gtfs2gps_dt_freq2 <- function(gtfszip, week_days = TRUE){
###### PART 1. Load and prepare data inputs ------------------------------------
# Read GTFS data
gtfs_data <- read_gtfs(gtfszip = gtfszip)
# Filter trips keep only services operating on week days
if( week_days == TRUE ){
gtfs_data <- filter_week_days(gtfs_data)
# Convert all shapes into sf object
shapes_sf <- gtfs_shapes_as_sf(gtfs_data)
# all shape ids
all_shapeids <- unique(shapes_sf$shape_id)
# # Progress bar start
# total <- length(all_shapeids)
# pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
###### PART 2.1 Core function to work on each Shape id ------------------------------------
corefun <- function(shapeid){
# #get a list of all trip ids
# all_shapeids <- unique(shapes_sf$shape_id) %>% all_shapeids[1:100]
# shapeid <- all_shapeids[1]
# # Progress bar input
# i <- match(c(shapeid), all_shapeids)
# # Progress bar update
# utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
# Check if there is a route associated with that shape
# Skip shape_id IF there is no route_id associated with that shape_id
routeid <- gtfs_data$trips[shape_id==shapeid]$route_id[1]
# message(paste0('skipping ', shapeid))
# Select corresponding route, route type, stops and shape of that trip
routeid <- gtfs_data$trips[shape_id==shapeid]$route_id[1]
routetype <- gtfs_data$routes[route_id ==routeid ]$route_type
# trips
trips_temp <- gtfs_data$trips[shape_id== shapeid & route_id== routeid, ]
all_tripids <- unique(trips_temp$trip_id)
# stops sequence with lat long
# each shape_id only have one stop sequence
stops_seq <- gtfs_data$stop_times[trip_id == all_tripids[1], .(stop_id, stop_sequence)] # get stop sequence
stops_seq[gtfs_data$stops, on= "stop_id", c('stop_lat', 'stop_lon') := list(i.stop_lat, i.stop_lon)] # add lat long info
# convert stops to sf
stops_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(stops_seq, coords = c('stop_lon', 'stop_lat'), agr="identity")
# shape
shape_sf_temp <- subset(shapes_sf, shape_id == shapeid)
# mapview(shape_sf_temp) + stops_sf
# Use point interpolation to get shape with higher spatial resolution
shp_length <- shape_sf_temp %>% sf::st_sf() %>% sf::st_set_crs(4326) %>% sf::st_length() %>% as.numeric() # in meters
spatial_resolution <- 15/1000
sampling <- shp_length / spatial_resolution
# ERROR? shape_sf_temp <- sf::st_line_sample(shape_sf_temp, n = sampling ) %>% sf::st_cast("LINESTRING")
shape_sf_temp2 <- sf::st_segmentize(shape_sf_temp, units::set_units(spatial_resolution, "km") ) %>% sf::st_cast("LINESTRING")
# get shape points in high resolution
new_shape <- sf::st_cast(shape_sf_temp2, "POINT", warn=F) %>% sf::st_sf()
# snap stops to route shape
sf::st_crs(stops_sf) <- sf::st_crs(new_shape)
stops_snapped_sf <- cpp_snap_points(stops_sf %>% sf::st_coordinates(), new_shape %>% sf::st_coordinates())
# update stops_seq lat long with snapped coordinates
stops_seq$stop_lon <- stops_snapped_sf$x
stops_seq$stop_lat <- stops_snapped_sf$y
### Start building new stop_times.txt file
# get shape points in high resolution
new_stoptimes <- data.table::data.table(shape_id = new_shape$shape_id[1],
id = 1:nrow(new_shape),
route_type = routetype,
shape_pt_lon = sf::st_coordinates(new_shape)[,1],
shape_pt_lat = sf::st_coordinates(new_shape)[,2])
# Add stops to shape ( fixing issue of issue #17 of routes that are closed circuits represented on a single line)
# new_stoptimes[stops_seq, on=c(shape_pt_lat="stop_lat"), c('stop_id', 'stop_sequence') := list(i.stop_id, i.stop_sequence) ]
# # make sure 1st stop has postion 1
# new_stoptimes$stop_sequence[which(!$stop_sequence))][1] <- 1
max_stoptimes <- dim(new_stoptimes)[1]
max_stops_seq <- dim(stops_seq)[1]
j <- 1
for(i in 1:max_stoptimes){
if(all.equal(new_stoptimes$shape_pt_lon[i], stops_seq$stop_lon[j], 0.000001) == TRUE &&
all.equal(new_stoptimes$shape_pt_lat[i], stops_seq$stop_lat[j], 0.000001) == TRUE){
new_stoptimes[i, "stop_id"] <- stops_seq[j, "stop_id"]
new_stoptimes[i, "stop_sequence"] <- stops_seq[j, "stop_sequence"]
j <- j + 1
###check if everything is Ok
##kept path
# a <- new_stoptimes[, .(shape_pt_lon, shape_pt_lat)] %>% as.matrix %>% sf::st_linestring()
# plot(a)
## stop sequence is Ok
# a <- na.omit(new_stoptimes)
# plot(a$stop_sequence)
# plot(stops_seq$stop_sequence)
# a$stop_sequence == stops_seq$stop_sequence
# calculate Distance between successive points
# using C++ : Source:
new_stoptimes[, dist := rcpp_distance_haversine(shape_pt_lat, shape_pt_lon, data.table::shift(shape_pt_lat, type="lead"), data.table::shift(shape_pt_lon, type="lead"), tolerance = 10000000000.0)]
###### PART 2.2 Calculate new stop_times for all departures of each each trip id / Shape id ------------------------------------
# Each shape id only has one trip id
# For each shape_id/trip_trip, the service frequency varies across different period of the day
### Create a GPS-like data set of the trip
tripid <- all_tripids
###### 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
# if(exists("frequencies") & length(all_tripids)==1)
# add trip_id and route_id
new_stoptimes[, trip_id := tripid]
# Add departure_time
new_stoptimes[gtfs_data$stop_times, on = c('trip_id', 'stop_id'), 'departure_time' := i.departure_time]
# make sure 1st departure_time is the first (problems may occur when the 1st and last stopd of the route are the same)
first_departtime <- subset(gtfs_data$stop_times, trip_id ==tripid & stop_sequence==1)$departure_time
new_stoptimes$departure_time[which(!$departure_time))][1] <- first_departtime
# Get trip duration between 1st and last stop
time_at_first_stop <- new_stoptimes[!, data.table::first(departure_time)]
time_at_last_stop <- new_stoptimes[!, data.table::last(departure_time)]
trip_duration <- difftime(time_at_last_stop, time_at_first_stop, units="hours")
# Get trips distance between 1st and last stop ( in KM)
id_first_stop <- new_stoptimes[departure_time==time_at_first_stop]$id
id_last_stop <- new_stoptimes[departure_time==time_at_last_stop]$id
trip_dist <- new_stoptimes[ id %between% list(id_first_stop, id_last_stop), sum(dist)] /1000 # in Km
# Trip average speed (in Km/h)
trip_speed <- trip_dist / as.numeric(trip_duration)
# reorder columns
data.table::setcolorder(new_stoptimes, c("trip_id", "route_type", "id", "shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat", "departure_time", "stop_id", "stop_sequence", "dist"))
# add cummulative distance in KM
new_stoptimes[, cumdist := cumsum(dist)/1000]
# find position of first non-missing departure_time
pos_non_NA <- new_stoptimes$departure_time
pos_non_NA <- Position(function(pos_non_NA) !, pos_non_NA)
# distance from trip start to 1st stop
dist_1st <- new_stoptimes[id== pos_non_NA]$cumdist/1000 # in Km
# get the depart time from 1st stop
departtime_1st <- new_stoptimes[id== pos_non_NA]$departure_time
departtime_1st <- departtime_1st - (dist_1st/trip_speed*60) # time in seconds
# Determine the start time of the trip (time stamp of the 1st GPS point of the trip)
# DELETE class(new_stoptimes$departure_time)
suppressWarnings(new_stoptimes[id==1, departure_time := departtime_1st ] )
# recalculate time stamps for a general example (what we really need is the time elapsed between points)
# new_stoptimes[ departure_time== departure_time[1L], departure_time := departure_time[1L] ]
new_stoptimes[ , departure_time := data.table::as.ITime(data.table::first(departure_time) + ( cumdist/trip_speed*3600)) ] #get travel time in seconds
# QUEBRA / juncao
# Get freq info for that trip
freq_temp <- subset(gtfs_data$frequencies, trip_id== tripid)
# number of trips
freq_temp[, service_duration := as.numeric(difftime(freq_temp$end_time[1], freq_temp$start_time[1], units="secs")) ]
freq_temp[, number_of_departures := ceiling(service_duration/headway_secs) ]
# get all start times of each period
all_starttimes <- freq_temp$start_time
###### PART 2.2 Function to calculate new stop_times for all departures of each each trip id / Shape id ------------------------------------
update_newstoptimes_freq <- function(starttime){
# starttime <- all_starttimes[2]
# Get headway of each start_time
thisheadway <- subset(freq_temp, start_time== starttime)$headway_secs
nmber_of_departures <- subset(freq_temp, start_time== starttime)$number_of_departures
# list of departures
departure_list <- 1:nmber_of_departures
# # Replicate one new_stop_times for each departure
# all_departures <- rep(list(new_stoptimes), nmber_of_departures)
dt_list <- replicate(nmber_of_departures, list(data.table::copy(new_stoptimes)))
# Function to update stoptimes of each departure
update_departure_stoptimes <- function(i){
# i <- 4
# Update 1st departure time
dt_list[[i]][ departure_time==data.table::first(departure_time), departure_time := data.table::as.ITime(starttime)]
# Updating all other stop times according to travel speed and distances
dt_list[[i]][, departure_time:= data.table::as.ITime(departure_time[1L] + ( cumdist/ trip_speed*3660))]
# Updating all stop times by adding the headway
dt_list[[i]][, departure_time:= data.table::as.ITime(departure_time + ((i-1)* thisheadway)) ]
# Apply function and return the stop times of all departures from that period
departure_stoptimes <- lapply(X=seq_along(dt_list), FUN= update_departure_stoptimes) %>% data.table::rbindlist()
# apply 2.2 function to all trip ids of a certain shape id
shape_stoptimes <- lapply(X=all_starttimes, update_newstoptimes_freq) %>% data.table::rbindlist()
# clean memory
gc(reset = TRUE)
###### PART 3. Apply Core function in parallel to all shape ids------------------------------------
# Parallel processing using future.apply
output <- future.apply::future_lapply(X = all_shapeids, FUN = corefun, future.packages = c('data.table', 'sf', 'Rcpp', 'magrittr')) %>% data.table::rbindlist()
# output <- lapply(X = all_shapeids, FUN = corefun) %>% data.table::rbindlist()
### Single core
# all_shapeids <- all_shapeids[1:3]
# output2 <- pbapply::pblapply(X = all_shapeids, FUN=corefun) %>% data.table::rbindlist()
# # closing progress bar
# close(pb)
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