ReadPlot_results: Reading/Plotting all the output files generated by 'hydroPSO'

ReadPlot_resultsR Documentation

Reading/Plotting all the output files generated by ‘hydroPSO’


The function read_results reads the following output files of hydroPSO:

1) ‘BestParameterSet.txt’: best parameter set and its corresponding goodness-of-fit found during the optimisation
2) ‘Particles.txt’: parameter values and their corresponding goodness-of-fit value for all particles and iterations
3) ‘Velocities.txt’: velocity values and their corresponding goodness-of-fit value for all particles and iterations
4) ‘Model_out.txt’: values of the objective function/model output for each particle and iteration
5) ‘ConvergenceMeasures.txt’: convergence measures summarizing performance of hydroPSO
6) ‘Particles_GofPerIter.txt’: goodness-of-fit only for all the particles during all the iterations

The function plot_results takes the outputs of the read_results function and then produces the following plots:

1) Dotty plots of parameter values
2) Histograms of parameter values
3) Boxplots of parameter values
4) Correlation matrix among parameter values (optional)
5) Empirical CDFs of parameter values
6) Parameter values vs Number of Model Evaluations
7) (pseudo) 3D dotty plots of (selected) parameter values
8) GoF for each particle against Number of Model Evaluations
9) Velocity values vs Number of Model Evaluations
10a) Scatterplot between Best Simulated values and Observations (OPTIONAL, only if MinMax is provided)
10b) Empirical CDFs for model's output (only produced if obs is NOT a zoo object)
10b) ggof (See ggof) between Best Simulated values and Observations (OPTIONAL, only if obs is a zoo object)
10d) Empirical CDFs for selected quantiles of model's output (OPTIONAL, only if obs is a zoo object)
11) Convergence Measures (Gbest and normSwarmRadius) vs Iteration Number


read_results(drty.out="PSO.out", MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA, 
             modelout.cols=NULL, nsim=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
plot_results(drty.out="PSO.out", param.names,"GoF", MinMax=NULL, 
     beh.thr=NA, beh.col="red", beh.lty=1, beh.lwd=2, nrows="auto", 
     col="black",, main=NULL, pch=19, cex=0.5, cex.main=1.7, 
     cex.axis=1.3, cex.lab=1.5, breaks="Scott", freq=TRUE, do.pairs=FALSE,
     weights=NULL, byrow=FALSE, leg.cex=1.2,
     dp3D.names="auto", GOFcuts="auto", 
     colorRamp= colorRampPalette(c("darkred", "red", "orange", "yellow", 
     "green", "darkgreen", "cyan")), alpha=0.65, points.cex=0.7, 
     ftype="o", FUN=mean, 
     quantiles.desired= c(0.05,0.5,0.95), 
     quantiles.labels= c("Q5","Q50","Q95"),
     do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, png.res=90, 
     hist.png.fname ="Params_Histograms.png",
     ecdf.png.fname ="Params_ECDFs.png", 
     dp3d.png.fname ="Params_dp3d.png", 
     part.png.fname ="Particles_GofPerIter.png",
     conv.png.fname ="ConvergenceMeasures.png", verbose=TRUE)



character, path to the directory storing the output files generated by hydroPSO


character, names for the parameters in params that have to be plotted (param.names can be a subset of params).
Names for each parameter are taken from the first row of the ‘Particles.txt’ file


logical, if TRUE, progress messages are printed

character, name of the goodness-of-fit variable in all plots


OPTIONAL. character, indicates whether the optimum value in x corresponds to the minimum or maximum of the objective function. It is only used to identify the optimum on the plots
Valid values are in: c('min', 'max')


OPTIONAL. numeric, threshold to filter out parameter sets and model outputs with a non-acceptable performance (non behavioural parameter sets)


OPTIONAL. number simulated equivalent values of the model / objective function to be compared against observations.
It is only useful when the model to be calibrated returns NA instead of the simulated values for some parameter set(s) (e.g., MODFLOW). See read_out


numeric, column number in file that store the outputs that have to be read/plotted, without counting the first three that correspond to iteration, particle and GoF. If modelout.cols=NULL, all the columns in will be read, but the first trhee that contains the iteration number, the particle number and the corresponding goodness-of-fit. See read_out


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character, colour for drawing a horizontal line for separating behavioural from non behavioural parameter sets


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, line type for drawing a horizontal line for separating behavioural from non behavioural parameter sets


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, width for drawing a horizontal line for separating behavioural from non behavioural parameter sets


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, number of rows to be used in the plotting window
If nrowsis set to auto, the number of rows is automatically computed depending on the number of columns of x


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character, colour to be used for drawing the points of the dotty plots


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character, label for the 'y' axis


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character, title for the plot


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, type of symbol to be used for drawing the points of the dotty plots. (e.g., 1: white circle)


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, values controlling the size of text and points with respect to the default


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, magnification for main titles relative to the current setting of cex


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, magnification for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric, magnification for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
breaks for plotting the histograms of the parameter sets. See hist


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
logical, if TRUE, the histogram graphic is a representation of frequencies, the counts component of the result; if FALSE, probability densities, component density, are plotted (so that the histogram has a total area of one). Defaults to TRUE if and only if breaks are equidistant (and probability is not specified). See hist


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
logical, indicates whether a correlation matrix among parameters has to be plotted. If the number of parameter sets tried during the optimisation is large, it may require some time.


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
numeric vector, values of the weights to be used for computing the empirical CDFs. See params2ecdf


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
logical, indicates whether the computations have to be made for each column or for each row of x. See params2ecdf


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character expansion factor *relative* to current 'par("cex")'. Used for text, and provides the default for 'pt.cex' and 'title.cex'. Default value = 1.2


character, name for all the parameters (usually only the most sensitive ones) that will be used for plotting pseudo-3D dotty plots
If dp3D.names='auto' half the number of parameters in file are chosen randomly for plotting. See plot_NparOF


numeric, specifies at which values of the objective function the colours of the plot have to change. See plot_NparOF


R function defining the colour ramp to be used for colouring the pseudo-3D dotty plots of Parameter Values, OR character representing those colours. See plot_NparOF


numeric between 0 and 1 representing the transparency level to apply to the colors of the pseudo-3D dotty plots. See plot_NparOF


size of the points to be plotted


character, represents the type of plot. Valid values are: in c("one", "many"), for plotting all the particles in the same figure or in one windows per particle, respectively
See plot_GofPerParticle


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE and the observed values provided by the user were zoo objects. See plot_out and ggof.


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE and the observed values provided by the user were zoo objects. See plot_out and ggof


numeric vector, quantiles to be computed. Default values are c(.025, .5, .975) ( => 2.5%, 50%, 97.5% ). See plot_out


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE
character vector, names to quantiles.desired. Default value is c("Q5", "Q50", "Q95"). See plot_out


See plot_convergence


logical, indicates if all the figures have to be saved into PNG files instead of the screen device


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
numeric, width of the PNG device. See png


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
numeric, height of the PNG device. See png


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
numeric, nominal resolution in ppi which will be recorded in the PNG file, if a positive integer of the device. See png


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the dotty plots of the parameter values.


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the histograms of the parameter values.


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the boxplots of the parameter values


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the empirical CDFs of the parameter values.


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the parameter values vs the number of model evaluations


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the pseudo-3D plots of all the parameters defined in dp3D.names


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the correlation matrix among the parameters and goodness-of-fit values in params and gofs. See plot_particles and hydropairs


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the goodness-of-fit for all the particles along the iterations


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the velocity values vs the number of model evaluations

OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the observed values against its best simulated counterpart. See plot_out


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with some quantiles of simulated values against its observed counterparts. See plot_out


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE
character, filename used to store the PNG file with the convergence measures. See plot_convergence


The function read_results returns a list with the following elements:


numeric with the best parameter set


numeric with the best fitness value of the objective function


data.frame with all the parameter sets tested during the optimisation


numeric with all the fitness values computed during the optimisation (each element in gofs corresponds to one row of params)


numeric or matrix/data.frame with the values of the objective function / model for each particle and iteration. See read_out

numeric with the best model / objective function value. In order to be computed, the user has to provide a valid value for MinMax. See read_out


numeric with the observed values used during the optimisation. See obs


matrix/data.frame with the convergence measures. See read_convergence function


matrix/data.frame with the goodness-of-fit values for all the particles during all the iterations. It has as many columns as parameters to be optimised and as many rows as the number of iterations effectively carried out


Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini,

See Also

hydroPSO, read_best, read_particles, read_velocities, read_out, read_convergence, read_GofPerParticle, plot_ParamsPerIter


# Setting the user home directory as working directory

# Number of dimensions to be optimised
D <- 5

# Boundaries of the search space (Ackley test function)
lower <- rep(-32, D)
upper <- rep(32, D)

# Setting the seed

# Running PSO with the 'ackley' test function, writing the results to text files
hydroPSO(fn=ackley, lower=lower, upper=upper)
# Reading all the results and storing them in a variable
res <- read_results()

# Plotting all the results with a goodness-of-fit value lower than 5
plot_results(MinMax="min", beh.thr=5)

## Not run: 
#######################  SPSO-2007 example START ###############################
# Number of dimensions to be optimised
D <- 10

# boundaries for the test function
lower <- rep(-100, D)      # sphere
#lower <- rep(-5.12, D)    # rastrigin
#lower <- rep(-32, D)      # ackley

fn <- sphere
#fn <-rastrigin
#fn <-ackley

#####   SPSO-2007 parameters   ########
npart  <- 10+floor(2*sqrt(D))
c1     <- 0.5+log(2)
c2     <- 0.5+log(2)
abstol <- 1e-20 
reltol <- 1e-20
maxit  <- 1000

use.IW        <- TRUE
IW.w          <- 1/(2*log(2))
REPORT        <- 100
lambda        <- 1
boundary.wall <- "absorbing2007"

# Setting the user home directory as working directory

# Running PSO  and writing the results to text files

hydroPSO(fn= fn, method="spso2007", lower=lower, upper=-lower,
         control=list(MinMax="min", maxit=maxit, npart=npart,  
                      c1=c1, c2=c2, 
                      use.IW=use.IW, IW.w=IW.w, 
                      topology="random", lambda=lambda, K=3,
                      Xini.type="random", Vini.type="random2007",
                      write2disk=TRUE, plot=FALSE, REPORT=REPORT,
                      abstol=abstol, reltol=reltol 

# Plotting all the results 

#######################  SPSO-2007 example END   ###############################

############### recommended hydroPSO configuration - START #####################

# Running PSO  and writing the results to text files
hydroPSO(fn= fn, method="spso2011", lower=lower, upper=-lower,
         control=list(MinMax="min", maxit=maxit, npart=40, 
                      c1=2.05, c2=2.05, 
                      use.IW=FALSE, use.CF=TRUE, 
                      topology="random", K=11,
                      use.TVlambda=TRUE, TVlambda.rng=c(1, 0.5), 
                      Xini.type="lhs", Vini.type="lhs2011",
                      write2disk=FALSE, plot=FALSE, REPORT=REPORT,
                      abstol=abstol, reltol=reltol 

# compare the final optimum value and the number of function calls with those
# obtained in the SPSO-2007 example

################ recommended hydroPSO configuration - END ######################

## End(Not run)

hzambran/hydroPSO documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 6:02 a.m.