## code to prepare `potential_fn_gradients` dataset goes here
#usethis::use_data(potential_fn_gradients, overwrite = TRUE)
## IDJ -
## use World Mercator projection
proj <- "+proj=merc +units=km +datum=WGS84"
## create world land raster
wm <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = 10, returnclass = "sf")
## set resolution to ensure a sufficiently small file size for the R pkg
## finer resolutions may be more useful for custom applications
y <- terra::rast(crs = sf::st_crs(wm)$wkt,
vals = 1,
resolution = c(0.25, 0.25),
xmin = -180,
xmax = 180,
ymin = -86,
ymax = 84)
x <- terra::rasterize(wm, y, fun = "min")
x <- terra::project(x, proj)
## generate gradient rasters
# set land to NA, water to 1
x[is.na(x)] <- -1
x[x == 1] <- NA
x[x == -1] <- 1
## calculate gradient rasters - these are needed to keep animals off land
dist <- terra::distance(x)
x1 <- terra::terrain(dist, v = "slope", unit = "radians")
y1 <- terra::terrain(dist, v = "aspect", unit = "radians")
grad.x <- -1 * x1 * cos(0.5 * pi - y1)
grad.y <- -1 * x1 * sin(0.5 * pi - y1)
grad <- c(grad.x, grad.y)
## need to use terra::wrap() to export the rasters & terra::unwrap() to import
## from an exported (wrapped) file
grad <- terra::wrap(grad)
save(grad, file = "inst/extdata/grad.rda", compress = "xz")
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