
#' Export emissions to other formats
#' @description Export emissions object according to format of file 'Sources.txt'
#' of the model R-LINE
#' @param Emis Column with the emissions whose unit must be g/ms.
#' @param Z_b initial meters above sea level (m).
#' @param Z_e final meters above sea level (m).
#' @param dCL offset distance for each source relative to the centerline.
#' @param sigmaz0 vertical dispersion (m).
#' @param lanes number of lanes at each street.
#' @param Hw1 Height of the barrier 1 (m).
#' @param dw1 Distance to barrier 1 (m).
#' @param Hw2 height of the barrier 2 (m).
#' @param dw2 Distance to barrier 2 (m).
#' @param Depth Depth of the depression. USed for depressed roadway (m).
#' @param Wtop width of the opening at the top of the depression (m).
#' @param Wbottom width of the roadway at the bottom of the depression (m).
#' @param experimental Boolean argument to denote the use of the experimental
#' features (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @param crs Numeric; Coordenade Reference System to project data or not.
#' @return Data frame with format for R-LINE model.
#' @note Michelle G. Snyder, Akula Venkatram, David K. Heist, Steven G. Perry,
#' William B. Petersen, Vlad Isakov, RLINE: A line source dispersion model
#' for near-surface releases, In Atmospheric Environment, Volume 77, 2013,
#' Pages 748-756, ISSN 1352-2310, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.05.074.
#' @export
#' @examples {
#' data(emisco)
#' emisco <- st_explode(emisco)
#' emisco$V8 <- units::set_units(emisco$V8, "g/ms")
#' Source <- to_rline(Emis = emisco["V8"],
#'                    Z_b =0,
#'                    Z_e =0,
#'                    dCL = 0,
#'                    sigmaz0 = 2,
#'                    lanes = 1)
#' head(Source)
#' write.table(x = Source,
#'             file = paste0(tempdir(), "/Sources.txt"),
#'             row.names = FALSE,
#'             sep = " ",
#'             quote = FALSE)
#' }
to_rline <- function (Emis,
                      experimental = FALSE,
  sdf <- Emis
  x <- sapply(sf::st_set_geometry(sdf, NULL), class)
  if(any(x != "units")){
    stop("All emissions must have units. Check ?units::set_units") # nocov
  sdf$id <- NULL

  if(missing(crs)) {
    dft <- as.data.frame(sf::st_coordinates(sdf))
  } else {
    dft <- as.data.frame(sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_transform(sdf, crs))) # nocov

  lista <- split(x = dft, f = dft$L1)
  df <- do.call("rbind",(lapply(1:length(lista), function(i){
    cbind(names(lista)[i], lista[[i]][1,], lista[[i]][2,])
  names(df) <- c("i", "xa", "ya", "borrar1", "xb", "yb", "borrar2")

  X_b <- df$xa
  Y_b <- df$ya
  X_e <- df$xb
  Y_e <- df$yb
  Emis <- Emis[[1]] #one column with emissions, no more

  if (missing(Emis) | is.null(Emis)) {
    stop ("No 'Emissions'") # nocov
  } else if (experimental){
    df <- data.frame(
      Group = as.character(format(1:length(X_b), width = 5)))
    df$X_b  <- as.character(format(X_b, width = 10))
    df$Y_b  <- as.character(format(Y_b, width = 10))
    df$Z_b <- as.character(format(ifelse(length(Z_b) == 1,
                                         rep(Z_b, length(X_b)),
                                  width = 5))
    df$X_e  <- as.character(format(X_e, width = 10))
    df$Y_e  <- as.character(format(Y_e, width = 10))
    df$Z_e <- as.character(format(ifelse(length(Z_e) == 1,
                                         rep(Z_e, length(X_e)),
                                  width = 5))
    df$dCL <- as.character(format(dCL, width = 5))
    df$sigma0 <- as.character(format(ifelse(length(sigmaz0) == 1,
                                            rep(sigmaz0, length(X_e)),
                                     width = 9))
    df$lanes <- as.character(format(lanes, width = 7))
    df$Emis <- as.character(format(Emis, width = 6))
    df$Hw1 <- as.character(format(Hw1, width = 5))
    df$dw1 <- as.character(format(dw1, width = 5))
    df$Hw2 <- as.character(format(Hw2, width = 5))
    df$dw2 <- as.character(format(dw2, width = 5))
    df$Depth <- as.character(format(Depth, width = 7))
    df$Wtop <- as.character(format(Wtop, width = 7))
    df$Wbottom <- as.character(format(Wbottom, width = 9))
  } else if(experimental == FALSE){
    df <- data.frame(
      Group = as.character(format(1:length(X_b), width = 5)))
    df$X_b  <- as.character(format(X_b, width = 10))
    df$Y_b  <- as.character(format(Y_b, width = 10))
    df$Z_b <- as.character(format(ifelse(length(Z_b) == 1,
                                         rep(Z_b, length(X_b)),
                                  width = 5))
    df$X_e  <- as.character(format(X_e, width = 10))
    df$Y_e  <- as.character(format(Y_e, width = 10))
    df$Z_e <- as.character(format(ifelse(length(Z_e) == 1,
                                         rep(Z_e, length(X_e)),
                                  width = 5))
    df$dCL <- as.character(format(dCL, width = 5))
    df$sigma0 <- as.character(format(ifelse(length(sigmaz0) == 1,
                                            rep(sigmaz0, length(X_e)),
                                     width = 9))
    df$lanes <- as.character(format(lanes, width = 7))
    df$Emis <- as.character(format(Emis, width = 6))
    df$Hw1 <- as.character(format(0, width = 5))
    df$dw1 <- as.character(format(0, width = 5))
    df$Hw2 <- as.character(format(0, width = 5))
    df$dw2 <- as.character(format(0, width = 5))
    df$Depth <- as.character(format(0, width = 7))
    df$Wtop <- as.character(format(0, width = 7))
    df$Wbottom <- as.character(format(0, width = 9))
ibarraespinosa/eixport documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 6:18 a.m.