
Defines functions download_acoustic_dataset

Documented in download_acoustic_dataset

#' Download acoustic data package
#' Download all acoustic data related to an **animal project** as a data
#' package that can be deposited in a research data repository. Includes option
#' to filter on scientific names.
#' The data are downloaded as a
#' **[Frictionless Data Package](https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/data-package/)**
#' containing:
#' file | description
#' --- | ---
#' `animals.csv` | Animals related to an `animal_project_code`, optionally filtered on `scientific_name`(s), as returned by `get_animals()`.
#' `tags.csv` | Tags associated with the selected animals, as returned by `get_tags()`.
#' `detections.csv` | Acoustic detections for the selected animals, as returned by `get_acoustic_detections()`.
#' `deployments.csv` | Acoustic deployments for the `acoustic_project_code`(s) found in detections, as returned by `get_acoustic_deployments()`. This allows users to see when receivers were deployed, even if these did not detect the selected animals.
#' `receivers.csv` | Acoustic receivers for the selected deployments, as returned by `get_acoustic_receivers()`.
#' `datapackage.json` | A [Frictionless Table Schema](https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/table-schema/) metadata file describing the fields and relations of the above csv files. This file is copied from [here](https://github.com/inbo/etn/blob/master/inst/assets/datapackage.json) and can be used to validate the data package.
#' The function will report the number of records per csv file, as well as the
#' included scientific names and acoustic projects. Warnings will be raised for:
#' - Animals with multiple tags
#' - Tags associated with multiple animals
#' - Deployments without acoustic project: these deployments will not be listed
#'   in `deployments.csv` and will therefore raise a foreign key validation
#'   error.
#' - Duplicate detections: detections with the duplicate `detection_id`. These
#'   are removed by the function in `detections.csv`.
#' **Important**: The data are downloaded _as is_ from the database, i.e. no
#' quality or consistency checks are performed by this function. We therefore
#' recommend to verify the data before publication. A consistency check can be
#' performed by validation tools of the Frictionless Framework, e.g.
#' `frictionless validate datapackage.json` on the command line using
#' [frictionless-py](https://github.com/frictionlessdata/frictionless-py).
#' @param connection A connection to the ETN database. Defaults to `con`.
#' @param animal_project_code Character. Animal project you want to download
#'   data for. Required.
#' @param scientific_name Character (vector). One or more scientific names.
#'   Defaults to no all (all scientific names, include "Sync tag", etc.).
#' @param directory Character. Relative path to local download directory.
#'   Defaults to creating a directory named after animal project code. Existing
#'   files of the same name will be overwritten.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set default connection variable
#' con <- connect_to_etn()
#' # Download data for the 2012_leopoldkanaal animal project (all scientific names)
#' download_acoustic_dataset(animal_project_code = "2012_leopoldkanaal")
#' #> Downloading data to directory `2012_leopoldkanaal`:
#' #> * (1/6): downloading animals.csv
#' #> * (2/6): downloading tags.csv
#' #> * (3/6): downloading detections.csv
#' #> * (4/6): downloading deployments.csv
#' #> * (5/6): downloading receivers.csv
#' #> * (6/6): adding datapackage.json as file metadata
#' #>
#' #> Summary statistics for dataset `2012_leopoldkanaal`:
#' #> * number of animals:           104
#' #> * number of tags:              103
#' #> * number of detections:        2215243
#' #> * number of deployments:       1968
#' #> * number of receivers:         454
#' #> * first date of detection:     2012-07-04
#' #> * last date of detection:      2021-09-02
#' #> * included scientific names:   Anguilla anguilla
#' #> * included acoustic projects:  albert, Apelafico, bpns, JJ_Belwind, leopold, MOBEIA, pc4c, SPAWNSEIS, ws2, zeeschelde
#' #>
#' #> Warning message:
#' #> In download_acoustic_dataset(animal_project_code = "2012_leopoldkanaal") :
#' #> Found tags associated with multiple animals: 1145373
#' }
download_acoustic_dataset <- function(connection = con,
                                      scientific_name = NULL,
                                      directory = animal_project_code) {
  # Check connection

  # Check animal_project_code
    length(animal_project_code) == 1,
    msg = "`animal_project_code` must be a single value."
  animal_project_code <- check_value(
    lowercase = TRUE

  # Check scientific_name
  if (!is.null(scientific_name)) {
    scientific_name <- check_value(

  # Start downloading
  dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  message(glue::glue("Downloading data to directory `{directory}`:"))

  message("* (1/6): downloading animals.csv")
  # Select on animal_project_code and scientific_name
  animals <- get_animals(
    connection = connection,
    animal_project_code = animal_project_code,
    scientific_name = scientific_name
  readr::write_csv(animals, file.path(directory, "animals.csv"), na = "")

  # TAGS
  message("* (2/6): downloading tags.csv")
  # Select on tags associated with animals
  tag_serial_numbers <-
    animals %>%
    distinct(.data$tag_serial_number) %>%
    pull() %>%
    # To parse out multiple tags (e.g. "A69-9006-904,A69-9006-903"), combine
    # all tags and split them again on comma
    paste(collapse = ",") %>%
    strsplit("\\,") %>%
    unlist() %>%
  tags <- get_tags(
    connection = connection,
    tag_serial_number = tag_serial_numbers
  readr::write_csv(tags, file.path(directory, "tags.csv"), na = "")

  message("* (3/6): downloading detections.csv")
  # Select on animal_project_code and scientific_name
  detections <- get_acoustic_detections(
    connection = connection,
    animal_project_code = animal_project_code,
    scientific_name = scientific_name,
    limit = FALSE
  # Keep unique records
  detections_orig_count <- nrow(detections)
  detections <-
    detections %>%
    distinct(.data$detection_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
  readr::write_csv(detections, file.path(directory, "detections.csv"), na = "")

  message("* (4/6): downloading deployments.csv")
  # Select on acoustic_project_codes found in detections to get all deployments,
  # including those without detections for animal_project_code
  acoustic_project_codes <-
    detections %>%
    distinct(.data$acoustic_project_code) %>%
    pull() %>%
  deployments <- get_acoustic_deployments(
    connection = connection,
    acoustic_project_code = acoustic_project_codes,
    open_only = FALSE
  # Remove linebreaks in deployment comments to get single lines in csv:
  deployments <-
    deployments %>%
      comments = stringr::str_replace_all(.data$comments, "[\r\n]+", " ")
    file.path(directory, "deployments.csv"),
    na = ""

  message("* (5/6): downloading receivers.csv")
  # Select on receivers associated with deployments
  receiver_ids <-
    deployments %>%
    distinct(.data$receiver_id) %>%
  receivers <- get_acoustic_receivers(
    connection = connection,
    receiver_id = receiver_ids
  readr::write_csv(receivers, file.path(directory, "receivers.csv"), na = "")

  message("* (6/6): adding datapackage.json as file metadata")
  datapackage <- system.file("assets", "datapackage.json", package = "etn")
    file.path(directory, "datapackage.json"),
    overwrite = TRUE

  # Create summary stats
  scientific_names <-
    animals %>%
    distinct(.data$scientific_name) %>%
    pull() %>%

    glue::glue("\nSummary statistics for dataset `{animal_project_code}`:")
  message("* number of animals:           ", nrow(animals))
  message("* number of tags:              ", nrow(tags))
  message("* number of detections:        ", nrow(detections))
  message("* number of deployments:       ", nrow(deployments))
  message("* number of receivers:         ", nrow(receivers))
  if (nrow(detections) > 0) {
      "* first date of detection:     ",
      detections %>% dplyr::summarize(min(as.Date(.data$date_time))) %>% pull()
      "* last date of detection:      ",
      detections %>% dplyr::summarize(max(as.Date(.data$date_time))) %>% pull()
  } else {
    message("* first date of detection:     ", NA)
    message("* last date of detection:      ", NA)
    "* included scientific names:   ",
    paste(scientific_names, collapse = ", ")
    "* included acoustic projects:  ",
    paste(acoustic_project_codes, collapse = ", ")

  # Create warnings
  animals_multiple_tags <-
    animals %>%
    filter(stringr::str_detect(.data$tag_serial_number, ",")) %>%
    distinct(.data$animal_id) %>% # Should be unique already

  tags_multiple_animals <-
    animals %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$tag_serial_number) %>%
    filter(dplyr::n() > 1) %>%
    distinct(.data$tag_serial_number) %>%

  orphaned_deployments <-
    detections %>%
    filter(.data$acoustic_project_code %in% c("no_info", "none")) %>%
    distinct(.data$deployment_id) %>%

  duplicate_detections_count <- detections_orig_count - nrow(detections)

  if (length(animals_multiple_tags) > 0) {
      "Found animals with multiple tags: ",
      paste(animals_multiple_tags, collapse = ", ")
  if (length(tags_multiple_animals) > 0) {
      "Found tags associated with multiple animals: ",
      paste(tags_multiple_animals, collapse = ", ")
  if (length(orphaned_deployments) > 0) {
      "Found deployments without acoustic project: ",
      paste(orphaned_deployments, collapse = ", ")
  if (duplicate_detections_count > 0) {
      "Found and removed duplicate detections: ",
      " detections"
inbo/etn documentation built on Dec. 5, 2023, 4:17 a.m.