test_that("gtfs2gps", {
poa <- system.file("extdata/poa.zip", package="gtfs2gps")
poa_gps_0 <- read_gtfs(poa) |>
adjust_arrival_departure() |>
gtfstools::filter_by_weekday(c("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday")) |>
gtfs2gps(parallel = FALSE, spatial_resolution = 50)
expect_equal(sum(units::drop_units(poa_gps_0$cumtime), na.rm = TRUE), 212843109, 0.01)
expect_equal(sum(units::drop_units(poa_gps_0$speed), na.rm = TRUE), 3079200, 0.01)
expect_equal(sum(units::drop_units(poa_gps_0$cumdist), na.rm = TRUE), 1447649389, 0.01)
my_dim_0 <- dim(poa_gps_0)[1]
expect_equal(my_dim_0, 128543)
poa_gps <- poa_gps_0[units::drop_units(speed) > 0 & units::drop_units(cumtime) >= 0 & !is.na(speed),]
my_dim <- dim(poa_gps)[1]
expect_equal(my_dim, 126660)
my_length <- length(poa_gps$dist[which(!units::drop_units(poa_gps$dist) < 50)])
expect_equal(my_length, 0)
expect_equal(sum(units::drop_units(poa_gps$dist)), 4085722, 0.1)
expect_true(poa_gps$trip_number[1] == 1)
expect_true(poa_gps$trip_number[126660] == 88)
expect_true(all(names(poa_gps) %in%
c("trip_id", "route_type", "id", "shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat", "trip_number",
"timestamp", "stop_id", "stop_sequence", "dist", "shape_id", "cumdist", "speed", "cumtime")))
expect_true(all(poa_gps$dist >= units::set_units(0, "m")))
expect_true(all(poa_gps$cumdist >= units::set_units(0, "m")))
expect_true(all(poa_gps$speed >= units::set_units(0, "km/h")))
expect_true(all(poa_gps$cumtime >= units::set_units(0, "s")))
poa_gps <- read_gtfs(poa) |>
gtfstools::filter_by_weekday(c("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday")) |>
gtfs2gps(spatial_resolution = 50)
#poa_shape <- read_gtfs(poa) |> gtfs_shapes_as_sf()
#poa_gps_shape <- gps_as_sf(poa_gps)
#write_sf(poa_shape, "poa_shape.shp")
#write_sf(poa_gps_shape, "poa_gps_shape.shp")
my_dim <- dim(poa_gps)[1]
total <- 128543
expect_equal(my_dim, total)
poa_gps <- poa_gps[units::drop_units(speed) > 0 & units::drop_units(cumtime) > 0 & !is.na(speed) & !is.infinite(speed),]
expect_true(all(na.omit(units::drop_units(poa_gps$speed) > 0)))
my_dim <- dim(poa_gps)[1]
expect_equal(my_dim, 126272)
my_length <- length(poa_gps$dist[which(!(units::drop_units(poa_gps$dist) < 50))])
expect_equal(my_length, 0)
expect_equal(sum(units::drop_units(poa_gps$dist)), 516072, 1)
expect_true(poa_gps$trip_number[1] == 1)
expect_true(poa_gps$trip_number[126272] == 88)
expect_true(all(names(poa_gps) %in%
c("trip_id", "route_type", "id", "shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat", "trip_number",
"timestamp", "stop_id", "stop_sequence", "dist", "shape_id", "cumdist", "speed", "cumtime")))
expect_true(all(poa_gps$dist >= units::set_units(0, "m")))
expect_true(all(poa_gps$cumdist >= units::set_units(0, "m")))
expect_true(all(poa_gps$speed >= units::set_units(0, "km/h")))
expect_true(all(poa_gps$cumtime >= units::set_units(0, "s")))
poa_gps_30 <- read_gtfs(poa) |>
gtfstools::filter_by_weekday(c("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday")) |>
gtfs2gps(spatial_resolution = 30)
expect_equal(dim(poa_gps_30)[1], 200560)
expect(dim(poa_gps_30)[1] > dim(poa_gps)[1], "more spatial_resolution is not decreasing the number of points")
# save into file
poa_simple <- read_gtfs(poa) |>
gtfstools::filter_by_shape_id(c("T2-1", "A141-1"))
poa_gps <- gtfs2gps(poa_simple, filepath = ".", spatial_resolution = 50)
poa_gps <- gtfs2gps(poa, filepath = ".", continue = TRUE, spatial_resolution = 50)
files1 <- list.files(".", pattern = "\\.txt$")
names <- gsub('.{4}$', '', files1)
# poa_shape <- gtfs_shapes_as_sf(read_gtfs(poa))
# expect_setequal(poa_shape$shape_id[2:3], names[c(1,4)])
poa_gps <- gtfs2gps(poa, filepath = ".", compress = TRUE, spatial_resolution = 50)
files2 <- list.files(".", pattern = "\\.rds$")
names2 <- gsub('.{4}$', '', files2)
data1 <- data.table::fread(files1[1])
# note how the types are converted
data1[, timestamp := as.ITime(timestamp)]
data1[, stop_id := as.character(stop_id)]
data1[, trip_number := as.double(trip_number)]
data2 <- readRDS(files2[1])
expect_true(all(data1$trip_id == data2$trip_id))
# poa_shape <- gtfs_shapes_as_sf(read_gtfs(poa))
# expect_setequal(poa_shape$shape_id[2:3], names[c(1,4)])
sp <- system.file("extdata/saopaulo.zip", package="gtfs2gps")
expect_error(gtfs2gps(sp, continue = TRUE), "Cannot use argument 'continue' without passing a 'filepath'.", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(gtfs2gps(sp, compress = TRUE), "Cannot use argument 'compress' without passing a 'filepath'.", fixed = TRUE)
# sp <- system.file("extdata/saopaulo.zip", package="gtfs2gps")
# sp2 <- gtfstools::read_gtfs(sp)
# sp3 <- gtfstools::frequencies_to_stop_times(sp2)
# sp_gps <- sp3 |>
# adjust_arrival_departure()
# gtfstools::write_gtfs(sp3, "sp3.zip")
# sp4 <- read_gtfs("sp3.zip")
# sp_gps <- sp4 |>
# gtfstools::filter_by_shape_id(52072) |>
# gtfstools::filter_by_weekday(c("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday")) |>
# filter_single_trip() |>
# gtfs2gps(parallel = FALSE, spatial_resolution = 15)
# expect_true(all(names(sp_gps) %in%
# c("trip_id", "route_type", "id", "shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat", "trip_number",
# "timestamp", "stop_id", "stop_sequence", "dist", "shape_id", "cumdist", "speed", "cumtime")))
# expect_true(all(sp_gps$trip_number %in% 1:17))
# my_dim <- dim(sp_gps)[1]
# total <- 287078
# if(my_dim %in% c(261935, 265771, 274311)) total <- my_dim # Linux differences
# expect_equal(my_dim, total)
# expect_true(all(sp_gps$dist >= units::set_units(0, "m")))
# expect_true(all(sp_gps$cumdist >= units::set_units(0, "m")))
# expect_equal(length(sp_gps$speed > units::set_units(0, "km/h")), total)
# expect_equal(length(sp_gps$cumtime > units::set_units(0, "s")), total)
# # messages when gtfs2gps cannot convert all shapes nor all trips
# gtfs <- read_gtfs(sp) |>
# gtfstools::filter_by_shape_id(52000:52200) |>
# gtfstools::filter_by_weekday(c("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday")) |>
# filter_single_trip()
# gtfs$stop_times <- gtfs$stop_times[-(300:390), ]
# result <- gtfs2gps(gtfs, parallel = TRUE, spatial_resolution = 15)
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