
#' Nelder-Mead optimziation algorithm for derivative-free optimization
#' An implementation of the Nelder-Mead algorithm for derivative-free
#' optimization.  This allows bounds to be placed on parameters. Bounds are
#' enforced by means of a parameter transformation.
#' Argument \code{control} is a list specifing any changes to default values of
#' algorithm control parameters for the outer loop.  Note that the names of
#' these must be specified completely.  Partial matching will not work.  The
#' list items are as follows:
#' \code{tol} Convergence tolerance.  Iteration is terminated when the absolute
#' difference in function value between successive iteration is below
#' \code{tol}.  Default is 1.e-06.
#' \code{maxfeval}: Maximum number of objective function evaluations allowed.
#' Default is min(5000, max(1500, 20*length(par)^2)).
#' \code{regsimp} A logical variable indicating whether the starting parameter
#' configuration is a regular simplex.  Default is TRUE.
#' \code{maximize} A logical variable indicating whether the objective function
#' should be maximized.  Default is FALSE.
#' \code{restarts.max} Maximum number of times the algorithm should be
#' restarted before declaring failure. Default is 3.
#' \code{trace} A logical variable indicating whether the starting parameter
#' configuration is a regular simplex.  Default is FALSE.
#' @aliases nmk nmkb
#' @param par A starting vector of parameter values. Must be feasible, i.e. lie
#' strictly between lower and upper bounds.
#' @param fn Nonlinear objective function that is to be optimized.  A scalar
#' function that takes a real vector as argument and returns a scalar that is
#' the value of the function at that point (see details).
#' @param lower Lower bounds on the parameters.  A vector of the same length as
#' the parameters.  If a single value is specified, it is assumed that the same
#' lower bound applies to all parameters.
#' @param upper Upper bounds on the parameters.  A vector of the same length as
#' the parameters.  If a single value is specified, it is assumed that the same
#' upper bound applies to all parameters.
#' @param control A list of control parameters.  See *Details* for more
#' information.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to \code{fn}
#' @return A list with the following components: \item{par}{Best estimate of
#' the parameter vector found by the algorithm.}
#' \item{value}{The value of the objective function at termination.}
#' \item{feval}{The number of times the objective \code{fn} was evaluated. }
#' \item{restarts}{The number of times the algorithm had to be restarted when
#' it stagnated. }
#' \item{convergence}{An integer code indicating type of convergence.  \code{0}
#' indicates successful convergence. Positive integer codes indicate failure to
#' converge.  }
#' \item{message}{Text message indicating the type of convergence or failure.
#' }
#' @note This algorithm is based on the Matlab code of Prof. C.T. Kelley, given
#' in his book "Iterative methods for optimization". It is implemented here
#' with the permission of Prof. Kelley and SIAM.  However, there are some
#' non-trivial modifications of the algorithm.
#' @author Ravi Varadhan <rvaradhan@@jhmi.edu>, Johns Hopkins University
#' URL:http://www.jhsph.edu/agingandhealth/People/Faculty_personal_pages/Varadhan.html
#' @seealso \code{\link{optim}}, \code{\link{hjk}}
#' @references C.T. Kelley (1999), Iterative Methods for Optimization, SIAM.
#' @keywords optimize
#' @examples
#'  rosbkext <- function(x){
#' # Extended Rosenbrock function
#'  n <- length(x)
#'  sum (100*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[1:(n-1)] - 1)^2)
#'  }
#' np <- 10
#' set.seed(123)
#' p0 <- rnorm(np)
#' xm1 <- nmk(fn=rosbkext, par=p0) # maximum `fevals' is not sufficient to find correct minimum
#' xm1b <- nmkb(fn=rosbkext, par=p0, lower=-2, upper=2)
#' # A non-smooth functions
#'   nsf <- function(x) {
#' 	f1 <- x[1]^2 + x[2]^2
#' 	f2 <- x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + 10 * (-4*x[1] - x[2] + 4)
#' 	f3 <- x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + 10 * (-x[1] - 2*x[2] + 6)
#' 	max(f1, f2, f3)
#'   }
#' par0 <- c(1, 1)                                 # true min 7.2 at (1.2, 2.4)
#' nmk(par0, nsf) # fmin=8 at xmin=(2,2)
nmk <-
function(par, fn, control=list(), ...) {
    ctrl <- list(tol=1.e-06, maxfeval = min(5000, max(1500, 20*length(par)^2)), regsimp=TRUE, maximize=FALSE, restarts.max=3, trace=FALSE)
	namc <- match.arg(names(control), choices=names(ctrl), several.ok=TRUE)
    if (!all(namc %in% names(ctrl))) 
        stop("unknown names in control: ", namc[!(namc %in% names(ctrl))])
    if (!is.null(names(control))) ctrl[namc] <- control
    ftol <- ctrl$tol
    maxfeval <- ctrl$maxfeval
    regsimp <- ctrl$regsimp
    restarts.max <- ctrl$restarts.max
    maximize <- ctrl$maximize
    trace <- ctrl$trace

	if (maximize) fnm <- function(par, ...) -fn(par, ...) else fnm <- function(par, ...) fn(par, ...) 

	x0 <- par
	n <- length(par)
	if (n == 1) stop(call. = FALSE, "Use `optimize' for univariate optimization")
 	if (n > 30) warning("Nelder-Mead should not be used for high-dimensional optimization")

	V <- cbind(rep(0, n), diag(n))
	f <- rep(0, n+1)
	f[1] <- fnm(x0, ...)
	V[, 1] <- x0
	scale <- max(1, sqrt(sum(x0^2)))

	if (regsimp) {
		alpha <- scale / (n * sqrt(2)) * c(sqrt(n+1) + n - 1, sqrt(n+1) -1)
		V[, -1] <- (x0 + alpha[2])
		diag(V[, -1]) <- x0[1:n] + alpha[1]
		for (j in 2:ncol(V)) f[j] <- fnm(V[,j], ...) 
	} else {
		V[, -1] <- x0 + scale * V[, -1] 
		for (j in 2:ncol(V)) f[j] <- fnm(V[,j], ...) 

	f[is.nan(f)] <- Inf

	nf <- n + 1
	ord <- order(f)
	f <- f[ord]
	V <- V[, ord]
	rho <- 1
	gamma <- 0.5
	chi <- 2
	sigma <- 0.5
	conv <- 1
	oshrink <- 1
	restarts <- 0
	orth <- 0
	dist <- f[n+1] - f[1]
	v <- V[, -1] - V[, 1]
	delf <- f[-1] - f[1]
	diam <- sqrt(colSums(v^2))
	sgrad <- c(solve(t(v), delf))
	alpha <- 1.e-04 * max(diam) / sqrt(sum(sgrad^2))
	simplex.size <- sum(abs(V[, -1] - V[, 1])) / max(1, sum(abs(V[, 1])))

	itc <- 0
	conv <- 0
	message <- "Succesful convergence"

	while (nf < maxfeval & restarts < restarts.max & dist > ftol & simplex.size > 1.e-06) {

		fbc <- mean(f)
		happy <- 0
		itc <- itc + 1
		xbar <- rowMeans(V[, 1:n])
		xr <- (1 + rho) * xbar - rho * V[, n+1]
		fr <- fnm(xr, ...)
		nf <- nf + 1
		if(is.nan(fr)) fr <- Inf

		if (fr >= f[1] & fr < f[n]) {
			happy <- 1
			xnew <- xr
			fnew <- fr
		} else if (fr < f[1]) {
			xe <- (1 + rho * chi) * xbar - rho * chi * V[, n+1]
			fe <- fnm(xe, ...)
		if(is.nan(fe)) fe <- Inf
			nf <- nf + 1
			if (fe < fr) {
				xnew <- xe
				fnew <- fe
				happy <- 1
			} else {
				xnew <- xr
				fnew <- fr
				happy <- 1
		} else if (fr >= f[n] & fr < f[n+1]) {
			xc <- (1 + rho * gamma) * xbar - rho * gamma * V[, n+1]
			fc <- fnm(xc, ...)
		if(is.nan(fc)) fc <- Inf
			nf <- nf + 1
			if (fc <= fr) {
				xnew <- xc
				fnew <- fc
				happy <- 1
		} else if (fr >= f[n+1]) {
			xc <- (1 - gamma) * xbar + gamma * V[, n+1]
			fc <- fnm(xc, ...)
		if(is.nan(fc)) fc <- Inf
			nf <- nf + 1
			if (fc < f[n+1]) {
				xnew <- xc
				fnew <- fc
				happy <- 1

		if (happy == 1 & oshrink == 1) {
			fbt <- mean(c(f[1:n], fnew))
			delfb <- fbt - fbc
			armtst <- alpha * sum(sgrad^2)
			if (delfb > - armtst/n) {
			if (trace) cat("Trouble - restarting: \n")
				restarts <- restarts + 1
				orth <- 1
				diams <- min(diam)
				sx <- sign(0.5 * sign(sgrad))
				happy <- 0
				V[, -1] <- V[, 1]
				diag(V[, -1]) <- diag(V[, -1]) - diams * sx[1:n]

		if (happy == 1) {
			V[, n+1] <- xnew
			f[n+1] <- fnew
			ord <- order(f)
			V <- V[, ord]
			f <- f[ord]
		} else if (happy == 0 & restarts < restarts.max) {
			if (orth == 0) orth <- 1
			V[, -1] <- V[, 1] - sigma * (V [, -1] - V[, 1])
			for (j in 2:ncol(V)) f[j] <- fnm(V[,j], ...)  ## kmm change
			nf <- nf + n
			ord <- order(f)
			V <- V[, ord]
			f <- f[ord]

		v <- V[, -1] - V[, 1]
		delf <- f[-1] - f[1]
		diam <- sqrt(colSums(v^2))
		simplex.size <- sum(abs(v)) / max(1, sum(abs(V[, 1])))

		f[is.nan(f)] <- Inf

		dist <- f[n+1] - f[1]
		sgrad <- c(solve(t(v), delf))
		if (trace & !(itc %% 2)) cat("iter: ", itc, "\n", "value: ", f[1], "\n")

	if (dist <= ftol | simplex.size <= 1.e-06) {
		conv <- 0
		message <- "Successful convergence"
		} else if (nf >= maxfeval) {
		conv <- 1
		message <- "Maximum number of fevals exceeded"
		} else if (restarts >= restarts.max) {
		conv <- 2
		message <- "Stagnation in Nelder-Mead"

	return(list(par = V[, 1], value=f[1]*(-1)^maximize, feval=nf, restarts=restarts, convergence=conv, message=message))
hwborchers/dfoptim documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:26 p.m.