
# functions to retrieve basic stock information (e.g. age, areas, etc.)

#' Functions to retrieve basic information about Gadget stocks
#' @param stocks A list of class \code{gadget_stock} or a list of class
#' \code{gadget_stocks} containing one (or typically more)
#' lists of class \code{gadget_stock}
#' @param what2get Character vector of which component of a stockfile to get.
#' @param item Optional. A character vector of a specific item within a
#' Gadget stockfile component to retrieve
#' @return A vector of values found in the Gadget stock file possibly coerced to
#' numeric if appropriate
#' @name get_stock_info
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cod <- read_gadget_stockfiles("cod", path = gad_mod_dir)
#' get_stock_ages(cod)
#' get_stock_areas(cod)
#' get_stocknames(cod)
#' get_stock_lengths(cod)
#' get_stock_anything(cod, "spawning")
#' get_stock_anything(cod, "spawning", item = "recruitment")
#' get_stock_anything(cod, "dl")
get_stock_anything <- function(stocks, what2get, item = NULL) {
    if ("gadget_stock" %in% class(stocks)) {
		tmp <- tryCatch(as.numeric(stocks[[what2get]]),
					warning = function(w) return(stocks[[what2get]]),
					error = function(e) return(stocks[[what2get]])
		if (!is.null(item)) {
		} else {
	} else if ("gadget_stocks" %in% class(stocks)) {
	    return(unique(unlist(lapply(stocks, get_stock_anything,
	                                what2get = what2get))))
	} else {
	    stop("You must supply a list of class gadget_stock or gadget_stocks ",
	         "and something to fetch")

#' @rdname get_stock_info
#' @export
get_stock_ages <- function(stocks) {
    if ("gadget_stock" %in% class(stocks)) {
	} else if ("gadget_stocks" %in% class(stocks)) {
        return(unique(unlist(lapply(stocks, get_stock_ages))))
    } else {
        stop("You must supply a list of class gadget_stock or gadget_stocks")

#' @rdname get_stock_info
#' @export
get_stock_areas <- function(stocks) {
    if ("gadget_stock" %in% class(stocks)) {
	} else if ("gadget_stocks" %in% class(stocks)) {
        return(unique(unlist(lapply(stocks, get_stock_areas))))
    } else {
        stop("You must supply a list of class gadget_stock or gadget_stocks")

#' @rdname get_stock_info
#' @export
get_stocknames <- function(stocks) {
    if ("gadget_stock" %in% class(stocks)) {
	} else if ("gadget_stocks" %in% class(stocks)) {
        return(unique(unlist(lapply(stocks, get_stocknames))))
    } else {
        stop("You must supply a list of class gadget_stock or gadget_stocks")

#' @rdname get_stock_info
#' @export
get_stock_lengths <- function(stocks) {
    if ("gadget_stock" %in% class(stocks)) {
                   by = as.numeric(stocks$dl)))
	} else if ("gadget_stocks" %in% class(stocks)) {
        minlength <-
                                                function(x) x$minlength)))))
        maxlength <-
                                                function(x) x$maxlength)))))
        dl <-
            min(as.numeric(unique(unlist(lapply(stocks, function(x) x$dl)))))
        return(seq(minlength, maxlength, by = dl))
    } else {
        stop("You must supply a list of class gadget_stock or gadget_stocks")
inspktrgadget/gadgetSim documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:51 a.m.