Man pages for iferres/phylen
Search Core Genes Using HMMs, Compute Multiple Alignment, Concatenate And Compute Phylogeny

catHorizConcatenate The Coregenes
catVertConcatenate All Supergenes In A Single Fasta File
compComplements a nucleic acid sequence
computePhyloCompute Phylogeny
download_nog_hmmDownload specific hmm datasets from EggNOG.
extractGffTableExtract the gff3 table and make it 'R'eadable.
extractSeqsFromGff3Extract Sequences from Gff3 file
getFfnFaaExtract CDS gene (DNA) and protein (AA) sequences
getIdsFromStatsGet Pfam Ids From Hmmstats output
hmmSearchRun hmmsearch (HMMER 3)
hmmStatCompute Hmm Stats
list_eggnogdbList available EggNOG db datasets
mafftAlign with MAFFT aligner
phylenCompute Core Genome Alignment And Phylogeny
readDomtbloutProcess hmmsearch output to make it 'R'eadable.
setHMMPrepare Compressed Hmm Files To Hmmsearch
untargzDecompress A Tar.gz File
iferres/phylen documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:04 a.m.