ReadPlot_params: Reading/Plotting the values of different parameter sets

ReadPlot_paramsR Documentation

Reading/Plotting the values of different parameter sets


This function reads a file containing different parameter sets and their corresponding goodness-of-fit values

The following values of file set default values for header, skip and param.cols:
-) modelpara.out, created by the GLUE algorithm of SWAT-CUP,
-) modelpara.beh, created by the GLUE algorithm of SWAT-CUP,
-) goal.sf2, created by the SUFI-2 algorithm of SWAT-CUP
-) goal.pso, created by the PSO algorithm of SWAT-CUP
-) ParameterValues.log, created by Nimbus calibration tool (Lisflood model)

header and skip are automatically set, in other case, they need to be provided


read_params(file, ...) 

## Default S3 method:
read_params(file, header=TRUE, skip=0, param.cols, param.names,
     of.col=NULL,"GoF", na.strings="-9999", plot=TRUE, 
     ptype=c("histogram", "dottyplot", "boxplot", "vioplot", "pairs"), 
     MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA, beh.col="red", beh.lty=1, beh.lwd=2, 
     nrows="auto", col="#00000030",, main=NULL, pch=19, 
     cex=0.5, cex.main=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, 
     breaks="Scott", freq=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, 
     png.width=1500, png.height=900, png.res=90, png.fname="Parameters.png")

plot_params(params, ...)  
## Default S3 method:
plot_params(params, gofs=NULL, 
     ptype=c("histogram", "dottyplot", "boxplot", "vioplot", "pairs"),  
     param.cols=1:ncol(params), param.names=colnames(params),"GoF", 
     MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA,  beh.col="red", beh.lty=1, beh.lwd=2, 
     nrows="auto", col="#00000030",, main=NULL, pch=19, cex=0.5, 
     cex.main=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, breaks="Scott", freq=TRUE,
     verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900,
     png.res=90, png.fname="Parameters.png")
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
plot_params(params, gofs=NULL, 
     ptype=c("histogram", "dottyplot", "boxplot", "vioplot", "pairs"),  
     param.cols=1:ncol(params), param.names=colnames(params),"GoF", 
     MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA,  beh.col="red", beh.lty=1, beh.lwd=2, 
     nrows="auto", col="#00000030",, main=NULL, pch=19, cex=0.5, 
     cex.main=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, breaks="Scott", freq=TRUE,
     verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900,
     png.res=90, png.fname="Parameters.png")
## S3 method for class 'matrix'
plot_params(params, gofs=NULL, 
     ptype=c("histogram", "dottyplot", "boxplot", "vioplot", "pairs"),  
     param.cols=1:ncol(params), param.names=colnames(params),"GoF", 
     MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA,  beh.col="red", beh.lty=1, beh.lwd=2, 
     nrows="auto", col="#00000030",, main=NULL, pch=19, cex=0.5, 
     cex.main=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, breaks="Scott", freq=TRUE, 
     verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900,
     png.res=90, png.fname="Parameters.png")



character, name (including path) of the file containing the results


data.frame whose rows represent the values of different parameter sets


OPTIONAL. numeric with the values of goodness-of-fit values for each one of the parameters in params (in the same order!)


logical, indicates whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line
If file is in c('modelpara.out', 'modelpara.beh', 'goal.sf2', 'goal.pso', 'ParameterValues.log') then header is automatically set


numeric (integer), lines of the data file to skip before beginning to read data
If file is in c('modelpara.out', 'modelpara.beh', 'goal.sf2', 'goal.pso', 'ParameterValues.log') then skip is automatically set


numeric, number of the columns in file that store the values of each parameter


character, name of the parameters defined by param.cols


OPTIONAL. numeric, number of the column in file that store the values of objective function

OPTIONAL. Only used when of.col is provided.
character, name that will be given to the column of.col


character, string which is to be interpreted as NA values. read.table


logical, indicates if a dotty-plot with the parameter values versus the objective function has to be produced


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character, indicating the type of plot to be done. It must be in:
-) dottyplot: dotty plots for each parameter in params or file, with the value of the objective function against the parameter value
-) histogram: histogram for each parameter in params or file, with an estimate of the probability distribution each parameter
-) boxplot: box plots (or box-and-whisker diagram) for each parameter in params or file, with a graphical summary of the distribution of each parameter, through their five-number summary
-) vioplot: beanplots for each parameter in params or file, similar to the boxplots, except that beanplots also show the probability density of the data at different values. See vioplot. It requires the vioplot package.
-) pairs: Visualization of a correlation matrix among the parameters and goodness-of-fit values in params (or file) and gofs). See hydropairs. It requires the hydroTSM package.


character, indicates whether the optimum value in params corresponds to the minimum or maximum of the the objective function given in of.col. It is used to filter out model outputs with a non-acceptable performance
Valid values are in: c('min', 'max')


numeric, threshold value used for selecting parameter sets that have to be used in the analysis (‘behavioural parameters’, using the GLUE terminology)
If MinMax='min', only parameter sets with a goodness-of-fit value (given by gofs) less than or equal to beh.thr will be considered for the subsequent analysis.
If MinMax='max', only parameter sets with a goodness-of-fit value (given by gofs) greater than or equal to beh.thr will be considered for the subsequent analysis


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character, colour for drawing a horizontal line for separating behavioural from non behavioural parameter sets


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, line type for drawing a horizontal line for separating behavioural from non behavioural parameter sets


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, width for drawing a horizontal line for separating behavioural from non behavioural parameter sets


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, number of rows to be used in the plotting window
If nrowsis set to auto, the number of rows is automatically computed depending on the number of columns of params


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character, colour to be used for drawing the points of the dotty plots


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character, label for the 'y' axis


chracter, title for the plot


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, type of symbol to be used for drawing the points of the dotty plots (e.g., 1: white circle)


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, values controlling the size of text and points with respect to the default


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, magnification for the main title relative to the current setting of cex


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, magnification for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, magnification for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex


breaks used for plotting the histograms of the parameter sets. See hist


logical, if TRUE, the histogram graphic is a representation of frequencies, the counts component of the result; if FALSE, probability densities, component density, are plotted (so that the histogram has a total area of one). See hist


logical, if TRUE, progress messages are printed


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
further arguments passed to the plot command or from other methods


logical, indicates if the plot with the convergence measures has to be saved into a PNG file instead of the screen device


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
numeric, width of the device. See png


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
numeric, height of the device. See png


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
numeric, nominal resolution in ppi which will be recorded in the PNG file, if a positive integer of the device. See png


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, name of the output PNG file. See png


A list with the following elements:


data.frame with the parameter sets tested during the optimisation


numeric with the fitness values computed during the optimisation (each element in 'gofs' corresponds to one row of 'params')


Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini,

See Also



## Not run: 
# Number of dimensions of the optimisation problem 
D <- 4

# Boundaries of the search space (Sphere function)
lower <- rep(-100, D)
upper <- rep(100, D)

# Setting the user home directory as working directory

# Setting the seed

# Runing PSO with the 'sphere' test function, writing the results to text files
hydroPSO(fn=sphere, lower=lower, upper=upper, 
         control=list(maxit=100, write2disk=TRUE, plot=TRUE) ) 

# 1) reading ALL the parameter sets used in PSO, and histograms (by default)
params <- read_params(file="~/PSO.out/Particles.txt",  param.cols=4:7, of.col=3)

# 2) summary of the parameter sets and their goodness-
# plotting the parameter sets as dotty plots
plot_params(params=params[["params"]], gofs=params[["gofs"]], 
            ptype="dottyplot", main=fn, MinMax="min", freq=TRUE)
# plotting the parameter sets as boxplots                   
plot_params(params=params[["params"]], ptype="boxplot", MinMax="min")

# plotting the parameter sets as violing plots 
plot_params(params=params[["params"]], ptype="vioplot", MinMax="min")

# 2) reading only the parameter sets with a goodness-of-fit measure <= 'beh.thr', 
#    and dotty plots (by default)
params <- read_params(file="~/PSO.out/Particles.txt", param.cols=4:7, of.col=3, 
                      beh.thr=1000, MinMax="min")

## End(Not run)

hzambran/hydroPSO documentation built on July 19, 2024, 1:21 p.m.