
# Generate the dataframe containing fragment length data
frag <- process_duplicate_read_pairs(
genomic_data = frag, mut_fragments_only = mut_fragments_only)
# Subset the fragment length dataframe
frag <- frag %>%
dplyr::select(unique_read_pair_id, seqnames, start, end, width, strand)
# Merge dataframes
frag <- suppressWarnings(merge(
by = "unique_read_pair_id",
all.x = TRUE,
all.y = FALSE
# Remove rows with NA in the 'chr' column
frag <- frag %>%
# Rename target column to target_mutation
names(frag)[names(frag) == "which_mutation"] <- "target_mutation"
# Convert df to GRanges:
frag <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(frag,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE,
seqinfo = seqinfo_frag)
# Check if mut_fragments_only is FALSE
if (!mut_fragments_only) {
gr_meta <- suppressWarnings(mcols(frag))
# Find indices where target_mutation is NA
na_indices <- which(is.na(gr_meta$target_mutation))
# Assign "outer_fragment" to specific columns at these indices
gr_meta$target_mutation[na_indices] <- "outer_fragment"
gr_meta$mutation_status[na_indices] <- "outer_fragment"
gr_meta$mutation_locus_bq[na_indices] <- "outer_fragment"
mcols(frag) <- gr_meta
frag@metadata <- list("GRanges object with fragment and mutational data")
#' Function to process BAM files based on mutational or general alignment data
#' @import magrittr
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments last cigar
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @noRd
process_bam_file <- function(bamfile,
mutation_file = NULL,
mut_fragments_only = FALSE,
use_names = FALSE,
chromosome_to_keep = NULL,
strand_mode = 1,
galp_mapqFilter) {
# Define general and ScanBam parameters
galp_param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(
flag = galp_flag,
what = galp_what,
tag = galp_tag,
mapqFilter = galp_mapqFilter
# Check the presence of a mutation file and the mode of operation
if (!is.null(mutation_file)) {
loci_df <- suppressMessages(
read_mutation_file(mutation_file = mutation_file))
loci_df <- base::subset(loci_df, chr %in% chromosome_to_keep)
if (nrow(loci_df) == 0) {
message("No mutations for selected chromosomes in the mutation file.")
# Create genomic ranges from loci
which_loci <- make_granges(loci = loci_df)
# Define galp params for mutational processing
galp_param_mut <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(
flag = galp_flag,
what = galp_what,
tag = galp_tag,
mapqFilter = galp_mapqFilter,
which = which_loci
if (mut_fragments_only) {
galp <- bam_to_galp_mut(bamfile = bamfile,
use_names = use_names,
chromosome_to_keep = chromosome_to_keep,
strand_mode = strand_mode,
genome = genome_name,
param = galp_param_mut)
# Update metadata with content specifics
galp@metadata <- list(
"GRanges with mutation-specific read-pairs only")
if (length(galp) == 0) {
message("No reads found in bam file for specified mutation loci.")
} else {
# Fetch both general and mutation-specific alignments
galp <- bam_to_galp2(bamfile = bamfile,
use_names = use_names,
chromosome_to_keep = chromosome_to_keep,
strand_mode = strand_mode,
genome = genome_name,
param = galp_param)
galp_mm <- suppressMessages(bam_to_galp_mut(
bamfile = bamfile,
use_names = use_names,
chromosome_to_keep = chromosome_to_keep,
strand_mode = strand_mode,
genome = genome_name,
param = galp_param_mut))
if (length(galp_mm) == 0) {
message("No mutation-specific reads. Processing general alignments.")
} else {
galp <- c(galp_mm, galp)
galp <- galp[!duplicated(galp@NAMES)]
# Update metadata with content specifics
msg1 <- "GRanges with general and mutation-specific read-pairs;"
msg2 <- paste("Mutation-specific count:", length(galp_mm))
galp@metadata <- list(paste(msg1, msg2))
} else {
# Process all alignments when no mutation file is provided
galp <- bam_to_galp2(bamfile = bamfile,
use_names = use_names,
chromosome_to_keep = chromosome_to_keep,
strand_mode = strand_mode,
genome = genome_name,
param = galp_param)
#' Create an Empty GAlignmentPairs Object
#' Initializes an empty GAlignmentPairs object with two GAlignments objects,
#' one for each pair member, and combines them.
#' @return An empty GAlignmentPairs object.
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle
#' @noRd
create_empty_galp <- function() {
# Create empty GAlignments for pair members
empty_first <- GenomicAlignments::GAlignments(
seqnames=character(), cigar=character()
empty_last <- GenomicAlignments::GAlignments(
seqnames=character(), cigar=character()
# Combine into a GAlignmentPairs object
empty_galp <- GenomicAlignments::GAlignmentPairs(
first=empty_first, last=empty_last
#' Function to determine the correct BSgenome based on the seqinfo result
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqinfo
#' @noRd
get_genome_reference <- function(frag_obj_mut) {
# Extract genome sequence from GRanges object's seqinfo
genome_seq <- unique(
# Define genome versions and corresponding BSgenome data packages
genome_versions <- c("GRCh38", "hg38-NCBI", "hg38", "hg19")
genome_packages <- c(
# Find the index of the genome sequence in the genome_versions vector
index <- match(genome_seq, genome_versions)
# Return the corresponding genome package; default to hg19 if not found
if (!is.na(index)) {
return(eval(parse(text = genome_packages[index])))
} else {
#' Prepare and filter GRanges data
#' @noRd
prepare_data <- function(frag_obj_mut) {
frag_obj_mut <- frag_obj_mut[!grepl("outer_fragment",
frag_obj_mut$target_mutation), ]
#' Process mutation status and split into components
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @noRd
stratify_mutation_status <- function(gr_df) {
gr_df %>%
sbs_mut_status = str_extract(mutation_status, "^[^:]+"),
sbs_read_overlap = str_extract(mutation_status, "(?<=:)(single_read|read_pair)"),
sbs_read_type = str_extract(mutation_status, "(?<=_)(concordant|discordant)|[+-]"),
sbs_read_bases = str_extract(mutation_status, "(?<=:)[ACGT][-ACGT/]+$")
#' Function to check for mutational metadata in the GRanges object
#' @noRd
check_mutation_in_metadata <- function(frag_obj) {
# Check if the input is a GRanges object
if (!inherits(frag_obj, "GRanges")) {
stop("The provided object is not a GRanges object.")
# Extract the metadata
metadata_list <- frag_obj@metadata
# Check for the specific metadata entry
required_info <- "GRanges object with fragment and mutational data"
if (!any(sapply(metadata_list,
function(x) grepl(required_info, x, ignore.case = TRUE)))) {
stop("The GRanges object does not contain fragment data ",
"with annotated mutational information.\n ",
" Re-run readBam() with ",
"parameters mutation_file = '/path/to/mutation_file.tsv'.\n ")
message("The GRanges object contains mutational information. ",
"However, not all fragments may have the target mutant base; ",
"some or all may contain only the reference base.")
#' Function to check for mutant base fragments in a dataframe
#' @noRd
check_mutation_status <- function(reads_df) {
# Check if 'locus_status' contains the string "MUT"
if (!any(grepl("MUT", reads_df$mutation_status, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
stop("The GRanges object provided does not have any ",
"fragments with mutant bases.\n Please check your data.")
# Proceed with the rest of function if "MUT" is found
message("Fragments with mutant bases found. Proceeding with the analysis.")
#' Helper function to update locus status
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate case_when select
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub str_extract str_replace
#' @noRd
update_locus_status <- function(gr_df) {
gr_df %>%
# Extract the initial part of the mutation before the "-"
locus_status = sub("-.*$", "", target_mutation),
# Determine the relevant base from the sbs_read_bases based on read type
base = case_when(
sbs_read_type %in% c("concordant", "+", "-") ~
str_sub(sbs_read_bases, -1), # Last character for these types
sbs_read_type == "discordant" ~
str_extract(sbs_read_bases, "(?<=-)[ACGT](?=/?)"),
TRUE ~ NA_character_ # Default case for unexpected or missing data
# Formulate the complete locus_status value
locus_status = paste0(locus_status, ":", base, ":", sbs_mut_status)
) %>%
# Adjust 'locus_status' for 'discordant' and 'OTHER' categories
locus_status = case_when(
sbs_read_type == "discordant" ~
str_replace(locus_status, "MUT", "discordant"),
sbs_mut_status == "OTHER" ~
str_replace(locus_status, "OTHER", paste0(
"other_base_", sbs_read_overlap)),
TRUE ~ locus_status # Keep existing values where no changes are needed
) %>%
#' Helper function to summarize mutational data
#' @noRd
summarize_mutational_data <- function(gr_df) {
gr_df %>%
group_by(target_mutation) %>%
CO_MUT = sum(sbs_mut_status == "MUT" &
sbs_read_type == "concordant"),
SO_MUT = sum(sbs_mut_status == "MUT" &
sbs_read_overlap == "single_read"),
CO_REF = sum(sbs_mut_status == "REF" &
sbs_read_type == "concordant"),
SO_REF = sum(sbs_mut_status == "REF" &
sbs_read_overlap == "single_read"),
DO = sum((sbs_mut_status == "MUT" |
sbs_mut_status == "OTHER") &
sbs_read_type == "discordant"),
SO_OTHER = sum(sbs_mut_status == "OTHER" &
sbs_read_overlap == "single_read"),
CO_OTHER = sum(sbs_mut_status == "OTHER" &
sbs_read_type == "concordant")
#' Helper function to summarize fragment lengths
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarize
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @noRd
summarize_fragment_lengths <- function(gr_df) {
gr_df %>%
group_by(target_mutation) %>%
CO_MUT_flength = median(width[sbs_mut_status == "MUT" &
sbs_read_type == "concordant"],
na.rm = TRUE),
SO_MUT_flength = median(width[sbs_mut_status == "MUT" &
sbs_read_overlap == "single_read"],
na.rm = TRUE),
CO_REF_flength = median(width[sbs_mut_status == "REF" &
sbs_read_type == "concordant"],
na.rm = TRUE),
SO_REF_flength = median(width[sbs_mut_status == "REF" &
sbs_read_overlap == "single_read"],
na.rm = TRUE),
DO_flength = median(width[(sbs_mut_status == "MUT" |
sbs_mut_status == "OTHER") &
sbs_read_type == "discordant"],
na.rm = TRUE),
SO_OTHER_flength = median(width[sbs_mut_status == "OTHER" &
sbs_read_overlap == "single_read"],
na.rm = TRUE),
CO_OTHER_flength = median(width[sbs_mut_status == "OTHER" &
sbs_read_type == "concordant"],
na.rm = TRUE)
#' Function to update consensus_mismatch based on the highest priority match
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @noRd
update_consensus_mismatch <- function(merged_table_df, gr_df, mapping) {
set.seed(123) # For reproducibility in random selection
# Iterate over each row in merged_table_df to update consensus_mismatch
for (i in 1:nrow(merged_table_df)) {
target_mutation <- merged_table_df$target_mutation[i]
selected_column <- get_highest_column(merged_table_df[i, ])
# Define the required status based on the selected column
required_status <- mapping[[selected_column]]
# Find matching rows in gr_df by target_mutation and filter
filtered_rows <- gr_df %>%
filter(target_mutation == !!target_mutation) %>%
(required_status == "MUT" & sbs_mut_status == "MUT") |
(required_status == "discordant" & sbs_read_type == "discordant") |
(required_status == "other_base_single_read" &
sbs_mut_status == "OTHER" & sbs_read_overlap == "single_read") |
(required_status == "other_base_read_pair" &
sbs_mut_status == "OTHER" & sbs_read_type == "concordant")
# Randomly select one row if multiple matches exist
if (nrow(filtered_rows) > 1) {
selected_row <- filtered_rows[sample(1:nrow(filtered_rows), 1), ]
} else {
selected_row <- filtered_rows
# Update consensus_mismatch column if a match is found
if (!is.null(selected_row) && nrow(selected_row) > 0) {
merged_table_df$consensus_mismatch[i] <- selected_row$locus_status
} else {
merged_table_df$consensus_mismatch[i] <- NA # Ensure NAs for unmatched
# Filter out rows without a valid consensus_mismatch
merged_table_df <- merged_table_df[complete.cases(
merged_table_df$consensus_mismatch), ]
#' Helper function which selects consensus mutation type based on counts
#' @noRd
get_highest_column <- function(row) {
values <- row[c("CO_MUT", "SO_MUT", "DO", "SO_OTHER", "CO_OTHER")]
max_value <- max(values)
highest_columns <- names(values)[values == max_value]
# If the choice is between SO_OTHER, CO_OTHER,
# and DO with equal values, randomly choose one
if (length(highest_columns) > 1) {
selected_column <- sample(highest_columns, 1)
} else {
selected_column <- highest_columns
# Always prioritize CO_MUT or SO_MUT
if ("CO_MUT" %in% highest_columns) {
selected_columns <- "CO_MUT"
if ("SO_MUT" %in% highest_columns) {
selected_columns <- "SO_MUT"
#' Helper function which generates SBS 96 trinucleotide channel information
#' @importFrom BSgenome getSeq
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @noRd
get_trinucleotide <- function(merged_table_df, genome) {
# Split consensus_mismatch into three fields: chr, start, ALT Base
split_values <- strsplit(merged_table_df$consensus_mismatch, ":")
# Form a dataframe out of chr,start,end required for GRanges to get ref bases
tri_df <- data.frame(
chromosome = sapply(split_values, "[", 1),
start = as.integer(sapply(split_values, "[", 2)) - 1,
end = as.integer(sapply(split_values, "[", 2)) + 1
# Form a GRanges to obtain reference trinucleotide
tri_loci_gr <- GRanges(seqnames = tri_df$chromosome,
ranges = IRanges(start = tri_df$start,
end = tri_df$end))
# Get Vector of trinucleotide
ref_tri_bases <- as.vector(BSgenome::getSeq(genome, names = tri_loci_gr))
# Add reference trinucleotide to table
merged_table_df$ref_tri <- ref_tri_bases
merged_table_df$mut_base <- sapply(split_values, "[", 3)
merged_table_df$ref_base <- substr(merged_table_df$ref_tri, 2, 2)
# Split df into two parts: A/G and C/T
merged_table_df_1 <- merged_table_df %>% filter(ref_base %in% c("A", "G"))
merged_table_df_2 <- merged_table_df %>% filter(ref_base %in% c("C", "T"))
# Reverse complement for A/G
merged_table_df_1$ref_tri <- chartr("ATGC", "TACG",
merged_table_df_1$ref_base <- chartr("ATGC", "TACG",
merged_table_df_1$mut_base <- chartr("ATGC", "TACG",
merged_table_df <- rbind(merged_table_df_1, merged_table_df_2)
# Construct SBS96 notation
merged_table_df$SBS96 <- paste0(
merged_table_df$left <- substr(merged_table_df$ref_tri, 1, 1),
merged_table_df$right <- substr(merged_table_df$ref_tri, 3, 3)
# Add chr and pos columns
merged_table_df$chr <- sapply(split_values, "[", 1)
merged_table_df$pos <- as.integer(sapply(split_values, "[", 2))
# Clean up the DataFrame
merged_table_df <- merged_table_df %>%
select(-mut_base, -ref_base, -ref_tri, -left, -right, -chr, -pos)
#' Function which generates complete SBS96 profiles with readpair overlap info
#' Function which generates complete SBS96 profiles with readpair overlap info
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate across arrange select
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @noRd
processTrinucleotideData <- function(trinuc_df,
exclude_if_type_present = NULL,
retain_if_type_present = NULL,
remove_type = NULL,
normalize_counts = TRUE) {
# Exclude rows based on exclude_if_type_present
if (!is.null(exclude_if_type_present) &&
length(exclude_if_type_present) > 0) {
trinuc_df <- trinuc_df[!apply(trinuc_df[exclude_if_type_present] > 0,
1, any), ]
# Retain rows based on retain_if_type_present
if (!is.null(retain_if_type_present) && length(retain_if_type_present) > 0) {
trinuc_df <- trinuc_df[apply(trinuc_df[retain_if_type_present] > 0,
any), ]
# Convert all counts of specified types to 0 in remove_type columns
if (!is.null(remove_type) && length(remove_type) > 0) {
trinuc_df[remove_type] <- lapply(trinuc_df[remove_type],
function(x) ifelse(x > 0, 0, x))
# Define the relevant columns to check for the maximum value
relevant_columns <- c("SO_MUT", "CO_MUT", "DO", "SO_OTHER", "CO_OTHER")
# Define a function to find the column name with the highest value
get_max_column <- function(x) {
# Find the maximum value among the specified columns
max_val <- max(x[relevant_columns])
# Get all column names that have this maximum value
max_cols <- names(x[relevant_columns])[x[relevant_columns] == max_val]
# If more than one column shares the max value, randomly choose one
if (length(max_cols) > 1) {
return(sample(max_cols, 1))
} else {
# Apply this function across all rows of the dataframe
trinuc_df$consensus_mismatch_type <- apply(trinuc_df[, relevant_columns],
# Filter out rows where all values in relevant columns are zero
trinuc_df <- trinuc_df[rowSums(trinuc_df[, relevant_columns] > 0) > 0, ]
# Create a 96 channel trinucleotide matrix from the 6 SBS types
mutation.types <- c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
bases <- c("A", "T", "C", "G")
combinations <- expand.grid(start = bases, mut = mutation.types, end = bases)
sub.types.96 <- with(combinations, paste0(start, "[", mut, "]", end))
# Count occurrences of each subtype in trinuc_df$SBS96
subtype_counts <- table(factor(trinuc_df$SBS96, levels = sub.types.96))
count_df <- data.frame(sample = as.integer(subtype_counts))
rownames(count_df) <- sub.types.96
# Count the consensus_mismatch_type occurrences for each SBS96
for (subtype in sub.types.96) {
subtype_rows <- trinuc_df[trinuc_df$SBS96 == subtype, ]
count_df[subtype, "CO_MUT"] <- sum(
subtype_rows$consensus_mismatch_type == "CO_MUT")
count_df[subtype, "SO_MUT"] <- sum(
subtype_rows$consensus_mismatch_type == "SO_MUT")
count_df[subtype, "DO"] <- sum(
subtype_rows$consensus_mismatch_type == "DO")
count_df[subtype, "SO_OTHER"] <- sum(
subtype_rows$consensus_mismatch_type == "SO_OTHER")
count_df[subtype, "CO_OTHER"] <- sum(
subtype_rows$consensus_mismatch_type == "CO_OTHER")
#Add the counts of SO_OTHER_sample to SO_MUT_sample
count_df$SO_MUT <- count_df$SO_MUT + count_df$SO_OTHER
# Add the counts of CO_OTHER_sample to CO_MUT_sample
count_df$CO_MUT <- count_df$CO_MUT + count_df$CO_OTHER
# Remove the SO_OTHER_sample and CO_OTHER_sample columns
count_df <- count_df[, !colnames(count_df) %in% c("SO_OTHER", "CO_OTHER")]
# Normalize counts if normalize_counts is TRUE
if (normalize_counts) {
total_sample_sum <- sum(count_df$sample)
count_df <- count_df %>%
mutate(across(c(CO_MUT, SO_MUT, DO), ~ .x / total_sample_sum))
# Remove the sample column
count_df <- count_df[, !colnames(count_df) %in% c("sample")]
# Add the SBS names as a column and convert to long format
count_df$SBS <- rownames(count_df)
count_df <- pivot_longer(count_df, cols = c(CO_MUT, SO_MUT, DO),
names_to = "overlap_type",
values_to = "value")
# Mutation types in the desired order
mutation.types <- c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
# Function to extract the mutation type from the SBS column
extract_mutation_type <- function(s) {
sub(".*\\[([A-Z]>[A-Z])\\].*", "\\1", s)
# Add a column for the extracted mutation type
count_df <- count_df %>%
mutate(mutation_type = extract_mutation_type(SBS))
# Convert the mutation_type column to a factor with the specified levels
count_df <- count_df %>%
mutate(mutation_type = factor(mutation_type, levels = mutation.types))
# Arrange the dataframe based on the mutation_type factor
count_df <- count_df %>%
arrange(mutation_type) %>%
select(-mutation_type) # Remove the helper column
count_df <- as.data.frame(count_df)
#' Function which runs the the plotting operations for SBS96 profile
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggpattern geom_bar_pattern
#' @importFrom patchwork plot_layout wrap_elements
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select filter
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_replace
#' @importFrom scales percent
#' @noRd
plotTrinucData <- function(
ylim = ylim,
show_overlap_type = TRUE,
plot_title = "Trinucleotide Profile",
y_axis_title = "Proportion of Single Base Substitutions",
draw_x_axis_labels = TRUE,
draw_y_axis_labels = TRUE,
draw_y_axis_title = TRUE,
output_file = output_file,
ggsave_params = ggsave_params) {
# Define the mutation types
mutation_types <- c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
# Define Plot colours
plot.colors <- c("#232f7c", "#000000",
"#612370", "#474242",
"#436e2d", "#ad5c74")
strip.text.x.colors <- c("white", "white", "white", "white", "white",
# Initialize a list to hold data frames for each mutation type
df.plot.data <- list()
# Populate the list with segmented data frames for each mutation type
for (i in 1:6) {
start.idx <- ((i - 1) * 48) + 1
end.idx <- i * 48
# Create a temporary data frame with sliced data
df.temp <- data.frame(
mutation_subtype = count_df$SBS[start.idx:end.idx],
value = count_df$value[start.idx:end.idx],
overlap_type = count_df$overlap_type[start.idx:end.idx],
title = rep(mutation_types[i], 48),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Add the temporary data frame to the list
df.plot.data[[i]] <- df.temp
plots <- list()
# Define axis text settings based on input parameters
axis.text.x <- if (draw_x_axis_labels) {
element_text(size = 4,
family = "Helvetica",
colour = "#888888",
angle = 90,
vjust = 0.5,
hjust = 0.5)
} else {
axis.text.y <- if (draw_y_axis_labels) {
element_text(size = 5,
family = "Helvetica",
colour = "#888888")
} else {
# Extract unique 'overlap_type' values from all data frames in the list
# where the 'value' column is not zero
overlap_levels <- unique(unlist(lapply(df.plot.data, function(df) {
# Filter out rows where the 'value' column is zero
non_zero_df <- df[df$value != 0, ]
# Return 'overlap_type' values from filtered data
# Predefined order of levels
preferred_order <- c("DO", "CO_MUT", "SO_MUT")
# Filter the levels based on their presence in the extracted unique values
overlap_levels <- preferred_order[preferred_order %in% overlap_levels]
# Loop through each data frame in the list and create plots
for (i in seq_along(df.plot.data)) {
df.plot.data[[i]]$overlap_type <- factor(df.plot.data[[i]]$overlap_type,
levels = overlap_levels)
# Assuming df.plot.data is a list of data frames
df.plot.data <- lapply(df.plot.data, function(df) {
# Filter out rows where 'overlap_type' is NA
df <- df[!is.na(df$overlap_type), ]
# Initialise the plot
plots <- list()
# Compile the plot
for (i in 1:6) {
if (show_overlap_type == TRUE) {
p <- ggplot(df.plot.data[[i]], aes_string(x = 'mutation_subtype',
y = 'value',
pattern = 'overlap_type')) +
ggpattern::geom_bar_pattern(stat = "identity", width = 0.9,
fill = plot.colors[i], pattern_density = 0.005,
pattern_spacing = 0.05, pattern_colour = "#07d942",
pattern_fill = "#07d942") +
values = c("CO_MUT" = "none",
"SO_MUT" = "stripe",
"DO" = "crosshatch"),
labels = c("CO_MUT" = "Concordant",
"SO_MUT" = "Single-Read",
"DO" = "Discordant")) +
ylab(NULL) + xlab(NULL) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim,
expand = c(0, 0)) +
theme(axis.text.x = axis.text.x,
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = "#DCDCDC",
linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank())
# Conditional logic to hide legend except for the 4th plot
if (i != 4) {
p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
} else {
# Customize the legend appearance for the 4th plot
p <- p +
guides(pattern = guide_legend(
title = "Overlap Type",
title.position = "top", label.position = "right",
override.aes = list(fill = "#f1f5f2"))) +
legend.title = element_text(size = 6, face = "bold"),
legend.text = element_text(size = 5),
legend.key.size = unit(0.63, "cm"),
legend.spacing = unit(0.3, "cm"),
legend.margin = margin(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
legend.box.margin = margin(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
} else if (show_overlap_type == FALSE) {
# Compile the plot
p <- ggplot(df.plot.data[[i]],
aes_string(x = 'mutation_subtype', y = 'value')) +
geom_col(fill = plot.colors[i], width = 0.9)
# Conditional logic to hide legend for all plots
p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
p <- p + ylab(NULL) + xlab(NULL) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim, expand = c(0, 0)) +
theme(axis.text.x = axis.text.x,
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = "#DCDCDC",
linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank())
# Draw top strip
p <- p +
theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = plot.colors[i],
colour = plot.colors[i]),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 7,
family = "Helvetica",
face = "bold",
colour = strip.text.x.colors[i])) +
# Margins for the left-most mutation type sub-plot
if (i == 1) {
p <- p + theme(axis.text.y = axis.text.y,
plot.margin = unit(c(0.3,
0.3), "cm"))
# Margins for the right-most mutation type sub-plot
} else if(i == 6) {
p <- p + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(
size = 5,
family = "Helvetica",
colour = "#FFFFFF00"),
plot.margin = unit(c(0.3,
0), "cm"))
# Margins for the middle mutation types
} else {
p <- p + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 5,
family = "Helvetica",
colour = "#FFFFFF00"),
plot.margin = unit(c(0.3,
0), "cm"))
plots[[i]] <- p
# Patchwork combine the plots
plot_combined <- plots[[1]] + plots[[2]] +
plots[[3]] + plots[[4]] +
plots[[5]] + plots[[6]] +
plot_layout(guides = 'collect', ncol = 6) &
theme(plot.margin = margin(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
# Use the tag label as a y-axis label
p_output <- wrap_elements(plot_combined) +
labs(tag = y_axis_title) +
plot.tag = element_text(size = rel(0.5), angle = 90),
plot.tag.position = "left"
# Check if 'output_file' is not NULL and save the plot to the specified path
if (!is.null(output_file)) {
c(list(plot = p_output, filename = output_file),
message("Plot saved to ", output_file)
#' Helper function to process mutation-related information
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate group_by summarize ungroup as_tibble n
#' @importFrom plyr round_any
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @noRd
process_length_mut <- function(frag_obj, ref_type, downsample_ref) {
# Ensure mutation data is checked
check_mutation_in_metadata(frag_obj = frag_obj)
# Filter out discordant and non-MUT base (other) fragments
size_table_inner <- dplyr::filter(as.data.frame(frag_obj),
!grepl("discordant", mutation_status),
grepl("MUT", mutation_status))
# Determine the count for downsampling or normalization
target_count <- nrow(size_table_inner)
# Select the correct reference type fragments and normalize if necessary
size_table_outer <- select_and_normalize(frag_obj = frag_obj,
pattern = ifelse(
ref_type == "locus_fragment",
"REF", ref_type),
downsample_ref = downsample_ref,
target_count = target_count)
# Aggregate and summarize data
summary_size_table_outer <- dplyr::as_tibble(size_table_outer) %>%
dplyr::group_by(width) %>%
dplyr::summarize(count = n(), .groups = "drop")
summary_size_table_inner <- dplyr::as_tibble(size_table_inner) %>%
dplyr::group_by(width) %>%
dplyr::summarize(count = n(), .groups = "drop")
summary_size_table_inner$MUTANT <- "true"
summary_size_table_outer$MUTANT <- "false"
size_merged_df <- merge(summary_size_table_outer,
all = TRUE)
colnames(size_merged_df) <- c("SIZE", "COUNT", "MUTANT")
sizeCharacterisationSummary <- size_merged_df %>%
mutate(SIZE.ROUNDED = plyr::round_any(SIZE, accuracy = 5L)) %>%
group_by(MUTANT, SIZE.ROUNDED) %>%
summarise(COUNT = sum(COUNT), .groups = "drop_last") %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(TOTAL = sum(COUNT)) %>%
result <- sizeCharacterisationSummary %>%
mutate(MUTANT_LABEL = as.factor(ifelse(MUTANT,
"Mutation Fragment",
"Reference Fragment")))
# Add an attribute named "mutational_info" with value TRUE
attr(result, "mutational_info") <- TRUE
#' Helper function to select and optionally normalize REF fragment counts
#' @importFrom dplyr filter sample_n
#' @noRd
select_and_normalize <- function(frag_obj,
downsample_ref = FALSE,
target_count) {
# Select the relevant reference fragments
table <- as.data.frame(frag_obj) %>% filter(grepl(pattern,
ignore.case = TRUE))
# Downsample selected reference fragments to match the MUT fragment count
if (downsample_ref) {
table <- dplyr::sample_n(table, target_count)
#' Function which generates fragment length plot with mutational data
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @noRd
plot_length_mut <- function(x, ylim, output_file, ggsave_params) {
# Plot Fragment lengths with integrated mutational information
max_fraction <- max(dplyr::pull(x, PROPORTION))
if (missing(ylim)) {
ylim <- c(0, max_fraction * 1.1)
message("ylim", " was set as: ", ylim[1], " - ", ylim[2])
p <- ggplot(data = x, aes(x = SIZE.ROUNDED,
fill = MUTANT_LABEL)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
labs(x = "cfDNA Fragment Length (bp)",
y = "Proportion",
fill = "cfDNA Fragment Type") +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 5),
axis.title = element_text(size = 6, face = "bold"),
legend.text = element_text(size = 6),
legend.title = element_text(size = 7, face = "bold"),
legend.key.size = unit(0.4, "cm"),
legend.position = c(0.85, 0.5)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0.5, 500)) +
geom_vline(xintercept = c(166, 166 * 2), linetype = "dashed",
alpha = 0.5) +
annotate("text", x = 200, y = max(x$PROPORTION) * 1.1,
label = "166bp", alpha = 0.5,
size = 2) +
annotate("text", x = 370, y = max(x$PROPORTION) * 1.1,
label = "332bp", alpha = 0.5,
size = 2) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Mutation Fragment" = "#00BFC4",
"Reference Fragment" = "#F8766D"))
# Check if 'output_file' is not NULL and save the plot to the specified path
if (!is.null(output_file)) {
do.call("ggsave", c(list(plot = p, filename = output_file), ggsave_params))
message("Plot saved to ", output_file)
#' Helper function to process motif and mutation data
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select full_join rename
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @noRd
integrate_motif_mut <- function(frag_obj, downsample_ref, ref_type,
bsgenome_obj, motif_type, motif_length) {
# Check if GRanges object has mutational data
check_mutation_in_metadata(frag_obj = frag_obj)
# User defined parameter for downsampling fragments
if (downsample_ref == TRUE) {
# Downsample refeference base fragments to match mutation base fragments
frag_obj <- adjust_ref_fragments(gr = frag_obj,
ref_type = ref_type,
downsample_ref = downsample_ref)
# Extract references and mutations based on mutation_status
gr_ref <- frag_obj[grepl("REF|outer_fragment", frag_obj$mutation_status)]
gr_mut <- frag_obj[grepl("MUT:read_pair_concordant|MUT:single_read",
# Process motifs for reference and mutation fragments
motif_calls_ref <- processMotif(frag_obj = gr_ref,
bsgenome_obj = bsgenome_obj,
motif_type = motif_type,
motif_length = motif_length)
motif_calls_mut <- processMotif(frag_obj = gr_mut,
bsgenome_obj = bsgenome_obj,
motif_type = motif_type,
motif_length = motif_length)
# Join reference and mutation motif calls
result_frac <- full_join(motif_calls_ref, motif_calls_mut, by = "motif")
# Rename with specific column names
result_frac <- result_frac %>%
motif = motif,
n_ref = n.x,
fraction_ref = fraction.x,
n_mut = n.y,
fraction_mut = fraction.y
# Recalculate fractional values
result_frac <- result_frac %>%
# Compute total sums for n_ref and n_mut
total_n_ref = sum(n_ref),
total_n_mut = sum(n_mut)
) %>%
# Calculate fraction_ref and fraction_mut
fraction_ref = n_ref / (total_n_ref + total_n_mut),
fraction_mut = n_mut / (total_n_ref + total_n_mut)
) %>%
# Remove the temporary total columns if they are no longer needed
select(-total_n_ref, -total_n_mut)
# Add an attribute named "mutational_info" with value TRUE
attr(result_frac, "mutational_info") <- TRUE
#' Helper function for downsampling reference base fragments in motifs
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @noRd
adjust_ref_fragments <- function(gr, ref_type, downsample_ref = FALSE) {
# Return the original object if no downsampling is needed
if (!downsample_ref) {
# Set the seed for reproducibility
# Initialize ref_string based on ref_type
if (ref_type == "locus_fragment") {
ref_string <- "REF"
} else if (ref_type == "outer_fragment") {
ref_string <- "outer_fragment"
# Identify rows with REF (or outer_fragment) and MUT in the mutation_status
ref_indices <- grep(ref_string, mcols(gr)$mutation_status)
mut_indices <- grep("MUT", mcols(gr)$mutation_status)
# Check if ref_indices is empty
if (length(ref_indices) == 0) {
stop(paste("Invalid use of the ref_type argument.\n",
"Please verify the types of fragments",
"present in your GRanges object."))
# Count the number of "REF" and "MUT" entries
n_ref <- length(ref_indices)
n_mut <- length(mut_indices)
# Downsample "REF" entries if there are more "REF" than "MUT"
if (n_ref > n_mut) {
# Sample from ref_indices to match the number of "MUT" entries
ref_indices_to_keep <- sample(ref_indices, n_mut)
# Combine kept "REF" indices with "MUT" indices
final_indices <- c(ref_indices_to_keep, mut_indices)
} else {
# If not downsampling, keep all indices
final_indices <- c(ref_indices, mut_indices)
# Subset the GRanges object to include only the final indices
#' Helper function for plotting fragment motif and mutational data
#' Helper function for plotting fragment motif and mutational data
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter arrange
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_lower str_to_title str_extract
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor
#' @noRd
plot_motif_mut <- function(
x, ylim, x_title, plot_type, bar_color, motif_levels,
output_file, ggsave_params) {
# Print message
" The provided GRanges fragment object contains",
"mutational information.\n",
"The plot will be adapted to reflect the mutational fragment information."
x <- tibble::as_tibble(x)
plot_type <- stringr::str_to_lower(plot_type)
# Create color mapping for REF and MUT using adjustcolor
ref_colors <- setNames(adjustcolor(bar_color, alpha.f = 0.5),
paste0(names(bar_color), "_REF"))
mut_colors <- setNames(adjustcolor(bar_color, alpha.f = 1.5),
paste0(names(bar_color), "_MUT"))
all_colors <- c(ref_colors, mut_colors)
# Reshape the data for stacking
if (plot_type == "fraction") {
x <- x %>%
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("fraction"),
names_to = "type", values_to = "value")
} else {
x <- x %>%
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("n_"),
names_to = "type", values_to = "value")
# Set ylim if not provided
if (is.null(ylim)) {
max_val <- max(x$value, na.rm = TRUE)
ylim <- c(0, max_val * 1.2)
message("ylim", " was set as: ", ylim[1], " - ", ylim[2])
# Extract the first letter of motif for color grouping and adjust type
x <- x %>%
mutate(group = stringr::str_extract(motif, "^[ATCG]"),
type = ifelse(type == "fraction_ref" | type == "n_ref",
paste0(group, "_REF"), paste0(group, "_MUT"))) %>%
filter(group %in% motif_levels) %>%
arrange(match(group, motif_levels)) # Ensure correct ordering
x$group <- factor(x$group, levels = motif_levels)
x$motif <- factor(x$motif, levels = unique(x$motif))
# Plotting with adjusted theme
p <- ggplot(x, aes(x = motif, y = value, fill = type)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "stack") +
labs(x = x_title, y = stringr::str_to_title(plot_type), fill = "Type") +
scale_fill_manual(values = all_colors,
breaks = c("A_MUT", "A_REF"),
labels = c("MUT", "REF")) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim) +
theme_motif_plot_mut() +
guides(fill = guide_legend(
title = "Motif Type",
override.aes = list(fill = c("#757373", "lightgrey"))
# Check if 'output_file' is not NULL and save the plot to the specified path
if (!is.null(output_file)) {
do.call("ggsave", c(list(plot = p, filename = output_file), ggsave_params))
message("Plot saved to ", output_file)
#' Helper function to process mutational information for CNV analysis
#' @importFrom plyranges join_overlap_left
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by_at summarize ungroup
#' @noRd
process_cnv_mut <- function(olap, frag_obj_mut) {
# Join gene ranges with overlapping MUT/REF fragments
olap_mut <- plyranges::join_overlap_left(olap, frag_obj_mut)
# Convert to data frame for easier manipulation
olap_mut_df <- as.data.frame(olap_mut)
# Summarize fragment counts per gene
olap_df <- suppressMessages({
olap_mut_df %>%
group_by_at(vars(1:(ncol(olap_mut_df) - 1))) %>%
MUT_count = sum(grepl("MUT:read_pair_concordant|MUT:single_read",
ALL_count = sum(grepl("[A-Za-z]", mutation_status))
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
#' Helper function for plotting CNV and mutational data
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @noRd
annotate_cnv_mut <- function(p, olap_df, segment_line_size,
output_file, ggsave_params, ...) {
cat("CN plot with integrated mutational information:\n",
"GRanges object holds data of cfDNA fragments.\n",
"Fragments overlapping specified genes will be reported.\n",
"Fragments with specific SNV bases are called Mutation Fragments.\n")
if (any(olap_df$ALL_count > 0)) {
cat("Overlapping fragments were detected for selected genes.\n")
p <- p + geom_text_repel(data = olap_df,
aes(x = .data$x_index,
y = .data$logratio,
label = paste(.data$SYMBOL, " Gene: ",
.data$MUT_count, "/",
" Fragments Carrying Candidate Mutations",
sep = "")),
box.padding = 0.5,
min.segment.length = 0,
segment.linetype = 1,
segment.size = segment_line_size / 2,
segment.color = "black",
max.overlaps = Inf,
} else {
cat("No overlapping fragments detected for selected genes.\n",
"Ensure gene identifiers are correct.\n",
"Review or generate a new GRanges object.\n")
p <- p + geom_text_repel(data = olap_df,
aes(x = .data$x_index,
y = .data$logratio,
label = paste(.data$SYMBOL, " Gene: ",
" Fragments Carrying Candidate Mutations",
sep = "")),
box.padding = 0.5,
min.segment.length = 0,
segment.linetype = 1,
segment.size = segment_line_size / 2,
segment.color = "black",
max.overlaps = Inf,
# Check if 'output_file' is not NULL and save the plot to the specified path
if (!is.null(output_file)) {
do.call("ggsave", c(list(plot = p, filename = output_file), ggsave_params))
message("Plot saved to ", output_file)
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