update_freq <- function(tripid, new_stoptimes, gtfs_data, all_tripids){
# Update new_stoptimes
new_stoptimes <- update_dt(tripid, data.table::copy(new_stoptimes)
, gtfs_data
, all_tripids)
return(new_stoptimes) # nocov
if (test_gtfs_freq(gtfs_data) =='simple') {
new_stoptimes[, trip_number := tripid ]
return(new_stoptimes) # nocov
# Get freq info for that trip
# tripid <- "8700-21-0"
freq_temp <- subset(gtfs_data$frequencies, trip_id == all_tripids[tripid])
if(dim(freq_temp)[1] == 0) return(new_stoptimes)
# number of trips
freq_temp[, service_duration := abs(end_time[1] - start_time[1])]
freq_temp[, number_of_departures := ceiling(service_duration / headway_secs)]
# update number of trips
freq_temp[, start_trip_number := data.table::shift(cumsum(number_of_departures),1,0) +1]
freq_temp[, end_trip_number := start_trip_number + number_of_departures - 1]
# get all start times of each period
starttimes <- freq_temp$start_time #- new_stoptimes$cumtime[newstop_t0[1]-1]
# functions
update_newstoptimes <- function(starttimes, freq_temp){
update_departure_stoptimes <- function(i, dt_list){
# Update 1st departure time
dt_list[[i]][ departure_time == data.table::first(departure_time),
departure_time := starttimes[1]]
# Updating all other stop times according to travel speed and distances
dt_list[[i]][, departure_time := departure_time[1L] + cumtime + cumsum(lag)]
dt_list[[i]][, arrival_time := departure_time - lag]
# dt_list[[i]][, departure_time := departure_time[1L] +
# stats::lag(cumtime,1,0)]
# Updating all stop times by adding the headway
dt_list[[i]][, departure_time := round(departure_time + ((i - 1) * thisheadway))]
dt_list[[i]][, arrival_time := round(arrival_time + ((i - 1) * thisheadway))]
dt_list[[i]][, trip_number := departure_list[i]]
#starttimes <- starttimes[1]
# Get headway of each start_time
thisheadway <- subset(freq_temp, start_time == starttimes[1])$headway_secs
nmber_of_departures <- subset(freq_temp, start_time == starttimes[1])$number_of_departures
if(length(nmber_of_departures) == 0 || is.na(nmber_of_departures)){
message(paste0("Trip '", tripid, "' has zero departures. Ignoring it.")) # nocov
return(NULL) # nocov
# if(nmber_of_departures < 0) nmber_of_departures <- -nmber_of_departures
# # list of departures
# departure_list <- 1:nmber_of_departures
# list of departures
departure_list <- subset(freq_temp, start_time == starttimes[1])[,c(start_trip_number,end_trip_number)]
departure_list <- departure_list[1]:departure_list[2]
# # Replicate one new_stop_times for each departure
# all_departures <- rep(list(new_stoptimes), nmber_of_departures)
dt_list <- replicate(nmber_of_departures, list(data.table::copy(new_stoptimes)))
# Function to update stoptimes of each departure
dt_list <- lapply(seq_along(departure_list), update_departure_stoptimes, dt_list)
# Apply function and return the stop times of all departures from that period
departure_stoptimes <- lapply(X = seq_along(dt_list), FUN = update_departure_stoptimes, dt_list)
departure_stoptimes <- data.table::rbindlist(departure_stoptimes)
departure_stoptimes[,trip_id := paste0(trip_id,"#",trip_number)]
#departure_stoptimes <- lapply(X = departure_list, FUN = update_departure_stoptimes) |> data.table::rbindlist()
new_stoptimes <- lapply(starttimes, update_newstoptimes, freq_temp)
new_stoptimes <- data.table::rbindlist(new_stoptimes)
#departure_stoptimes <- update_newstoptimes_freq(starttime)
update_dt <- function(tripid, new_stoptimes, gtfs_data, all_tripids){
# internal test
# tripid <- "176-1@1#1800" all_tripids[1]
# add trip_id
new_stoptimes[, trip_id := all_tripids[tripid]]
# add cummulative distance
new_stoptimes[, cumdist := cumsum(dist)]
# subset original stoptimes to get original travel_times btwn stops
stoptimes_temp <- gtfs_data$stop_times[trip_id == all_tripids[tripid]]
# add departure_time based on stop sequence
new_stoptimes[stoptimes_temp, on = 'stop_sequence', `:=`(
'departure_time' = i.departure_time,
'arrival_time' = i.arrival_time)]
# get a 'stop_sequence' of the stops which have proper info on 'departure_time'
stop_id_ok <- gtfs_data$stop_times[trip_id == all_tripids[tripid] &
is.na(departure_time) == FALSE,]$stop_sequence
# ignore trip_id if original departure_time values are missing
if(is.null(length(stop_id_ok)) == TRUE | length(stop_id_ok) == 1 | length(stop_id_ok) == 0){
message(paste0("Trip '", all_tripids[tripid], "' has less than two stop_ids. Ignoring it.")) # nocov
return(NULL) # nocov
new_stoptimes[, speed := numeric()]
# lim0: 'id' in which stop_times intervals STARTS
lim0 <- new_stoptimes[ !is.na(departure_time) & !is.na(stop_id), id]
new_points <- data.table::copy(new_stoptimes[lim0, ])
new_points[, departure_time := arrival_time]
new_points[, id := id - 0.1]
new_stoptimes[lim0, dist := 0]
new_stoptimes <- rbind(new_stoptimes, new_points)
data.table::setorder(new_stoptimes, "id")
new_stoptimes$id <- 1:dim(new_stoptimes)[1]
new_stoptimes[, timestamp := data.table::as.ITime(departure_time)]
new_stoptimes[1, speed := 1e-12]
new_stoptimes[lim0 + 1, speed := 1e-12]
new_stoptimes[, cumtime := 0]
new_stoptimes[, time := 0]
last_point_was_stop <- FALSE
lim0 <- new_stoptimes[ !is.na(timestamp) & !is.na(stop_id), id]
# function for speed estimation
update_speeds <- function(i){
a <- lim0[i]
b <- lim0[i + 1]
diff_timestamp <- new_stoptimes$timestamp[b] - new_stoptimes$timestamp[a]
if(diff_timestamp < 0) diff_timestamp <- diff_timestamp + 86400 # one day in seconds
if(a + 1 == b && !last_point_was_stop) {
last_point_was_stop <<- TRUE
value <- new_stoptimes[a, cumtime] + diff_timestamp
new_stoptimes[b, cumtime := value]
new_stoptimes[b, speed := 1e-12]
return() # two consecutive points with arrival_time don't need to be interpolated
new_speed <- (new_stoptimes$cumdist[b] - new_stoptimes$cumdist[a]) / as.numeric(diff_timestamp) # m/s
new_stoptimes[a:b, speed := 3.6 * new_speed] # km/h
time_a <- new_stoptimes[a, cumtime]
new_stoptimes[a:b, time := (cumdist - data.table::shift(cumdist, 1)) / new_speed]
new_stoptimes[a, time := time_a] # necessary because the shift above will produce NA
new_stoptimes[a:b, cumtime := cumsum(time)]
new_stoptimes[a, speed := 1e-12]
new_stoptimes[a:(b-1), timestamp := data.table::first(timestamp) + round(cumtime - data.table::first(cumtime))]
last_point_was_stop <<- FALSE
lapply(1:(length(lim0) - 1), FUN = update_speeds)
new_stoptimes[is.na(speed), cumtime := NA]
new_stoptimes[, time := NULL]
# Get lag
#new_stoptimes[!is.na(departure_time) & !is.na(stop_id)
# ,lag := departure_time - arrival_time]
#new_stoptimes[is.na(lag), lag := 0]
# Speed info that was missing (either before or after 1st/last stops)
# Get trip duration in seconds
# new_stoptimes[, cumtime := cumsum(3.6 * dist / speed)]
# reorder columns
data.table::setcolorder(new_stoptimes, c("trip_id", "route_type", "id",
"shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat",
"departure_time", "stop_id",
"stop_sequence", "dist", "cumdist",
"speed", "cumtime"))
# distance from trip start to 1st stop
# dist_1st <- new_stoptimes[id == lim0[1]]$cumdist # in m
# get the depart/arrival time from 1st stop
#departtime_1st <- as.numeric(new_stoptimes[id == lim0[1]]$departure_time)
#departtime_1st <- departtime_1st - (3.6 * dist_1st / new_stoptimes$speed[1]) # time in seconds
# arrival_1st <- as.numeric(new_stoptimes[id == lim0[1]]$arrival_time)
# arrival_1st <- arrival_1st - (3.6 * dist_1st / new_stoptimes$speed[1]) # time in seconds
# Determine the start time of the trip (time stamp the 1st GPS point of the trip)
#suppressWarnings(new_stoptimes[id == 1, departure_time := round(departtime_1st)])
# suppressWarnings(new_stoptimes[id == lim0[1], arrival_time := round(arrival_1st)])
# recalculate time stamps, except the given 'departure_time's from stop sequences
#stop_id_nok <- which(is.na(new_stoptimes$departure_time))
# update indexes in 'newstoptimes'
# new_stoptimes[, departure_time := departure_time[lim0[1]] + cumtime + cumsum(lag)]
# new_stoptimes[, arrival_time := departure_time - lag]
# round
# new_stoptimes[, timestamp := round(timestamp)]
# new_stoptimes[, arrival_time := round(arrival_time)]
message(paste0("Could not create stop times for trip '",
all_tripids[tripid], "'. Ignoring it.")) # nocov
else if(dim(new_stoptimes)[1] == 0)
message(paste0("Trip '", all_tripids[tripid],
"' has zero GPS points. Ignoring it.")) # nocov
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