null.FD: Calculate Null Model of FD values obtained under random...

Description Usage Arguments Value


work in progress to calculate FR ...


null.FD(S, A, it, w = NA)



matrix or data frame of functional traits. Traits can be numeric, ordered, or factor. NAs are tolerated.


matrix containing the abundances of the species in x (or presence-absence, i.e. 0 or 1). Rows are sites and species are columns. NA not tolerated. The number of species (columns) in a must match the number of species (rows) in x. In addition, the species labels in a and x must be identical and in the same order.


number of iterations


vector listing the weights for the traits in x. Can be missing, in which case all traits have equal weights.


comm vector listing the evaluated communities

Rich vector with the observed species richness

FD vector with the observed FD index

null_meanFD vector with the expected mean FD value for that richness level under random conditions

null_sdFD vector with the S.E. of the FD value for that richness level under random conditions

pFD p-value comparing FD and its expected null

Frich vector with the observed FD index

null_meanFrich vector with the expected mean FD value for that richness level under random conditions

null_sdFrich vector with the S.E. of the FD value for that richness level under random conditions

pFrich p-value comparing FD and its expected null

ibartomeus/fundiv documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:29 a.m.