
Defines functions polarPlot

Documented in polarPlot

#' Polar plot
#' Draws a polar plot.
#' @export
#' @param seqtime sequence of time values (equivalent to the x axis).
#' @param seqval sequence of values of interest (radial axis, equivalent to
#' the y axis).
#' @param rad radius of the circle.
#' @param from starting point of the circle.
#' @param to ending point of the circle.
#' @param incr increment used to draw the circle.
#' @param atc the points at which tick-marks are to be drawn. By default (when
#' `NULL`) tickmark locations are computed.
#' @param labelc character or expression vector of labels to be placed at the
#' tickpoints.
#' @param atr the points at which radial-axis marks are to be drawn.
#' @param tckcol color of the tickmarks.
#' @param labelr character or expression vector specifying the _text_ to be
#' placed at the radial-axis marks.
#' @param clockwise logical. If TRUE, the plot must de read clockwise,
#' otherwise, counter-clockwise.
#' @param n_signif number of significant numbers to be displayed (used when
#' labelc is `NULL`).
#' @param add logical. add to current plot?
#' @param ... additional argument to be passed to `polygon` function.
#' @details
#' Polar Plot
#' @seealso \code{\link[plotrix]{polar.plot}}
#' @examples
#' polarPlot(1:40, stats::runif(40), to = 1.9 * pi, col = "grey30", border = "grey80")
polarPlot <- function(seqtime, seqval = NULL, rad = 1, from = 0, to = 2 * pi,
    incr = 0.005, labelc = NULL, tckcol = 1, atc = NULL, labelr = NULL,
    atr = NULL, clockwise = TRUE, n_signif = 2, add = FALSE, ...) {

    # format checking
    seqtime <- as.matrix(seqtime)
    if (ncol(seqtime) > 1L) {
        seqval <- seqtime[, -1L]
        seqtime <- seqtime[, 1L]
    } else {
        seqval <- as.matrix(seqval)
    stopifnot(length(seqtime) == length(seqval[]))
    if (from > to) {
        stop("Error: from>to, to use counter-clockwise direction, use 'clockwise' argument !")
    if (to > 2 * pi) {
        warning("to>2*pi, unexpected outputs migh be generated!", call = FALSE)

    # to polar coordinates
    rgtime <- range(seqtime)
    rgval <- prettyRange(seqval)
    lgv <- floor(log(rgval[2L] - rgval[1L]))
    seqtp <- -0.5 * pi + from + (to - from) * (seqtime - rgtime[1L]) / 
        (rgtime[2L] - rgtime[1L])
    if (clockwise) {
        seqtp <- 2 * from - seqtp
    seqvp <- rad * (seqval - rgval[1L]) / (rgval[2L] - rgval[1L])

    # plot
    if (!add) {
        par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
        plot.window(1.2 * c(-1, 1), 1.2 * c(-1, 1), asp = 1)

    # circles
    for (i in rad / 5 * seq_len(5 - 1)) {
        circles(0, 0, rad * i, col = NA, lwd = 0.5 +
            0.5 * i, lty = 2)
    circles(0, 0, rad, lwd = 1, col = NA)
    points(0, 0, pch = 20, col = "grey45")

    # lines
    polygon(c(0, seqvp * cos(seqtp), 0), c(0, seqvp * sin(seqtp), 0), ...)

    ## --- Points at start and end
    points(seqvp[1L] * cos(seqtp[1L]), seqvp[1L] * sin(seqtp[1L]),
        pch = 19,
        cex = 1.2
    lv <- length(seqval)
    points(seqvp[lv] * cos(seqtp[lv]), seqvp[lv] * sin(seqtp[lv]), pch = 20)

    # values labels
    if (is.null(labelr)) {
        labelr <- round(seq(rgval[1L], rgval[2L], length.out = 6),
            digits = -lgv + 2
    if (!any(is.na(labelr))) {
        text(rep(0, 6), -0.2 * 0:5,
            cex = 1.1, pos = 3

    # Circular ticks
    mangle <- -0.5 * pi + from + (0:6) / 6 * (to - from)
    if (clockwise) {
        mangle <- 2 * from - mangle
    graphics::segments(cos(mangle), sin(mangle), 1.05 * cos(mangle),
        1.05 * sin(mangle))

    # Circular values
    if (is.null(labelc)) {
        labelc <- as.graphicsAnnot(signif(seq(rgtime[1L], rgtime[2L],
            length.out = 7
        ), n_signif))
    } else {
        labelc <- as.graphicsAnnot(labelc)
    if (!any(is.na(labelc))) {
        if (mangle[1L] %% (2 * pi) == mangle[length(mangle)] %% (2 * pi)) {
            mg1 <- mangle[1L]
            mgl <- mangle[length(mangle)]
            graphics::text(1.15 * cos(mg1), 1.15 * sin(mg1), labelc[1L],
                pos = 4,
                cex = 1.15, col = tckcol
            text(1.15 * cos(mgl), 1.15 * sin(mgl), labelc[length(labelc)],
                pos = 2, cex = 1.15, col = tckcol
            mangle <- mangle[-c(1L, length(mangle))]
            labelc <- labelc[-c(1L, length(labelc))]
        text(1.15 * cos(mangle), 1.15 * sin(mangle), labelc,
            cex = 1.15,
            col = tckcol
inSileco/graphicsutils documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 11:13 p.m.