
# test_30_season_data.R
# Version 2.0.1
# By default, these tests run locally, without making HTTP connections to the
# FIRST API server. To run test that firstapiR connects to the FIRST API
# server, create character vectors named "username" and "key" in the console
# and set their values to the username and key assigned to you by FIRST. Then
# run the tests from the console using testthat::test_dir() or
# testthat::test_file().

context("firstapiR Season Data Functions")

# Check if the symbols username and key are defined.
sess_http_valid <- FALSE
sess_local <- GetSession("username", "key", season=2016)
if(exists("username") & exists("key")) {
  sess_http <- GetSession(username, key, season=2016)
  sess_http_valid <- TRUE

# GetServerStatus() ============================================================
test_that("GetStatus() returns a local data frame", {
  status <- GetServerStatus(sess_local)

  expect_is(status, "Status")
  expect_equal(attr(status, "url"),
  expect_equal(nrow(status), 1)
  expect_equal(length(status), 3)
  expect_equal(names(status), c("name", "version", "status"))

test_that("GetServerStatus returns a data frame via HTTP", {
  if(!sess_http_valid) skip("No username or authorization key")

  status <- GetServerStatus(sess_http)
  expect_is(status, "Status")

# GetSeason() ==================================================================
test_that("GetSeason() returns a local data frame", {
  season <- GetSeason(sess_local)

  expect_is(season, "Season")
  expect_equal(attr(season, "url"),
  expect_equal(nrow(season), 1)
  expect_equal(length(season), 8)
  expect_equal(names(season), c("eventCount", "gameName", "kickoff",
                                "rookieStart", "teamCount",

test_that("GetSeason() returns a data frame via HTTP", {
  if(!sess_http_valid) skip("No username or authorization key")

  season <- GetSeason(sess_http)
  expect_is(season, "Season")

# GetDistricts() ===============================================================
test_that("GetDistricts() returns a local data frame", {
  dst <- GetDistricts(sess_local)

  expect_is(dst, "Districts")
  expect_equal(attr(dst, "url"),
  expect_equal(nrow(dst), 10)
  expect_equal(length(dst), 3)
  expect_equal(names(dst), c("code", "name", "districtCount"))

test_that("GetDistricts() returns a data frame via HTTP", {
  if(!sess_http_valid) skip("No username or authorization key")

  dst <- GetDistricts(sess_http)
  expect_is(dst, "Districts")

# GetEvents() ==================================================================
test_that("GetEvents() returns local data frame", {
  evt <- GetEvents(sess_local, district = "PNW")
  expect_is(evt, "Events")
  expect_equal(attr(evt, "url"),
            "events?districtCode=PNW", sep = ""))
  expect_equal(length(evt), 13)
  expect_equal(nrow(evt), 10)


test_that("GetEvents() returns a data frame via HTTP", {
  if(!sess_http_valid) skip("No username or authorization key")

  evt <- GetEvents(sess_http, event = "WAAMV")
  expect_equal(nrow(evt), 1)
  expect_equal(evt$code, "WAAMV")

  evt <- GetEvents(sess_http, exclude_district = TRUE)
  expect_equal(nrow(evt), 70)

  evt <- GetEvents(sess_http, district = "PNW", team = "1318")
  expect_equal(nrow(evt), 4)

# GetTeams() ===================================================================
test_that("GetTeams() returns a local data frame", {
  tms <- GetTeams(sess_local, state = "Idaho")
  expect_is(tms, "Teams")
  expect_equal(length(tms), 14)
  expect_equal(nrow(tms), 15)

test_that("GetTeams() returns a data frame via HTTP", {
  if(!sess_http_valid) skip("No username or authorization key")

  tms <- GetTeams(sess_http, district = "PNW")
  expect_is(tms, "Teams")
  expect_equal(nrow(tms), 158)

test_that("GetTeams() throws errors or warnings for incorrect arguments", {
  expect_error(GetTeams(sess_local, team = 1318, event = "WAAMV"),
              "If you specify a team, you cannot specify any other arguments")
  expect_warning(GetTeams(sess_local, district = "PNW", page=2),
              "Do not specify GetTeams page argument for data frame format")

test_that("only_mod_since and mod_since return NA when set to current time", {
  if(!sess_http_valid) skip("No username or authorization key")

  mod_date <- httr::http_date(Sys.time())

  teams <- GetTeams(sess_http, event = "ORPHI", mod_since = mod_date)
  expect_equal(attr(teams, "mod_since"), mod_date)
irwinsnet/firstapiR documentation built on Dec. 22, 2020, 5:13 p.m.