
# This file collects all methods applicable for generating artificial samples.
# Each function has the signature function(data, n){}, where
# - data is a data.frame with only integer columns and
# - n is the number of generated observations.
# The functions return data.frames
# - with n observations and
# - all columns of data plus one column "status" with
#       status = 0 for all observations.
# - and rownames starting with "SYNTHETIC"

#' compdist_uniform
#' @description a function that generates artificial data with equally
#'    distributed variables
#' @details The comparison functions are needed to apply algorithms from
#'    supervized learning. There are many possible functions approximating
#'    comparison distributions. Some are implemented here.
#'    Each function has the signature function(data, n){}, where
#'      - data is a data.frame with only integer columns and
#'      - n is the number of generated observations.
#'    The functions return data.frames
#'    - with n observations and
#'    - all columns of data plus one column "status" with
#'          status = 0 for all observations.
#'    - and rownames starting with "SYNTHETIC"
#' @param data a data.frame with data, that should be emulated
#' @param n the number of emulated observations
#' @return a data.frame like the input (but with generated observations) and an
#'    additional column status=0
#' @export

compdist_uniform <- function(data, n){
  res <- lapply(data, FUN = function(x, n){
    vec <- runif(n = n, min = min(x), max = max(x))
    vec <- round(vec)
  n = n)
  res <- as.data.frame(res)
  res$status <- 0
  rownames(res) <- paste0("SYNTHETIC",

#' compdist_estimated_uncorellated
#' @description a function that generates artificial data, that are distributed
#'    like the uncorellated empirical distribution of the original data
#' @details The comparison functions are needed to apply algorithms from
#'    supervized learning. There are many possible functions approximating
#'    comparison distributions. Some are implemented here.
#'    Each function has the signature function(data, n){}, where
#'      - data is a data.frame with only integer columns and
#'      - n is the number of generated observations.
#'    The functions return data.frames
#'    - with n observations and
#'    - all columns of data plus one column "status" with
#'          status = 0 for all observations.
#'    - and rownames starting with "SYNTHETIC"
#' @param data a data.frame with data, that should be emulated
#' @param n the number of emulated observations
#' @return a data.frame like the input (but with generated observations) and an
#'    additional column status=0
#' @export

compdist_estimated_uncorellated <- function(data, n){
  res <- lapply(data, FUN = function(x, n){
    set <- sort(unique(x))
    prob <- table(x) / sum(table(x))
    vec <- sample(x = set,
                  size = n,
                  replace = TRUE,
                  prob = prob)
  n = n)
  res <- as.data.frame(res)
  res$status <- 0
  rownames(res) <- paste0("SYNTHETIC",
imbs-hl/MDRDist documentation built on May 18, 2019, 4:45 a.m.