
Defines functions process_varying_aggregation print_raw print.Sequence_List print.Sequence format_sequence.Sequence format_sequence convert_to_sequence aggregate_sequences pre_aggregated get_n_days

Documented in aggregate_sequences convert_to_sequence format_sequence format_sequence.Sequence get_n_days pre_aggregated print_raw print.Sequence print.Sequence_List process_varying_aggregation

#' Aggregation functions
#' A function used by \code{\link{aggregate_sequences}} to get
#' the unit of aggregation
#' @param unit The unit of aggregation. Takes one of c('day', 'week',
#' 'month', '6 months', 'year')
#' @param n_units The number of units to aggregate
#' @return Number of days to aggregate in the input data
#' @examples get_n_days('week', 2)
get_n_days <- function(unit, n_units) {
    if (unit == "day") {
        n_days <- n_units
    } else if (unit == "week") {
        n_days <- n_units * 7
    } else if (unit == "month") {
        n_days <- n_units * 30
    } else if (unit == "6 months") {
        n_days <- n_units * 180
    } else if (unit == "year") {
        n_days <- n_units * 365

#' Aggregation functions
#' Used whenever the df to be analyzed is preaggregated, i.e. the data has already by grouped into periods (corresponding to itemsets).
#' @param df The preaggregated dataframe
#' @param multiset Beta; Logical indicator which controls the exclusion of multiple events within the same event set.
#' @param include_date Logical indicator which controls the inclusion of the date variable in the returning data. If creating reports using the -generate_reports- function of approxmapR, then the dates will be included in the alignment_with_date output file if this argument is equal to TRUE - default value is FALSE.
#' @param summary_stats Logical controlling printing of summary
#' @param output_directory The path to where the exports should be placed.
#' statistics regarding aggregation. Defaults to TRUE
#' @return Returns a dataframe that has the properly classes dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples library(approxmapR)
#' library(tidyverse)
#'demo1 <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", strsplit(as.character(demo1$id.date.item), ",")))
#'names(demo1) <- c("id", "period", "event")
#'# Identifying the earliest date per -id- and setting it as the -index_dt-
#'demo1 <- demo1 %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate(index_dt = min(as.Date(period, "%m/%d/%Y"))) %>% ungroup()
#'# Creating an Index from the earliest date
#'demo1 <- demo1 %>%
#'          mutate(date = as.Date(period, "%m/%d/%Y")) %>%
#'          mutate(period = as.numeric(difftime(date, index_dt, units = "days"))) %>%
#'          select(id, period, event) %>% arrange(id, period)
#'# Aggregating custom aggregation frames with the following groupings:
#'#    [] index date will be first period (1),
#'#    [] the first 28 days after the index date will be grouped into weekly periods (2 - 4), and then
#'#    [] events which occurred on the 29th day or more from the index day will be grouped in a monthly frame (5+)
#'demo1 <- demo1 %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate(date = period,
#'                                          n_ndays7 = period / 7,
#'                                          period = as.integer(case_when(period == 0 ~ 1,
#'                                                             ceiling(n_ndays7) < 5 ~ ceiling(n_ndays7) + 1,
#'                                                             TRUE ~ floor(n_ndays7) + 2))
#'                                          ) %>% select(id, date, period, event)
#'# Since -demo1- has the date column, need to select only the id, period, and event columns if the dates are not
#'#    to be included
#'agg <- demo1 \%>\% select(id, period, event) \%>\% pre_aggregated()
#'# No need to select specific columns if the dates are desired to be included
#'agg <- demo1 \%>\% pre_aggregated(include_date = TRUE)
pre_aggregated <- function(df,
                           include_date = FALSE,
                           multiset = FALSE,
                           summary_stats = TRUE,
                           output_directory = "~") {

  # Converting column data type to required data type if not already required data type
  if (!is.character(df$event))
    df$event = as.character(df$event)

  ## Checking Parameters ##
  if (!include_date){

    if (!(all(names(df) == c("id", "period", "event")))) {
      stop("There should be 3 columns with the names and order of: id, period, and event (all lower case).")

    if (!is.integer(df$period)) {
      stop("The 'period' column needs to be an integer.")

    df <- df %>% arrange(id, period)

    .GlobalEnv$env_dates <- new.env()
    .GlobalEnv$env_dates$df_unaggregated <- df %>% arrange(id, period)

    if (!multiset) {
      df <- df %>% group_by(id, period, event) %>% slice(1)

  } else {

    if (!(all(names(df) == c("id", "date", "period", "event")))) {
      stop("There should be 4 columns with the names and order of: id, date, period, and event (all lower case).")

    df <- df %>% arrange(id, date)

    .GlobalEnv$env_dates <- new.env()
    .GlobalEnv$env_dates$df_unaggregated <- df %>% arrange(id, date)

    if (!multiset) {
      df <- df %>% group_by(id, period, event) %>% slice(1)  %>% arrange(date)


  if (include_date) {
      df <- df %>% arrange(id, date, period)
  } else {
      df <- df %>% arrange(id, period)

  class(df) <- c("Aggregated_Dataframe", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

  # Writing to file
  if (summary_stats) {
    message("Generating summary statistics of aggregated data...")

    output_directory <-
      create_folder(output_directory, "approxmap_results")
    output_directory_public <-
      create_folder(output_directory, "public")
      file_check(output_directory_public, "summary_text.txt")
    split = TRUE)



#' Aggregation functions
#' A dataframe having id, date and event column
#' can be aggregated using this function
#' @param unaggregated_data A dataframe that has exactly 3 columns
#' in this order - id, date, event
#' @param format String specifying format of the date
#' @param calendar Boolean indicating whether or not to use calendar aggregation.
#' Defaults to false
#' @param unit String specifying unit of aggregation. Takes one of c('day', 'week',
#' 'month', '6 months', 'year')
#' @param n_units Integer specifying number of units.
#' @param anchor_table Beta
#' @param anchor_vector Beta
#' @param base_date Beta
#' @param occurence Beta
#' @param multiset Beta; Logical indicator which controls the exclusion of multiple events within the same event set.
#' @param include_date Logical indicator which controls the inclusion of the date variable in the returning data. If creating reports using the -generate_reports- function of approxmapR, then the dates will be included in the alignment_with_date output file if this argument is equal to TRUE - default value is FALSE.
#' @param summary_stats Logical controlling printing of summary
#' @param output_directory The path to where the exports should be placed.
#' statistics regarding aggregation. Defaults to TRUE
#' @return Aggregated dataframe that has sequence id, itemset (period) and event (item)
#' @export
#' @examples library(approxmapR)
#'# This will aggregate the data using a 6-month frame, i.e. all events which occurred
#'#    in 6-months will be grouped into an event set
#' mvad %>% aggregate_sequences(format = '%Y-%m-%d', unit = 'month', n_units = 6)
aggregate_sequences <-
             format = "%m-%d-%Y",
             calendar = FALSE,
             index_date = FALSE,
             unit = "week",
             n_units = 1,
             anchor_table = NA,
             anchor_vector = NA,
             base_date = NA,
             occurence = min,
             multiset = FALSE,
             include_date = FALSE,
             summary_stats = TRUE,
             output_directory = "~") {

        n_days <- get_n_days(unit, n_units)

        names(unaggregated_data) <- c("id", "date", "event")

        if (index_date) {

          unaggregated_data2 <- unaggregated_data

        } else {

          unaggregated_data2 <- unaggregated_data %>% mutate(date = readr::parse_date(date, format))

        .GlobalEnv$env_dates <- new.env()
        .GlobalEnv$env_dates$df_unaggregated <- unaggregated_data2 %>% arrange(id,date)

        if (!is.na(anchor_table) || !is.na(anchor_vector)) {
            if (is.data.frame(anchor_table)) {
                names(anchor_table) <- c("id", "anchor_date")

                anchor_table <-
                    anchor_table %>% mutate(anchor_date =
                                                readr::parse_date(anchor_date, format))

            } else if (!is.na(anchor_vector)) {
                anchor_table <-
                    unaggregated_data2 %>% filter(event %in% anchor_vector) %>%
                    group_by(id) %>%
                    summarise(anchor_date = min(date))

            aggregated_data <-
                unaggregated_data2 %>% left_join(anchor_table, by = "id") %>%
                group_by(id) %>%
                    n_ndays = (date - anchor_date) / n_days,
                    agg_n_ndays = if_else(n_ndays < 0, floor(n_ndays),
                    agg_n_ndays = if_else(agg_n_ndays == 0, 1, agg_n_ndays)
                ) %>% arrange(id,
                              agg_n_ndays) %>% mutate(agg_period = dense_rank(agg_n_ndays))

        } else if (calendar) {
            aggregated_data <-
                unaggregated_data2 %>%
                mutate(agg_date = lubridate::floor_date(date,
                                                               " ", unit, "s"))) %>%
                group_by(id) %>%
                mutate(agg_period = dense_rank(agg_date))

        } else if (!is.na(base_date)) {
            if (typeof(base_date) == "closure") {
                base_date <- base_date(unaggregated_data2$date)

            aggregated_data <-
                unaggregated_data2 %>% mutate(
                    n_ndays = (date - base_date) / n_days,
                    agg_n_ndays = if_else(n_ndays <
                                              0, floor(n_ndays), ceiling(n_ndays)),
                    agg_n_ndays = if_else(agg_n_ndays == 0, 1, agg_n_ndays)
                ) %>%
                group_by(id) %>% arrange(id, agg_n_ndays) %>%
                mutate(agg_period = dense_rank(agg_n_ndays))

        } else if (index_date) {

            aggregated_data <-
                unaggregated_data2 %>%
                group_by(id) %>%
                    n_ndays = date / (as.numeric(n_days) / (60 * 60 * 24)),
                    agg_n_ndays = if_else(n_ndays < 0, floor(n_ndays), ceiling(n_ndays)),
                    agg_n_ndays = if_else(agg_n_ndays == 0, 1, agg_n_ndays)
                ) %>%
                print() %>%
                arrange(id, agg_n_ndays) %>%
                mutate(agg_period = dense_rank(agg_n_ndays))

        }  else {
            aggregated_data <-
                unaggregated_data2 %>%
                group_by(id) %>%
                    n_ndays = (date - occurence(date)) / n_days,
                    agg_n_ndays = if_else(n_ndays < 0, floor(n_ndays), ceiling(n_ndays)),
                    agg_n_ndays = if_else(agg_n_ndays == 0, 1, agg_n_ndays)
                ) %>%
                print() %>%
                arrange(id, agg_n_ndays) %>%
                mutate(agg_period = dense_rank(agg_n_ndays))

        if (!multiset) {
            aggregated_data <-
                aggregated_data %>% group_by(id, agg_period, event) %>% slice(1)

        if (include_date) {
            aggregated_data <-
                aggregated_data %>% select(id, date, period = agg_period, event) %>%
                arrange(id,period, date, event)
        } else {
            aggregated_data <-
                aggregated_data %>% select(id, period = agg_period, event) %>%
                arrange(id, period, event)

        class(aggregated_data) <-
            c("Aggregated_Dataframe", class(aggregated_data))
        if (summary_stats) {
            message("Generating summary statistics of aggregated data...")

            output_directory <-
                create_folder(output_directory, "approxmap_results")
            output_directory_public <-
                create_folder(output_directory, "public")
                file_check(output_directory_public, "summary_text.txt")
            split = TRUE)


#' Dataframe to sequence
#' @param df_seq The aggregated dataframe that has the sequence ids, itemset ids and events.
#' @return Returns a dataframe with a sequence object
#' (and a formatted sequence for readability)
#' corresponding to each id
#' @export
#' @examples pre_agg_demo %>%
#' pre_aggregated %>%
#' convert_to_sequence()
convert_to_sequence <- function(df_seq) {
    if (!"Aggregated_Dataframe" %in% class(df_seq)) {
        warning("Are you sure the sequence dataframe you passed is already aggregated?")

    # since the items have to be aggregated into itemsets and itemsets, into sequences,
    # this method has 2
    # mutate calls to do that all while ensuring the classes are appropriately maintained
    df_seq <-
        df_seq %>% group_by(id) %>% nest(.key = "nested_id") %>% mutate(
            sequence = map(nested_id,
                           function(df_id) {
                               seqs <-
                                   df_id %>% group_by(period) %>%
                                   nest(.key = "list_data") %>%
                                   mutate(seqs = map(list_data,
                                                     function(itemset) {
                                                         events <- itemset$event
                                                         class(events) <-
                                                     })) %>% pull(seqs)
                               class(seqs) <-
                                   c("Sequence", class(seqs))
            sequence_formatted = map_chr(sequence, format_sequence)
        ) %>% select(id, sequence, sequence_formatted)
    names(df_seq$sequence) <- df_seq$id
    class(df_seq$sequence) <-
        c("Sequence_List", class(df_seq$sequence))


#' Print methods
#' A generic function that print methods use to display formatted results.
#' @param x A sequence,w_sequence, w_sequence_list,
#' w_sequence_pattern or a w_sequence_dataframe object
#' @param ... Additional parameters to the function that is invoked
#' @export
format_sequence <- function(x, ...) {

#' Print methods
#' @param sequence A Sequence object
#' @return Returns the sequence as a formatted string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sequences <- pre_agg_demo %>% pre_aggregated() %>%
#'     convert_to_sequence() %>% pull(sequence)
#' format_sequence(sequences[[1]])
format_sequence.Sequence <- function(sequence) {
    sequence <- sequence %>% map_chr(function(itemset) {
        itemset <- str_c(itemset, collapse = ", ")
        paste0("(", itemset, ")")
    }) %>% str_c(collapse = " ")
    paste0("<", sequence, ">")

#' Print methods
#' @param sequence A Sequence object
#' @return Null. Just prints the sequence as a formatted string
#' using the format_sequence method
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sequences <- pre_agg_demo %>% pre_aggregated() %>%
#'     convert_to_sequence() %>% pull(sequence)
#' print(sequences[[1]])
print.Sequence <- function(sequence) {
    sequence %>% format_sequence() %>% cat()

#' Print methods
#' @param sequence A Sequence object
#' @return Null. Just prints the sequence as a formatted string
#' using the format_sequence method
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sequences <- pre_agg_demo %>% pre_aggregated() %>%
#'     convert_to_sequence()
#' sequences <- sequences$sequence
#' print(sequences)
print.Sequence_List <- function(sequences) {
    if (is.null(names(sequences))) {
        warning("id for the sequences not present")
        walk(sequences, function(sequence_obj) {
            cat(format_sequence(sequence_obj), "\n")
    } else {
        walk2(sequences, names(sequences), function(sequence_obj, id) {
            cat(id, ": ", format_sequence(sequence_obj), "\n")

#' Print methods
#' Just a method to override default print and print the raw data structure.
#' Can be used to examine what it looks like internally
#' @param obj Any object (useful for s3 classes)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sequences <- pre_agg_demo %>% pre_aggregated() %>%
#'     convert_to_sequence() %>% pull(sequence)
#' print_raw(sequences[[1]])
print_raw <- function(obj) {
    obj %>% unclass() %>% print()

process_varying_aggregation <- function(df, scheme = 1) {

  if (scheme == 1) {
  # scheme 1 is the original variable index length, i.e.:
  #   period 1 is the index date,
  #   periods 2 - 5 are grouped by 7 days,
  #   period 6+ are grouped by 30 days

    df <- df %>% group_by(id) %>%
                 mutate(n_ndays7 = date / 7,
                        date_shifted_28 = if_else(date >= 29, date - 28, 0),
                        monthly_period = ceiling(date_shifted_28 / 30),
                        period = case_when(date == 0 ~ 1,
                                           date <= 28 ~ ceiling(n_ndays7) + 1,
                                           date >= 29 ~ monthly_period + 5)) %>% ungroup() %>%
                        select(-n_ndays7, -date_shifted_28, -monthly_period)

  } else if (scheme == 2) {
    # scheme 2 is:
    #   period 1 is the index date,
    #   period 2+ are grouped month

    df <- df %>% group_by(id) %>%
                 mutate(n_ndays = date / 30,
                        period = as.integer(case_when(date == 0 ~ 1,
                                                      ceiling(n_ndays) < 5 ~ ceiling(n_ndays) + 1,
                                                      TRUE ~ floor(n_ndays) + 2))) %>% ungroup() %>%

  } else if (scheme == 3) {
    # scheme 3 is:
    # periods 1 - 4 are grouped by 7 days,
    # periods 5 + are grouped by 30 days

    df <- df %>% group_by(id) %>%
                 mutate(date_shifted_1 = date + 1,
                        date_shifted_28 = if_else(date_shifted_1 >= 29, date_shifted_1 - 28, 0),
                        n_ndays7 = date_shifted_1 / 7,
                        monthly = date_shifted_28 / 30,
                        monthly_period = ceiling(monthly),
                        period = if_else(monthly_period < 1, ceiling(n_ndays7), 4 + monthly_period)) %>% ungroup() %>%
                select(-date_shifted_1, -date_shifted_28, -n_ndays7, -monthly, -monthly_period)



ilangurudev/approxmapR documentation built on March 22, 2022, 1:15 p.m.